Hackenberg NFL interview

I love how the NFL scout said "despite the fact that it is probably true" when Hackenberg blamed Franklin. It amazes how bad a coach Franklin is and everyone one in the NFL seems to know it, but these recruits buy his line of crap.

I'm a Hack fan through and through but let's be honest, the issues were both on Donovan (and by extension and as HC Franklin) and on Hack himself. He was the only one out there throwing at receivers feet and over their heads. He also took unnecessary sacks when he could have gotten rid of the ball many times. Even still, I doubt he threw Franklin under the bus regardless of how it's being reported. If you've followed Hack it is not his m.o., but if he did it was a silly thing to do because the tapes exist.
And another PSU fan joins the conversation. One who " was never coming back" how many times now?
I love how the NFL scout said "despite the fact that it is probably true" when Hackenberg blamed Franklin. It amazes how bad a coach Franklin is and everyone one in the NFL seems to know it, but these recruits buy his line of crap.

So you are basing your assessment of Franklin on one player? If I said he was an absolutely brilliant coach because he turned a walkon into an AA, would you take issue with that statement?

Plenty of blame to go around for the putrid play of our offense the past two years. We'll see if Franklin is smart enough to let Moorhead (new OC) do his job.
Oh good, another thread to feed the "obsession"...ill have to take a peek to see if the bwi board has any threads about Rutgers that weren't started by RutgersAl...
It's a slow week, I figured I would at least post a football article. Don't blame me for Hackerberg blaming Franklin for screwing him up.
Good to know its not just here but it's you being you.

I don't make threats, it's unnecessary.
What do you call your "I'm never coming back" threats then? Ok, do you make promises at home that you don't keep?
What do you call your "I'm never coming back" threats then? Ok, do you make promises at home that you don't keep?

I don't think that's exactly what I said but who knows? It's a statement not a threat or a promise and perhaps how I felt at the time. But you do have the option to ignore, no?
I read for two years here and elsewhere that Franklin had ruined Hack's career. I don't know whether or not that's true. What I do know as a poster above said, I saw him consistently under or overthrow open receivers. Is that on the coach?

What I and anyone with half a brain does know is you don't go around blaming someone else for your failures in an interview. The NFL is looking for leaders, especially at QB. If what is reported is true, Hack did himself a huge disservice.
Oh good, another thread to feed the "obsession"...ill have to take a peek to see if the bwi board has any threads about Rutgers that weren't started by RutgersAl...
Don't you post there or just keep up with them by reading the posts on BWI.

Hack has every right to complain his talent was abused and that's the type of news that gets noticed.
But since I don't go there unless I have a good reason, can't say if any posts are started concerning RU by the BWI members or what they are saying about the QB talent Hackenberg shown under BOB that Franklin messed up and hurt s college career

Know Nit posters will defend Franklin because he's the Penn St coach, but until he proves he cam make PSU FB top program, player development like this does make him look bad.
Heck if you want to talk about walk-ons doing well, Flood had a few of them and not one Rutgers fan will claim Flood is a developer of talent because of that.
The teams overall performance shows whether a HC develops the talent he has, from 5* to walk-ons and Franklin hasn't shown diddly squat in that department.
Hack is just one of the Nit failures produced by Franklin, even if the Nits posting here refuse to accept that fact.
Franklin is such a fraud. I would rather it stay on the dl though the longer he's there the better for us.

Beat Rutgers on the road, and last year pummeled Rutgers in Happy Valley. Took tOSU to overtime during their greatest season in history. You may not like Franklin, but he's a solid coach. I can't stand PSU, but Franklin is good. Let's see if Ash can beat him.
So you are basing your assessment of Franklin on one player? If I said he was an absolutely brilliant coach because he turned a walkon into an AA, would you take issue with that statement?

Plenty of blame to go around for the putrid play of our offense the past two years. We'll see if Franklin is smart enough to let Moorhead (new OC) do his job.
The proof is in the pudding. Franklin has never beaten a team ranked and his record is something like 0-17. Defend that one.
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Beat Rutgers on the road, and last year pummeled Rutgers in Happy Valley. Took tOSU to overtime during their greatest season in history. You may not like Franklin, but he's a solid coach. I can't stand PSU, but Franklin is good. Let's see if Ash can beat him.
A Penn State fan coming out of the woodwork.

Sometimes, you need to post a Penn State article to find out who's a Penn State fan.
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Beat Rutgers on the road, and last year pummeled Rutgers in Happy Valley. Took tOSU to overtime during their greatest season in history. You may not like Franklin, but he's a solid coach. I can't stand PSU, but Franklin is good. Let's see if Ash can beat him.

Let's not get carried away. Franklin is better than Flood. Half the board could have gotten Flood's results. And last year we took MSU to the brink. Franklin was blown out by Temple and everyone else with a moderate pulse. His best win there is beating us or BC in 2014.
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A Penn State fan coming out of the woodwork.

Sometimes, you need to post a Penn State article to find out who's a Penn State fan.

Not a PSU fan, but Ash hasn't won a game yet. Let's get a few victories before you start casting aspersions upon another team.

Franklin has a proven track record, and he's a dynamite recruiter. Ash hasn't won a game yet, nor has he landed a four star recruit. Just saying.
I don't think that's exactly what I said but who knows? It's a statement not a threat or a promise and perhaps how I felt at the time. But you do have the option to ignore, no?
Sure and you could ignore this board but for some reason you don't. If this was BWI you would have been perma banned months ago
The proof is in the pudding. Franklin has never beaten a team ranked and his record is something like 0-17. Defend that one.
Kjb is a PSU fan but he's also a decent poster. He's one of the few that come here that actually talks about football. Can't blame him for wanting to believe his 5 million dollar a year coach is worth the money.
The proof is in the pudding. Franklin has never beaten a team ranked and his record is something like 0-17. Defend that one.

SDSU ended up being ranked.

BTW, your argument didn't seem to be centered around the premise above in your OP. The NFL must hate what he has done with Johnson, Zettel and Nassib.

I'm sure you'll say that was all Shoop though.
So you are basing your assessment of Franklin on one player? If I said he was an absolutely brilliant coach because he turned a walkon into an AA, would you take issue with that statement?

Plenty of blame to go around for the putrid play of our offense the past two years. We'll see if Franklin is smart enough to let Moorhead (new OC) do his job.
What is your assessment of Franklin? It really does seem like he's in over his head.
SDSU ended up being ranked.

BTW, your argument didn't seem to be centered around the premise above in your OP. The NFL must hate what he has done with Johnson, Zettel and Nassib.

I'm sure you'll say that was all Shoop though.
SDSU! I guess congratulations is in order for JF! Considering JF is an offensive coach, I think it's reasonable to give him some credit and blame for offense. If he was an ex DC then I would see your point. It doesn't look good for JF that his teams only performed well on defense.
What is your assessment of Franklin? It really does seem like he's in over his head.

Above average recruiter and good face of the program. Trying to do too much. Needs to make sure he has the right people in place and then allow them to do their jobs so he can focus on game management. Moorhead is the key IMO.

He also needs to make sure that academics are a priority as that is something that has always helped PSU.
Don't you post there or just keep up with them by reading the posts on BWI.

Hack has every right to complain his talent was abused and that's the type of news that gets noticed.
But since I don't go there unless I have a good reason, can't say if any posts are started concerning RU by the BWI members or what they are saying about the QB talent Hackenberg shown under BOB that Franklin messed up and hurt s college career

Know Nit posters will defend Franklin because he's the Penn St coach, but until he proves he cam make PSU FB top program, player development like this does make him look bad.
Heck if you want to talk about walk-ons doing well, Flood had a few of them and not one Rutgers fan will claim Flood is a developer of talent because of that.
The teams overall performance shows whether a HC develops the talent he has, from 5* to walk-ons and Franklin hasn't shown diddly squat in that department.
Hack is just one of the Nit failures produced by Franklin, even if the Nits posting here refuse to accept that fact.
That's funny mad hat, so you are saying I post there yet you don't go to the bwi board so you wouldn't know...of course unless you have good reason to? And what "good reason" would that be? Other than you routinely go over there to see what's being said?
SDSU! I guess congratulations is in order for JF! Considering JF is an offensive coach, I think it's reasonable to give him some credit and blame for offense. If we was an ex DC then I would see your point. It doesn't look good for JF that his teams only performed well on defense.

I agree with that. The problem is that he sucks at offense and he isn't an OC any longer. He's a head coach and needs to learn how to do that. Personally, I think he could be better as a HC than an OC if he focused on HC stuff.

I'm sure you have worked for different kinds of leaders. Regardless of how they get to the end result, no one cares as long as they get there.

BTW, a head coach gets credit or blame for everything. That's the job.
Beat Rutgers on the road, and last year pummeled Rutgers in Happy Valley. Took tOSU to overtime during their greatest season in history. You may not like Franklin, but he's a solid coach. I can't stand PSU, but Franklin is good. Let's see if Ash can beat him.

Flood was also a joke and Penn State currently has more talent than RU - that does not make Franklin a good coach.
Above average recruiter and good face of the program. Trying to do too much. Needs to make sure he has the right people in place and then allow them to do their jobs so he can focus on game management. Moorhead is the key IMO.

He also needs to make sure that academics are a priority as that is something that has always helped PSU.
Sounds a lot like Greg Schiano.
That's funny mad hat, so you are saying I post there yet you don't go to the bwi board so you wouldn't know...of course unless you have good reason to? And what "good reason" would that be? Other than you routinely go over there to see what's being said?
Reppin jerk, what's he's saying is since you are a die hard PSU guy who trolls here, you must be there- maybe under a different name. As I've stated before, speaking In general terms, the daily posters here see you as RU Husky put it "a Putz". Don't get all crabby since we discuss a posted article about your favorite programs QB and the penis head coach, besides you post here 10x a day, it must be at least 30 times a day there
pre-draft rumor articles by teams that probably want to draft him and are just trying bringing down his stock....

i think Hack is a complete loser who will never make it in the NFL

but, you see this crap every year....

as I say over and over again===> look deeper people, look deeper........ don't just believe what you read.
Can Rutgers at least beat Penn State before people act so confident about the future?

I would love to see RU vs Penn State become a rivalry but right now this is RU WVU part 2
I agree with that. The problem is that he sucks at offense and he isn't an OC any longer. He's a head coach and needs to learn how to do that. Personally, I think he could be better as a HC than an OC if he focused on HC stuff.

I'm sure you have worked for different kinds of leaders. Regardless of how they get to the end result, no one cares as long as they get there.

BTW, a head coach gets credit or blame for everything. That's the job.
No offense but your wasting your time trying to defend Franklin here, there is n
pre-draft rumor articles by teams that probably want to draft him and are just trying bringing down his stock....

i think Hack is a complete loser who will never make it in the NFL

but, you see this crap every year....

as I say over and over again===> look deeper people, look deeper........ don't just believe what you read.
im sure a lot of people don't think so highly of you, you must be very pleasant calling people you've never met or had any interaction with a "loser"
No offense but your wasting your time trying to defend Franklin here, there is n

im sure a lot of people don't think so highly of you, you must be very pleasant calling people you've never met or had any interaction with a "loser"
Turd alert, go back to BWI -
That's funny mad hat, so you are saying I post there yet you don't go to the bwi board so you wouldn't know...of course unless you have good reason to? And what "good reason" would that be? Other than you routinely go over there to see what's being said?
I don't go there because I don't feel the need to.
Went there awhile back ago and posted some pictures they didn't like, but that was something that needed to be done.
Nothing needs to be done now and what they say there doesn't matter because I don't respect that board and know most of that board doesn't like me one bit.
Just because you care whats going on there and about the Nittany Lions, doesn't mean I go there.

Think you need to read this question again: "Don't you post there or just keep up with them by reading the posts on BWI."
In case you don't understand the question I was asking if you posted there or just went there to find out what's going on in that board.
Glad you answered the question and said you post there.
Now another question, do you talk about Rutgers there and defend the Scarlet Knights like any true RU fan would or do you agree with those who speak ill of Rutgers University?
Don't worry I'll take your word, because I don't plan on going to the BWI board .

You might find BWI to your liking, but a few years ago I found it full of disgusting people and don't feel the need to lower myself to look at the type of trash I seen posted there again.