improving science education in college

Recently, Rutgers has been working to reform its introductory undergraduate science courses. One of the introductory physics courses has been completely reformed, while a second is currently being reformed. The only intro physics course that is still traditionally taught is the physics for engineers course. Much of the effort in the physics department has been made because we have one of the premier physics education researchers in the world at the graduate school of ed, and the commitment from some of the physics faculty to reform their courses. Chemistry is also trying to undergo an overhaul of their intro courses as well.
Originally posted by mesa4234:
Recently, Rutgers has been working to reform its introductory undergraduate science courses. One of the introductory physics courses has been completely reformed, while a second is currently being reformed. The only intro physics course that is still traditionally taught is the physics for engineers course. Much of the effort in the physics department has been made because we have one of the premier physics education researchers in the world at the graduate school of ed, and the commitment from some of the physics faculty to reform their courses. Chemistry is also trying to undergo an overhaul of their intro courses as well.
Mesa4234, can you tell us a bit about how the courses are changing?