How many of you are New England fans because of the RU connection?


Gold Member
Jul 27, 2001
Metuchen, NJ
For many reasons, I lost my passion for specific pro football teams (and pro sports, in general) back in the 80s, partly due to free agency and partly due to becoming such a rabid RU fan. I still enjoy watching pro sports, but don't care much who wins games. This frees me up to root for teams with RU players on them and, as we all know, New England has had the RU connection for several years, which means I tend to root for NE over just about anyone else (and for the Ravens during the Rice years). Was so cool seeing Freeny, McCourty, and Ryan all introducing themselves as from Rutgers and seeing Harmon playing too. Also, was cool to hear that Ryan was called the best tackling CB in the League.

How many other folks root for New England because of the RU connection?
Used to hate all things Boston sports. Still do. Except the Pats. Go Rutgers-North

I certainly wish former Rutgers players well as they continue their football careers in the NFL, regardless of which team they play for.

But in the NFL I root for the Giants. If a player is on the Giants, I root for him because I am rooting for the Giants. If he moves to another team, I stop rooting for him. Same thing with former Rutgers players. I rooted for them when they played for Rutgers because I was rooting for Rutgers. Now that they're in the NFL, I root for the players who are on the Giants.
I am a Pat's fan because of that. I also like Gronk and Belichick. To think that Belichick was almost the Jets coach. Then the Jets would be loaded with RU players.
Count me in. Love it. Unless they play my NFL team - yep go pats or RU North.
im a giants fan first, but other than that i have no issue seeing the pats win. We've owned them in the superbowl so its all good.
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Cannot stand Brady ever since tuck-gate. Hard to not root for the RU players regardless. Tonight is easy with no Brady
As long as the Pats beat the Jets, Bills, and Dolphins. Just dont like those 3 teams. Hard to argue against NE success over the years with Belichek and Brady as possibly the best ever.
I want the Rutgers players to do well while the Pats win only enough to be below the Jets... or Giants for that matter. In fact, I'd like to root against the cheater Belichick.. but he is a good coach and he sent his son to Rutgers to play LaX and drafted all those Rutgers guys. So he gets a reluctant pass from me on the cheatin'.
F no.

In the past and present, I've become a fan of teams like Baltimore and Cinci but can't drag myself to root for NE. Maybe when Brady's gone.

I do like to see individual RU guys do well ... during an NE loss.
Yup. Been watching tonight for just that reason. I look forward to watching Ash's RU DBs in the NFL soon as well.
Always root for the RU guys around the league to excel, no matter the team. Just not at the Giants' expense.
Yep. Jets season ticket holder but root for teams with RU players, especially the Pats. Actually, pissed at Jets & Giants for not having RU players on roster. They suck. :boxing:

Go RU!
I was attracted to NE because of the RU connection but grew to like them because of Bellicik & his son who played at RU.

But at the end of the day I am a Giants fan....and I mildly root for the 3 Fla teams
I know this is a minority view, but I don't care much about our guys in the pros. I wish them well, but once they are gone I don't really follow them. Back when Battaglia and friends were in the league, I paid more attention simply because there were fewer of them. And if Rutgers players wind up on teams I hate, it doesn't seem right to root for some because they went to Rutgers and not others. So I don't care. I'm not a New England fan, but I do enjoy their success because it drives Jets fans crazy.
Definitely root for all former RU players playing in the league and the teams they play for, including New England.
I seldom watch any NFL games but do pull for RU North. It is mostly thru reading this board that I am aware of our alumni throughout the league. It used to be easy to keep track of them but now there's so many in the league, it's more difficult.

I also like how complimentary of RU the New England coach has been over the years. We've gotten lots of good pub from our connection to that franchise.
Complete agree with the OP regarding the RU/Pats connection and my lack of enthusiasm for pro sports in general with exception of soccer.
Always root for the RU guys around the league to excel, no matter the team. Just not at the Giants' expense.

And most of these two post too...

I certainly wish former Rutgers players well as they continue their football careers in the NFL, regardless of which team they play for.

But in the NFL I root for the Giants. If a player is on the Giants, I root for him because I am rooting for the Giants. If he moves to another team, I stop rooting for him. Same thing with former Rutgers players. I rooted for them when they played for Rutgers because I was rooting for Rutgers. Now that they're in the NFL, I root for the players who are on the Giants.

I know this is a minority view, but I don't care much about our guys in the pros. I wish them well, but once they are gone I don't really follow them. And if Rutgers players wind up on teams I hate, it doesn't seem right to root for some because they went to Rutgers and not others. So I don't care.
No, I'm a Jets fan.

I was a big fan of Belichik and the organization until the taping incident and the ball inflation incident. After that, I hope the Rutgers guys on the roster play well but will never cheer on the Patriots.