Hoop Group's Tiny Green weighs in on Pikiell/Hobbs

Love, love, love it (especially the part where he specifically discusses Hobbs NOT being tied-down to any specific AAU guys...)!
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Written by Tiny Green. Is he related to Tiny Morton ?

Maybe Pikiell should get his own Tiny for his staff
I don't know from this Tiny dude but I like his vibe on what he sees happening at RU.
So they say in the Bible Belt, from Tiny's mouth to God's ears!
Great article, but man, it needs some editing.

You can tell Hobbs is a great recruiter from his photo. I've noticed there is a correlation in basketball. The more pleats a guy wears, the better recruiter he is.
So if everyone here okay with Hobbs despite the fact that he's not linked directly to any of these (I'll keep my choice of adjectives to myself) AAU guys?