I guess the bars are opening up early


Gold Member
Dec 8, 2002
... because half the student section left at halftime. I know the first half sucked, but what's up with that?
... because half the student section left at halftime. I know the first half sucked, but what's up with that?

I'm not your friend them for this one, but honestly, after half like that it's last year stinging us in the ass again. Gotta a win them back.
They have every reason to leave - that was a disgraceful performance by a head coach who is clearly over his head. Hobbs needs to make a change as soon as the year is over if not sooner. He won't of course and once again it will cost the program more in the long run. We just don't have the culture to understand that you have to spend money to make money.
good luck getting them to come out vs Morgan State

Good luck getting ANYONE to come back. I'm a 4 decade season ticket holder, and I'm so disgusted I'm thinking of staying home just to say F U to this wretched coaching staff.
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In a game filled with penalties, poor play, mismanagement, and bad coaching, resulting in 3 points in the first half, I'd leave too.

It was boring as hell. As a guy building a program, you'd think Ash would try and make it a little exciting. If you are going to lose, at least don't be boring.

4th and 1 from the other teams 37...punt. Ugggh.
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