Hackenberg NFL interview

I don't go there because I don't feel the need to.
Went there awhile back ago and posted some pictures they didn't like, but that was something that needed to be done.
Nothing needs to be done now and what they say there doesn't matter because I don't respect that board and know most of that board doesn't like me one bit.
Just because you care whats going on there and about the Nittany Lions, doesn't mean I go there.

Think you need to read this question again: "Don't you post there or just keep up with them by reading the posts on BWI."
In case you don't understand the question I was asking if you posted there or just went there to find out what's going on in that board.
Glad you answered the question and said you post there.
Now another question, do you talk about Rutgers there and defend the Scarlet Knights like any true RU fan would or do you agree with those who speak ill of Rutgers University?
Don't worry I'll take your word, because I don't plan on going to the BWI board .

You might find BWI to your liking, but a few years ago I found it full of disgusting people and don't feel the need to lower myself to look at the type of trash I seen posted there again.
Actually I don't post there and never said I did. When you said "don't you post there..." That's not so much of a question as it is an assumption, I'm guessing you aren't Rutgers educated or you'd know the proper way of asking a question vs making a statement that poses as a's like asking someone "aren't you a clown" That's not really asking them if they are a clown...

So let me get this went over there, posted some pictures (that I'm assuming we're offensive to them) and then got upset that you were treated poorly? Got it
I have been saying for a year now that Hack is not an NFL QB. He misses to many open receivers and he has trouble reading defenses both pre and post snap. Blitz him and change up the looks and he freezes, stands in the pocket and gets sacked. . Everyone blamed the OL but they weren't the issue. The PSU OL will give up fewer sacks this year by a large margin because they will have a QB that can at least scramble when under pressure.
I have been saying for a year now that Hack is not an NFL QB. He misses to many open receivers and he has trouble reading defenses both pre and post snap. Blitz him and change up the looks and he freezes, stands in the pocket and gets sacked. . Everyone blamed the OL but they weren't the issue. The PSU OL will give up fewer sacks this year by a large margin because they will have a QB that can at least scramble when under pressure.
You didn't watch enough PSU football over the past three years to make such a statement, if you watched Hack with a senior offensive live as a freshman with time to throw and a competent QB coach you can't possibly think that he doesn't have the tools (with proper coaching and protection) to be a serviceable NFL QB, maybe not a star, maybe not a starter right away, but the potential and skill set is there...and in no way can you compare the OL this coming year to last two years based on who is at QB, first of all, they will have a two deep of somewhat competent OL, not two new converted DLineman, they will also be running a completely new system that is predicated on getting the ball out of the QBs hand quickly. There is no way to possibly compare year over year.
Actually I don't post there and never said I did. When you said "don't you post there..." That's not so much of a question as it is an assumption, I'm guessing you aren't Rutgers educated or you'd know the proper way of asking a question vs making a statement that poses as a's like asking someone "aren't you a clown" That's not really asking them if they are a clown...

So let me get this went over there, posted some pictures (that I'm assuming we're offensive to them) and then got upset that you were treated poorly? Got it

you forgot the or part "or just keep up with them by reading the posts on BWI" which gives my question completely different meaning that the way you tried to make it look by leaving that part out. Guess your reading comprehension skills need a little work if you didn't understand it was just a question asking if you post on that board and not an assumption that RepJerz posts om BWI. Hope I worded what I just said in a way you can understand .

But I can see why you don't like the way I started my question with " don't you post there" because mostly clowns post on the BWI board and the posters that have independent thoughts aren't allowed to post those thoughts on that board. Please don't jump on me for the independent thought part in my reply to you and claim I was saying you have it when Nit FB is being discussed.
It was a generalization about the type of posters allowed to post there and I'm not claiming that's the reason you don't post there.

As for getting upset about the backlash from JoePed worshipers , I thought it was funny and laughed about the ban I received there. I expected a ban, at the time half this board was being banned and no one cared that they were. Also BWI members banned for expressing the wrong opinion started posting here because they were banned for speaking thoughts contrary to the accepted Cult POV.
But I'm glad to see you remembered my posts and I accomplished to piss some nits off.
Of course you can claim you didn't see them, but wasn't mentioned by me what I posted so don't try to weasel your way out of it .
But were you offended by them [laughing]
you forgot the or part "or just keep up with them by reading the posts on BWI" which gives my question completely different meaning that the way you tried to make it look by leaving that part out. Guess your reading comprehension skills need a little work if you didn't understand it was just a question asking if you post on that board and not an assumption that RepJerz posts om BWI. Hope I worded what I just said in a way you can understand .

But I can see why you don't like the way I started my question with " don't you post there" because mostly clowns post on the BWI board and the posters that have independent thoughts aren't allowed to post those thoughts on that board. Please don't jump on me for the independent thought part in my reply to you and claim I was saying you have it when Nit FB is being discussed.
It was a generalization about the type of posters allowed to post there and I'm not claiming that's the reason you don't post there.

As for getting upset about the backlash from JoePed worshipers , I thought it was funny and laughed about the ban I received there. I expected a ban, at the time half this board was being banned and no one cared that they were. Also BWI members banned for expressing the wrong opinion started posting here because they were banned for speaking thoughts contrary to the accepted Cult POV.
But I'm glad to see you remembered my posts and I accomplished to piss some nits off.
Of course you can claim you didn't see them, but wasn't mentioned by me what I posted so don't try to weasel your way out of it .
But were you offended by them [laughing]
Why would I be offended by your posts? Sounds very childish to me (no pun intended). I have no idea what you posted, you said you posted pictures, I didn't say that...I assume it was offensive and immature otherwise why would you bother gong over there? Either way Your recent posts are full of contradictions and wrong assumptions and we have now hijacked and obsessive RU fans thread about PSU football that had nothing to do with RU football. So apologies to the OP.
Why would I be offended by your posts? Sounds very childish to me (no pun intended). I have no idea what you posted, you said you posted pictures, I didn't say that...I assume it was offensive and immature otherwise why would you bother gong over there? Either way Your recent posts are full of contradictions and wrong assumptions and we have now hijacked and obsessive RU fans thread about PSU football that had nothing to do with RU football. So apologies to the OP.

>"we have now hijacked and obsessive RU fans thread about PSU football that had nothing to do with RU football. So apologies to the OP."<
Now you're apologizing for hijacking a thread you complained about: "Oh good, another thread to feed the "obsession"...ill have to take a peek to see if the bwi board has any threads about Rutgers that weren't started by RutgersAl..."
Since you can't refute what I posted in reply , you try to turn it around and get out of the conversation.

I'm done and you can go back to complaining about another thread about the Nits.
Unless of course you're going to claim "Oh good, another thread to feed the "obsession"..
wasn't a complaint [thumb2]
Never understood the love for Hackenberg as a QB. He has a strong arm, but he's not particularly accurate and doesn't make great reads, plus he's big, but not particularly mobile or elusive. Will be amazed if he makes it in the NFL.
Why would I be offended by your posts? Sounds very childish to me (no pun intended). I have no idea what you posted, you said you posted pictures, I didn't say that...I assume it was offensive and immature otherwise why would you bother gong over there? Either way Your recent posts are full of contradictions and wrong assumptions and we have now hijacked and obsessive RU fans thread about PSU football that had nothing to do with RU football. So apologies to the OP.
You go beserk over a post about Hackenberg and you are the obsessive nut. Do you watch our board 24 hours a day to ensure we don't post anything about Penn State? Rutgers fans post about Ohio State, Michigan and other Big Ten teams because it is of interest. YOU NEED TO BE BANNED FROM THIS SITE. Oh, by the way , Penn State fans do post about Rutgers on BWI but no Rutgers fan gets as crazy as Penn State fans when anything is posted on our board.

Are Penn State fans assigned a time frame to watch our board?
Never understood the love for Hackenberg as a QB. He has a strong arm, but he's not particularly accurate and doesn't make great reads, plus he's big, but not particularly mobile or elusive. Will be amazed if he makes it in the NFL.
He started off pretty good under O'Brien and seemed to have the talent to succeed.
Once Franklin took over , Hack's game went down and he didn't improve on that freshman season.
Three years under Franklin didn't make his game any better and most of his problems might be because he lost confidence in himself because of the way Franklin was running the offense .
But that's only my opinion and we'll see if he'll make a pro team.
He's probably dropped from a late first rounder he would have been if he came out after his junior season into a 3rd -4th round choice now.
Why would I be offended by your posts? Sounds very childish to me (no pun intended). I have no idea what you posted, you said you posted pictures, I didn't say that...I assume it was offensive and immature otherwise why would you bother gong over there? Either way Your recent posts are full of contradictions and wrong assumptions and we have now hijacked and obsessive RU fans thread about PSU football that had nothing to do with RU football. So apologies to the OP.
You have been reported and hope you are banned.
You go beserk over a post about Hackenberg and you are the obsessive nut. Do you watch our board 24 hours a day to ensure we don't post anything about Penn State? Rutgers fans post about Ohio State, Michigan and other Big Ten teams because it is of interest. YOU NEED TO BE BANNED FROM THIS SITE. Oh, by the way , Penn State fans do post about Rutgers on BWI but no Rutgers fan gets as crazy as Penn State fans when anything is posted on our board.

Are Penn State fans assigned a time frame to watch our board?
I think you have a different definition of "beserk" (sic) than is common language. I was making a joke about the obsessive nature of some on this board to post about a "rival". OMG you reported me to be banned? What are you, in grade school? I enjoy the back and forth regarding RU and PSU, I DO THINK it has major rivalry potential. I'm looking forward to when it is...but the way you go about it, yes it comes across as "obsessive"...i occasionally look at the bwi board as I've not been secretive about my like for both programs, but I don't see the random post about Rutgers...definitely about Pitt tho, which tells me most don't care about RU over there.
Uh oh, looks like our favorite troll, Reppin Pedophilia, is back on this board!!
linnie and RJ will be watching this thread from the sidelines from now on.
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You didn't watch enough PSU football over the past three years to make such a statement, if you watched Hack with a senior offensive live as a freshman with time to throw and a competent QB coach you can't possibly think that he doesn't have the tools (with proper coaching and protection) to be a serviceable NFL QB, maybe not a star, maybe not a starter right away, but the potential and skill set is there...and in no way can you compare the OL this coming year to last two years based on who is at QB, first of all, they will have a two deep of somewhat competent OL, not two new converted DLineman, they will also be running a completely new system that is predicated on getting the ball out of the QBs hand quickly. There is no way to possibly compare year over year.
You have no idea how much PSU football I have watched over the last 3 years,so I stopped reading after your first sentence.
I think you have a different definition of "beserk" (sic) than is common language. I was making a joke about the obsessive nature of some on this board to post about a "rival". OMG you reported me to be banned? What are you, in grade school? I enjoy the back and forth regarding RU and PSU, I DO THINK it has major rivalry potential. I'm looking forward to when it is...but the way you go about it, yes it comes across as "obsessive"...i occasionally look at the bwi board as I've not been secretive about my like for both programs, but I don't see the random post about Rutgers...definitely about Pitt tho, which tells me most don't care about RU over there.
LIAR!!!!!! Reppin jerk was totally secretive about being a PSU fan. He asked about restaurant in his new town, how he was a first time poster talked at nasuem about his time at zaga and Rider, but was asked point blank more than 4 times what team in the big ten he rooted for.... He reluctantly let us all know, he was a fan since birth.

LIAR!!!!!- reppin jerk is Putz in Sheeps clothing!!!!
This guy is a rusty tool and should been tossed out of the shed

Here is the evidence of his first post and obvious dancing around the question of the team he follow
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Never understood the love for Hackenberg as a QB. He has a strong arm, but he's not particularly accurate and doesn't make great reads, plus he's big, but not particularly mobile or elusive. Will be amazed if he makes it in the NFL.

I would disagree with the reads part. In his freshmen year, after being on campus for only a few months, he was walking to the line with three plays every down. Haters will say he had an experienced line and an unbelievable WR (Allen Robinson) to help him out but he also had a slot WR and FB alternating at RB. During his Fr year, my biggest issue with him was that he was wildly inconsistent.

In terms of been mobile or elusive, his measurable are actually quite good. It was obvious this past year that he was coached to eat it and not throw an interception.

Not defending Hack, just stating my observations.
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I would disagree with the reads part. In his freshmen year, after being on campus for only a few months, he was walking to the line with three plays every down. Haters will say he had an experienced line and an unbelievable WR (Allen Robinson) to help him out but he also had a slot WR and FB alternating at RB. During his Fr year, my biggest issue with him was that he was wildly inconsistent.

In terms of been mobile or elusive, his measurable are actually quite good. It was obvious this past year that he was coached to eat it and not throw an interception.

Not defending Hack, just stating my observations.

Hack has very good straight line speed for a guy his size, but is not very elusive. One thing that was impressive is the way he took all those hits w/o getting injured, well at least until last year's bowl game, but I do think he wound up with PTSD from getting hit so often, and that affected his play.