How was the band?

yup..but perhaps that has everything to do with the show and the fact that the band plays pretty much standing still to the (old home) visitor's side of the stadium?

Great picture. I was born in 1958 so that could have been on my original birthday :)

Whan I was "on the banks"...the Marching 100 would actually spell our RUTGERS pre-game led by the Drum Major just like Ohio State does sans dotting the i.

There are actually nearly 450 photos in that collection, which I am fortunate to have a copy of in my possession. Most are not band related, but they're fascinating from a historical point of view.
There are actually nearly 450 photos in that collection, which I am fortunate to have a copy of in my possession. Most are not band related, but they're fascinating from a historical point of view.
very nice. cannot beat that stuff!

my family has a 50+ years history with Rutgers inclusive of the same number of years employment of my mother and sister (and me) across multiple campuses. Been to the Kilmer archives a few times to look around and have some old RU stuff myself...(rugs, desks, rockers, maps, )...

Wait marching band students don't get scholarships? What happened to all that talk about "Go and be a tuba player and you can get a scholarship!" Was that a bunch of nonsense even back then or have things changed and due to budget issues the marching band no longer gives out scholarships?
The band will continue to improve. It will. I was never in band, but I enjoy them. And I appreciate that different schools have different styles (some emphasize the drill, others the musicianship, some include woodwinds, others are mostly brass, etc). I don't know what RU's style is or who our band-peers are.

I understand what rutgerssax is saying about recruiting, but I wonder how schools like JMU, which has nearly 500 in is marching band, recruit so many members. I think they host high school tournaments and travel around to high school events around Virginia. Not sure if RU does that kind of stuff or not. Kids in HS bands come up wanting to be in JMU's band. What do they have or do that Rutgers doesn't?

I think another problem we have is our fans. No matter where I am in the stadium, the halftime show seems to be most fans' time to walk around, converse with people five rows away, etc. As I said, I enjoy college marching bands, but try as I might, it's really hard to listen to the performance because of all of the noise in the stands. Coming from JMU, where the band is more loved than the football team most years, the noise/distraction was a disappointing surprise when I came to Rutgers.
Put something worth watching on the field at halftime, and that will change.
I'm a band alum.

Is Tim Smith still director? That man is totally unqualified and a holdover from the damn shea Era.

Start by hiring a qualified director. Look at qualifications of comparable know, guys with PhDs etc
I'm a band alum.

Is Tim Smith still director? That man is totally unqualified and a holdover from the damn shea Era.

Start by hiring a qualified director. Look at qualifications of comparable know, guys with PhDs etc

Completely agree - he is the problem (see my post above). There are many band alum that will have nothing to do with the alumni band (myself included) until he is gone. It's a damn shame that he is there for the bands 100th anniversary celebration. I also recruited for the band in the late 80s when we were much's much easier to recruit and RETAIN people when the director is qualified, the arrangements challenging, and the experience so much better. Regarding the comment on Star Wars the band did a Star Wars halftime in 1983 (couple years before my time) that was amazing....I think it is posted on YouTube.
I'm sorry, but I know first hand from a couple members, that the band is in FACT, SMALLER than last year. They had auditions this year, and did not keep everyone who wanted to be in the band. Fact. There are LESS Sousaphones than last year. FACT. The band is not growing. I am a musician. This kills me.
The Band needs more Tuba players in a Big,Big way. When they face the press box, the other side can barely hear anything. Replace the little clarinets withBIG BRASS INSTRUMENTS!
The Band needs more Tuba players in a Big,Big way. When they face the press box, the other side can barely hear anything. Replace the little clarinets withBIG BRASS INSTRUMENTS!
As I said, they are less about 5 Sousaphones from last year..You cant just "replace" the clarinets..but they need more brass..If they did not have auditions, and simply let anyone with band experience in, then they would be larger..When it is established, THEN have auditions
Like everybody else wish they were bigger.

But musically they sound fine to me.

Ad no problems with the Star Wars thing considering it was all over the news the day before.

Loved how the Band "took it to the stands" in the second half.
Also, for the first time, I was able to make out a few of the designs. 1)the spelled out FORCE. 2) they made the design of the rebel alliance (I think that is what it's called, I'm not a virgin so I may be wrong)
Also, for the first time, I was able to make out a few of the designs. 1)the spelled out FORCE. 2) they made the design of the rebel alliance (I think that is what it's called, I'm not a virgin so I may be wrong)
And the Tie Fighter looked pretty good too!
Why can't the band blow harder into their instruments? I can't hear a thing in 131.
We're at approx 220 members, which is slightly bigger than last years band.

There definitely will changes and improvements as the season progresses! Btw a lot of the members weren't fans of the drill for the first show either but we just had to deal with it. Hope you come to enjoy the bands overall performance by the end of the season. It's just offensive to us since we put so much time and effort into these shows and here feedback like that.
I was at the Texas v Notre Dame game saturday. The Notre Dame Band has over 400 members and its a school of only 8,000 Undergraduates
To the current members of the band: I don't think anyone is criticizing you, although it may feel that way. If the problem is the music and drill arrangements, that falls on those responsible for those aspects of the show(s). You can only perform what you are given to the best of your abilities. I can understand having a less-than-overwhelming show if you only have two days to put it together - but that should NEVER be the case for the first game of the year. Why was the drill for the show not ready far enough in advance to change it if necessary? That is a failure at the top.

I haven't been to a home game in a long time but will be there at Homecoming this year. I'm too cheap to go to the official band anniversary tailgate, though, just the game. [laughing]
As a former drum corps guy(GO CADETS,,,GO HAWTHORNE) its the end of drum corps season.

NJ is a hotbed for drum corps talent and as the DCI kids age out they WILL discover how much fun the Rutgers band can be. I saw a mini reunion on a drum corps page of drum corps members who were RU band members......its a growing "fraternity"

And as we win too will the band improve. Gone are the days when the band was ALL RU students.....its open to anyone now,,,and word WILL get around....
Guys, so I just watched this video of Saturday's pregame show and have to say that's the best damn block R I've ever seen them make. I think the pregame is improved this year.

Keep it up!

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Rutgerssax, thanks for you input, for me the Rutgers band is a source of pride, love to stand outside the stadium and watch them March by along with the Scarlet Knight on his horse. One thing you will find posting on these boards is that after every game there are posts about how bad the band was, how the RU chant is not being done correctly, how long it takes to get out of the lots after the game.

please keep us informed of how the band is doing
I've been coming to games for 25 years now. Our band has NEVER been good. I get that other BIG bands have more $ and are better. What I don't get is why our band can't play marching tunes and actually MARCH. The field is marked with yard lines. How is it that the formations can't even keep consistent spacing and strait columns? Ode to whatever needs to end. We only came to the game to see Norfolk's band. Since they didn't show, we left at halftime.
We're at approx 220 members, which is slightly bigger than last years band.

LOL here we go again. Maybe one day a certain director will learn how to count. Funny thing is last year we were being told "around 240" members but have pictures, from games throughout the season, clearing showing no more than about 185/190 on the field. If you blow up the attached picture you can clearly count right about 190 on the field (including 10 flags but very small drum/sousaphone groups IMHO). Also, enough with the damn excuses, this guy has been here way too long for excuses to be used by anyone.

BTW - nothing personal, I wish you and your bandmates NOTHING but the best of luck, and THANK YOU for all the time and effort you put in out there!

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