Here are 5 things experts got wrong about Rutgers football in 2023

Instead, junior Kyle Monangai seized an opportunity for playing time and never looked back on his way to recording Rutgers’ first 1,000-yard rushing season since 2012.

Sadly Paul James would have eclipsed 1000 yards in 2014 if he wasn't clipped in knee by the Navy player in the 4th game of the season.
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Who knows how the 2024 Rutgers football season will turn out. Nevertheless, predictions flow like a river, both from the mainstream media and TKR armchair pundits.

My guess is Rutgers will win eight games in 2024, not counting a bowl win. My confidence level in eight wins is about 25%. Six or ten wins can be argued convincingly.

"Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge."
- Lao Tzu c550 BC.