" In Seven Words, NFL Does an About-Face on CTE"

Great they admit, but the players will forget they said a few weeks down the road due to all the brain damage they incur.
Didn't the NFL admit the connection over a year ago by agreeing to pay a settlement of a billion dollars?
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Who cares ?

There is what is called the trickle down effect. NFL admits it is connected which will require them to do teach "Rugby style" tackling as Colleges quickly adapt and then HS follow suite and then down to Pee Wee. This type of admission by the biggest $$ money making organization related to football will have a profound effect on how the game will be played.
BTW who one of pioneers at the forefront of teaching "Rugby tackling"....... Rutgers University's Head Football Coach Chris Ash. This is a bit of leverage we can use in recruiting, Think Anthony Davis who "retired after a concussion The guy was making Millions and do to personal health and life choice may walk away from the game he loves. Think about his mom and every mother with a kid in football, safety is more important, the game will change as a result. To digress to AD case as an O-tackle how does he get a concussion? the rarely called (in the Pros) head slap (punch) will be looked at and hopefully called more religiously in the Pros, it is picked up in College much more now.

Its pretty funny that Mr and Mr America fall for this charade. They are told football is dangerous for "sons" while the same kooks are promoting girls into the game (and in combat). Real researchers haven't found any big links (and tau proteins are caused by many things and most people have evidence of them) and the "studies" cited in faux crisis articles were epitome of junk science. Just last month it came out that black gays are near a 50% HIV rate but Michael Sam is some kind of hero and the Mets are having a "Pride" day. Some how concussions have become more dangerous than celebrated behaviors practically guaranteed to get you a lethal virus. We live in an age of hucksters, weirdos and fools. NFL is increasingly run by all three.
Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport
The 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport Held in Zurich, November 2012
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Clinicians need to be mindful of the potential for long-term problems in the management of all athletes. However, it was agreed that chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) represents a distinct tauopathy with an unknown incidence in athletic populations. It was further agreed that a cause and effect relationship has not as yet been demonstrated between CTE and concussions or exposure to contact sports.[105–114] At present, the interpretation of causation in the modern CTE case studies should proceed cautiously. It was also recognized that it is important to address the fears of parents/athletes from media pressure related to the possibility of CTE.

there is always one who refuses to believe in the facts and find the one paper who will not conclude that it is a cause and effect until further data is compiled. There is a difference from not concluding because they want to see more evidence ( a purist scientist always want more data to draw a concrete conclusion when putting their name on the line) and one who disagrees with given thesis. the study does not disagree there is a very strong correlation, they just feel further studies need to be done. WAY different then refuting the thesis.
But when they very company admits a correlation and is will to pay millions upon millions of PROFITS to former players, their is no more evidence needed to say "Houston we do have a problem."
It is an incredibly big deal as we are starting to see with Patrick Boreland, Calvin Johnson, BJ Raji and others. You are going to see more and more parents keep their kids out of playing football and directing them to things like soccer. More guys will go into the NFL and play for five years and call it quits. The refs will call games differently. It will affect insurance premiums, future litigation and probably a host of other things.

It is kind of funny that the same people denying CTE also believe that man has nothing to do with climate change.
It is an incredibly big deal as we are starting to see with Patrick Boreland, Calvin Johnson, BJ Raji and others. You are going to see more and more parents keep their kids out of playing football and directing them to things like soccer. More guys will go into the NFL and play for five years and call it quits. The refs will call games differently. It will affect insurance premiums, future litigation and probably a host of other things.

It is kind of funny that the same people denying CTE also believe that man has nothing to do with climate change.
RE: Last sentence. Cows too.
Didn't the NFL admit the connection over a year ago by agreeing to pay a settlement of a billion dollars?

No. Part of a law suit settlement is that the defendant does not admit the plaintiff's accusations. Instead, the settlement is made, at least in theory, just to avoid further litigation.
No. Part of a law suit settlement is that the defendant does not admit the plaintiff's accusations. Instead, the settlement is made, at least in theory, just to avoid further litigation.
I'm not saying they verbally admitted it but the act of paying a $Billion is, in itself, an admission.
From experience, I can tell you that the NFL and (player association) has been taking this very serious regardless if they had ever admitted to it or not. They are available for any player to reach out to them for anything from counseling to testing and treatment. The only problem is that the player is the one that has to initiate the call and if they are in fact suffering, they are the last to realize it.
The other side of the equation is that while the NFL and Player association has taken it serious, the teams them selves...not so much...They try to say the right things but behind closed doors, they are not happy with mandatory recovery times from concussions and for fringe players, they actually get very upset at the player if they dare to show signs of a concussion as if there is anything they can do about it.

I also believe fully and many agree...the chances of suffering from CTE is dramatically increased by the level you have played. It is VERY rare in a person who only played youth ball. Also not much from the high school level either but once you get to a high level college and then the pro's the chances increases dramatically. I don't believe there are many changes that need to be made at the youth level nr should there be a great fear at that age either.
I'm not saying they verbally admitted it but the act of paying a $Billion is, in itself, an admission.

It would seem so, but in fact it is not. It is simply a statement that the defendant thinks that going to trial is sufficiently risky that it makes sense to settle instead. Individuals and companies enter into such settlements routinely.
It would seem so, but in fact it is not. It is simply a statement that the defendant thinks that going to trial is sufficiently risky that it makes sense to settle instead. Individuals and companies enter into such settlements routinely.
How many of those are for a Billion $??
I wonder if that pair of doctors the NFL went out of its way to ridicule feel much better...years after they knew all about said link!
I'm not saying they verbally admitted it but the act of paying a $Billion is, in itself, an admission.

Either that, or they felt they could be forced to pay much more than a billion if the lawsuit proceeded further and decided to stop the bleeding.