I finally feel safe in the stadium....

That's generally true, but at 18 years old males we all had to register for selective service. So if there was to be another draft during wartime/due to lack of volunteers, then exactly that could happen and your rebuttal point would be moot.
We have come through the US longest wartime ever. If the draft wasn't put in play during the last 16 years than the chances of it being reinstated is as close to zero as possible.
so you're that guy. I stole your idea and been doing the same in sec 121 with my company's candy for the last 5-6 years too and came into Iowa with 6 big bags of candy. No issue. But wondering IF I was just "lucky" and this was going to stop. If that is so then I have a real issue here. Been an in game "thing" our section too and part of the fun.

PS..yeah...wound up throwing them just for the heck of it..anytime ANYTHING positive so it became kind of funny.
Throw them after a first down. It might be your only chance.