Harbaugh to the NFL?

He seems to attract a lot of animosity, but his resume speaks for itself
I have spoken to someone who once interned with the 49ers. She said, by the last few months he was coaching the team the entire organization hated him. The security guards to the front office executives. She said it was almost like he was trying to get everyone to hate him. He seems to want the animosity wherever he is. Maybe he has grown since.

His success does speak for itself though.
I have spoken to someone who once interned with the 49ers. She said, by the last few months he was coaching the team the entire organization hated him. The security guards to the front office executives. She said it was almost like he was trying to get everyone to hate him. He seems to want the animosity wherever he is. Maybe he has grown since.

His success does speak for itself though.
He wasn’t liked all that much at Stanford either. He used to push kids out with medical even if they could have come back 100% but got the kids to agree to it because they were allowed to keep the scholarship.
After being forced into accepting that pay cut and then delivering impressive results, he should be back at the table this year : double my salary or I’m gone.
Some people here really do like to bash Harbaugh. Can't win the big one, people in his program don't like him, etc. Question: would we take him in a heartbeat?
Just saw Michigan may have some penalties coming.

The Michigan Wolverines have had a rough couple of weeks, to put it lightly. After losing to TCU in the College Football Playoff and hearing head coach Jim Harbaugh’s name in NFL rumors, Michigan is now also under NCAA investigation.

The Wolverines are expecting to receive a Notice of Allegations by Friday, per Austin Meek and Nicole Auerbach of The Athletic. Meek and Auerbach reported that the school believes the infractions are, “relatively minor.”

Michigan is being accused of having an analyst coach players on the field while another involved text messages that, “violated NCAA rules.” Meek and Auerbach’s sources confirmed that the Wolverines self-reported many of their infractions, including their analyst coaching on the field.

Still, it is not clear exactly what type of punishment the Wolverines could/will receive from the NCAA.

Michigan’s NCAA investigation comes less than a week after they fell to TCU 51-45 in the semifinals of the CFP. Despite the loss, this investigation and potential NFL interest, Harbaugh said he plans to remain Michigan’s head coach.

The Michigan Wolverines have had a rough couple of weeks, to put it lightly. After losing to TCU in the College Football Playoff and hearing head coach Jim Harbaugh’s name in NFL rumors, Michigan is now also under NCAA investigation.

The Wolverines are expecting to receive a Notice of Allegations by Friday, per Austin Meek and Nicole Auerbach of The Athletic. Meek and Auerbach reported that the school believes the infractions are, “relatively minor.”

Michigan is being accused of having an analyst coach players on the field while another involved text messages that, “violated NCAA rules.” Meek and Auerbach’s sources confirmed that the Wolverines self-reported many of their infractions, including their analyst coaching on the field.

Still, it is not clear exactly what type of punishment the Wolverines could/will receive from the NCAA.

Michigan’s NCAA investigation comes less than a week after they fell to TCU 51-45 in the semifinals of the CFP. Despite the loss, this investigation and potential NFL interest, Harbaugh said he plans to remain Michigan’s head coach.

The program is being investigated for four Level II violations, generally considered minor.

They center on using too many coaches at practice sessions, meeting with two recruits during a COVID-19 dead period and watching player workouts over a video feed, according to a source.

The Level I allegation is that Harbaugh misled NCAA investigators when confronted with questions about the Level II allegations. A Level I violation could lead to significant recruiting restrictions or even a suspension for a number of games.

Harbaugh’s contract allows for the university to terminate him “for cause” if “the NCAA or the Conference, or the University reasonably determines that (i) the Head Coach has committed a material violation of a material provision of the Governing Rules (including without limitation, a Level I or Level II violation of NCAA Rules).”

To reach that standard, however, the full NCAA process, which could take months or years, would likely need to fully play out.
Some people here really do like to bash Harbaugh. Can't win the big one, people in his program don't like him, etc. Question: would we take him in a heartbeat?
He's in a different universe from the coaches RU has hired.
Instagram from Jim H

I ragged on him for being overpaid early on relative to results. Not anymore.
But he is still weird.