Greg Schiano = Steve Jobs at Apple

OP needs to be banned. There's zero reason for this thread, other than to serve as an embarrassment.
I don’t know about being banned, but I think we can all agree he certainly needs something.

‘Cause if he was gettin’ that somethin’ he wouldn’t be around as much.
I don’t know about being banned, but I think we can all agree he certainly needs something.

‘Cause if he was gettin’ that somethin’ he wouldn’t be around as much.
I guess he didn't get that wife he was asking about.
One thing I remember is early on, GS had high level recruits visiting here — higher level than I expected given the state of the program. Didn’t close many of them in the beginning but even when Rutgers sucked big time, he was able to generate interest in the program with highly rated prospects.

Haven’t seen much of that under the present regime.

Ash did get Micah and Bo, so you have to credit him for those two gets. The issue is we haven’t gotten anyone else of that caliber. That’s a problem because we’re playing in the Big Ten. You cant win with smoke and mirrors when you have a schedule as difficult as ours. PSU, OSU, ND, and Michigan are landing many NJ players. Well never land everyone, but we need to land our share. 0 out of the NJ Top 10 for at least two straight years is a red flag.
Not sure if Greg is ever coming back. But Al is right about one thing in his post and its the most important thing. Greg sold a vision of what Rutgers Football could be and got folks to believe that vision.

I was one of those believers, and i would bring friends to games when it was fun started to believe in Rutgers. All of that momentum is now gone.

That vision is sorely lacking now.
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Ash did get Micah and Bo, so you have to credit him for those two gets. The issue is we haven’t gotten anyone else of that caliber. That’s a problem because we’re playing in the Big Ten. You cant win with smoke and mirrors when you have a schedule as difficult as ours. PSU, OSU, ND, and Michigan are landing many NJ players. Well never land everyone, but we need to land our share. 0 out of the NJ Top 10 for at least two straight years is a red flag.
You forgot Artur.

Historically, how has that "cailber" delivered compared to well-selected and developed 2 and 3 stars?

Anthony Davis, Kenny Britt, Leonte Carroo delivered on their ratings. (Missing anyone?)
OTOH- Teel, Rice, McCourtys, Burton, Clark Harris, Kroft, Turay, Longa, etc delivered well beyond their ratings.

Not saying we don't go for the 4 and 5 star players, but our track record with the ones we get is not great.
I’d say the majority of the fan base would think this is a good idea, if we were to have to look for a new coach. He won’t have to work 100 hr weeks anymore because he’s got a track record of success, most recently coaching Ohio States defense. He’d be welcome with open arms in most NJ schools, especially Don Bosco. He’ll work smarter not harder this go round. We are a different school that is yearning for the same success that only he can provide.

There is no next Schiano because he’s one of a kind. He can be Rutgers Joe Paterno.

The fact that the majority of our battered fans may want it (I doubt this is true) doesn't make it a good idea.

The rest shows how dumb this is. Of course you have to work hard. You are basically admitting you want Schiano, who has really accomplished very little as an HC, to come in and rest on his laurels? Recruit based on his reputation??

This has to be a joke. Far better coaches than Schiano have been unable to recruit on their reputations. Recruiting, and success takes hard work. No way around it. Not a failed HC coming back to collect a pay check.
He’d be welcome with open arms in most NJ schools, especially Don Bosco.
There is no next Schiano because he’s one of a kind. He can be Rutgers Joe Paterno.

Don Bosco- the high school he left flapping in the breeze while he was off to his next gig. Left four prized recruits and the coaches of Don Bosco waiting around for him because he did not have the decency to even send a text indicating that "something came up" and he would not be making the meeting. That was a real dick move, regardless of his getting a new job. You don't do that to people. Relationships and how you treat others can be everything, and this was just a plain selfish and thoughtless way to go out.
One thing I remember is early on, GS had high level recruits visiting here — higher level than I expected given the state of the program. Didn’t close many of them in the beginning but even when Rutgers sucked big time, he was able to generate interest in the program with highly rated prospects.

Haven’t seen much of that under the present regime.

Ash did get Micah and Bo, so you have to credit him for those two gets. The issue is we haven’t gotten anyone else of that caliber. That’s a problem because we’re playing in the Big Ten. You cant win with smoke and mirrors when you have a schedule as difficult as ours. PSU, OSU, ND, and Michigan are landing many NJ players. Well never land everyone, but we need to land our share. 0 out of the NJ Top 10 for at least two straight years is a red flag.

Is that the only red flag you see with Ash?
Is that the only red flag you see with Ash?
Don Bosco- the high school he left flapping in the breeze while he was off to his next gig. Left four prized recruits and the coaches of Don Bosco waiting around for him because he did not have the decency to even send a text indicating that "something came up" and he would not be making the meeting. That was a real dick move, regardless of his getting a new job. You don't do that to people. Relationships and how you treat others can be everything, and this was just a plain selfish and thoughtless way to go out.

Greg has a great relationship with Mike Teel, who is the head coach at Don Bosco, and he’s learned from his mistakes. Landing a career opportunity if a lifetime is a mitigating circumstance. After all, Greg is a football coach, he ain’t Jesus.
Not sure if Greg is ever coming back. But Al is right about one thing in his post and its the most important thing. Greg sold a vision of what Rutgers Football could be and got folks to believe that vision.

I was one of those believers, and i would bring friends to games when it was fun started to believe in Rutgers. All of that momentum is now gone.

That vision is sorely lacking now.

We give Greg 4.5 Million, and he’ll come back. This is what Tennessee had in his contract.
Greg has a great relationship with Mike Teel, who is the head coach at Don Bosco, and he’s learned from his mistakes. Landing a career opportunity if a lifetime is a mitigating circumstance. After all, Greg is a football coach, he ain’t Jesus.

You should post contact information for the blonde Polish girl so we can warn her about what a dick you may become if you ever get "a career opportunity if a lifetime".

Proper behavior is not circumstantial. Your mother raised you wrong.
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The fact that the majority of our battered fans may want it (I doubt this is true) doesn't make it a good idea.

The rest shows how dumb this is. Of course you have to work hard. You are basically admitting you want Schiano, who has really accomplished very little as an HC, to come in and rest on his laurels? Recruit based on his reputation??

This has to be a joke. Far better coaches than Schiano have been unable to recruit on their reputations. Recruiting, and success takes hard work. No way around it. Not a failed HC coming back to collect a pay check.

Working hard is understood. But He won’t have to work as hard because he’ll be landing more of his first and second choice recruits. It took him less effort to land the 2012 class, which Flood ultimately got signed, then it did the 2002 class, because he’s got results and credibility to his name.
You should post contact information for the blonde Polish girl so we can warn her about what a dick you may become if you ever get "a career opportunity if a lifetime".

Proper behavior is not circumstantial. Your mother raised you wrong.

He’s not perfect and neither are you, so get off your high horse.
The Season Ticket waiting list was a myth. My Firm had no problem purchasing Season Tickets immediately despite being advised that there was a waiting list.
Greg has a great relationship with Mike Teel, who is the head coach at Don Bosco, and he’s learned from his mistakes. Landing a career opportunity if a lifetime is a mitigating circumstance. After all, Greg is a football coach, he ain’t Jesus.
Nothing mitigates proper decorum and human decency. It's an indicator that at least at that particular time Greg was a narcissist and only cared about himself and sneaking out in the dead of night, leaving the program and prized recruits high and dry. As I said, relationships and reputation are everything.
I can forgive and forget, but this particular incident really irked me. How do you know he learned from his mistakes?
Nothing mitigates proper decorum and human decency. It's an indicator that at least at that particular time Greg was a narcissist and only cared about himself and sneaking out in the dead of night, leaving the program and prized recruits high and dry. As I said, relationships and reputation are everything.
I can forgive and forget, but this particular incident really irked me. How do you know he learned from his mistakes?

It was an understandable mistake given the context of the situation.

He has gone on to recruit effectively with Ohio State, pulling Tyler Friday from Don Bosco and Jean-Baptiste from Bergen Catholic.
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I'd have had the decency to not leave the Bosco crew standing around waiting for me not to show up.

It's not about "perfect". It's about not being an asshole.

asshole is part of the requirement to be a successful coach. But it is wrong to leave people high and dry. But its a minor transgression given the context of the situation.
It was an understandable mistake given the context of the situation.

He has gone on to recruit effectively with Ohio State, pulling Tyler Friday from Don Bosco and Jean-Baptiste from Bergen Catholic.
You will admit the logo on his present red pullover had something to do with it too, yes?
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You will admit the logo on his present red pullover had something to do with it too, yes?

He beat Alabama and Notre Dame for these players. Sure the logo helped. But good recruiters are good recruiters. And he has always been a good recruiter, whether it was PSU, Miami, Rutgers, and now OSU.
asshole is part of the requirement to be a successful coach. But it is wrong to leave people high and dry. But its a minor transgression given the context of the situation.

I've met far more head coaches than you. Ya know who isn't an asshole? Jimmy Johnson. Ya know who is an asshole? Herm Edwards.

Schiano's overall record as a head coach would more than suggest that you don't know what you're talking about.

I guess we'll add that to the exhaustively long list of things that more than suggest that you don't know what you're talking about.
What a halarious thread, filled with clueless. know nothing comments both for and against Schiano.
It’s remarkable the lengths people will go to prove how ignorant they are about elite level sports
What a halarious thread, filled with clueless. know nothing comments both for and against Schiano.
It’s remarkable the lengths people will go to prove how ignorant they are about elite level sports
Would you agree his job recruiting wearing tOSU swag (and all the $$$ behind it) makes his job easier?
Is that the only red flag you see with Ash?


Yes other than that, Ash is a keeper — we should extend him another 7 years.

You guys don’t see the long view, the long vision. Ash is going to go down as one of the greatest coaches, you saw how his “young” defense improved as the year went by. Just a question of time before recruiting starts blowing up, next year we go bowling and beat one of the BIG 3 in our division.

Ok, who am I kidding, stuck in Port Authority with some medical emergency in Lincoln Tunnel and bored out of my mind waiting for my bus. We can only dream Ash puts it together next year and Art turns into a QB, we can dream until reality sets in and we start playing the games.
I've met far more head coaches than you. Ya know who isn't an asshole? Jimmy Johnson. Ya know who is an asshole? Herm Edwards.

Schiano's overall record as a head coach would more than suggest that you don't know what you're talking about.

I guess we'll add that to the exhaustively long list of things that more than suggest that you don't know what you're talking about.

Off course Jimmy Johnson was nice to NFL Office staff. He was also nice to fans. As a University of Miami alum, I've met him a bunch of times. I also know a bunch of his players, many of whom will be at the Pinstripe Bowl, Xmas Week. Why wouldn’t he be nice to the public at large?

But to his players and to opponents, he was not:

"We won 58-7, and they accused us of running up the score, but we didn't run up the score. They did. They played so poorly, and we emptied the bench. We played every substitute we had throughout the whole second half of the ball game, and they criticized us for blocking a punt. They only had 10 players on the field when we blocked the punt. It wasn't our doing that ran up the score it was their poor play that ran up the score. But that kind of built it up."

Schiano's overall record suggests YOU don't know what you're talking about because you fail to take into account, the context in which it was achieved. He inherited a program at its absolute nadir, which you fail to take into account. Furthermore, compare Schiano's overall record with Dick Andersons, Doug Graber's, Terry Shea's, Kyle Floods, and Chris Ash's, and he did well.
Look. Your lifelong dream is to blow the guy. We get it. Most of us don't share your weird little passion.

Schiano is about to get fired from a DC job. He's old news. We're over him. Next year we move on. If you're so attached to Gary, I suggest you buy season tickets for whatever minor program he winds up at.

You're now on my ignore list.


For the others, Schiano has a unique set of skills and personality traits that make him best suited for this job. But he ain’t coming cheap, and Rutgers will have to pay up if they want him. IMO, he’d be worth every penny, because we’d be getting a guy who has done it before at Rutgers, because he won his share of players, because of the relationships he established in the State of Rutgers and Florida. This is how we beat better programs for recruits. I’m very concerned that anyone else may not be able to recruit well enough. Systems don’t make players. Players make systems.

Florida is especially important, because there are not enough players in NJ and surrounding states that would want to come to Rutgers, and make us competitive. You could substitute FL with OH or Texas. Problem is we’ve shown an ability to land a significant amount of players from FL, whereas we have struggled elsewhere. No one would bring more talent to Rutgers.

Having a head coach who can recruit effectively is especially important now that Mike Locksley is coach at Maryland, and he’s got the best football facility money can buy.
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For the others, Schiano has a unique set of skills and personality traits that make him best suited for this job. But he ain’t coming cheap, and Rutgers will have to pay up if they want him. IMO, he’d be worth every penny, because we’d be getting a guy who has done it before at Rutgers, because he won his share of players, because of the relationships he established in the State of Rutgers and Florida. This is how we beat better programs for recruits. I’m very concerned that anyone else may not be able to recruit well enough. Systems don’t make players. Players make systems.

Florida is especially important, because there are not enough players in NJ and surrounding states that would want to come to Rutgers, and make us competitive. You could substitute FL with OH or Texas. Problem is we’ve shown an ability to land a significant amount of players from FL, whereas we have struggled elsewhere. No one would bring more talent to Rutgers.

Having a head coach who can recruit effectively is especially important now that Mike Locksley is coach at Maryland, and he’s got the best football facility money can buy.

You do realize we're not looking for a coach at this point, right?
We're supposed to buy Schiano because of his vision? That's like hiring someone based on what he says at his interview. Every coach worth his salt would tell you he aspires to win championships.

Schiano won't have to work 100 hours a week here? Nonsense. His success came precisely because he worked so hard. What good is he if he won't put in that kind of effort -- and remember, he's a lot older now, and not as hungry.

Schiano was one of us? C'mon! Schiano came from outside and *became* one of us by his success. The same would be true of any other coach who was successful here -- there's nothing distinctive about Schiano in that area.

Mind you, I think Schiano deserves a great deal of respect for what he did. He basically took Rutgers from the dregs to respectability. (I *hate* it when posters here criticize what he did; if it weren't for Schiano's success, we'd probably be in the Patriot League right now -- everyone but fervent fans were that disgusted with our supposedly big boy program.)

Maybe Schiano could take us from the dregs again, although second acts are hard. But let's not make him into something he wasn"t. And let's remember too; there's no guarantee he won't ditch us at the last minute again. I didn't mind him going to Tampa Bay, but I was sure angry at how and when he did it. He made the Flood hire inevitable, and we all know what *that* led to!
We're supposed to buy Schiano because of his vision? That's like hiring someone based on what he says at his interview. Every coach worth his salt would tell you he aspires to win championships.

Schiano won't have to work 100 hours a week here? Nonsense. His success came precisely because he worked so hard. What good is he if he won't put in that kind of effort -- and remember, he's a lot older now, and not as hungry.

Schiano was one of us? C'mon! Schiano came from outside and *became* one of us by his success. The same would be true of any other coach who was successful here -- there's nothing distinctive about Schiano in that area.

Mind you, I think Schiano deserves a great deal of respect for what he did. He basically took Rutgers from the dregs to respectability. (I *hate* it when posters here criticize what he did; if it weren't for Schiano's success, we'd probably be in the Patriot League right now -- everyone but fervent fans were that disgusted with our supposedly big boy program.)

Maybe Schiano could take us from the dregs again, although second acts are hard. But let's not make him into something he wasn"t. And let's remember too; there's no guarantee he won't ditch us at the last minute again. I didn't mind him going to Tampa Bay, but I was sure angry at how and when he did it. He made the Flood hire inevitable, and we all know what *that* led to!

You’re supposed to buy Schiano because he is the complete package who is the best fit at Rutgers, who provided vision and results:

- Rutgers finished #1 in APR Ranking in 2010. This was significant because it had never been done before
at RU. A good number of his teams finished in the Top 5.

- Schiano came close to executing his vision AT Rutgers, finishing AP #12 in 2006. Neither Graber, Shea, Flood, or Ash ever talked about championships. Ash won’t even talk about winning

- Schiano won’t have to work AS hard in recruiting because he has MORE to sell
- credibility having been previously successful at Rutgers
- Big Ten Membership
- Terrific outdoor practice field
- new locker room
- State of the art weight room
- successful NFL alumni