Interesting Story of top NJ recruit who left for ND and did NOTHING


Mar 7, 2015
So Mike Rangone was the #2 TE in the country in the class of 2007 and was from Cherry Hill, NJ.

I came across him because I was checking what Aaron Hernandez was coming out of HS. (#1 overall TE in the country)

Anyway Mike Rangone decided to attend Notre Dame. So here comes the scary part. He only had 11 reception over 4 YEARS of football at Notre Dame and then he even transferred to Kansas for a 5th year and only had 2 receptions!

WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED? How could he do so poorly??? And if you consider that the #5 TE in this class was a guy named Rob Gronkowski, you really see how poorly Mike Rangone compared to his peer group.

Anyways the only reason I bring this up is that I can only wonder what would have become of him if he has attended a different school and obviously I am thinking mainly about a school like Rutgers. When you go to a school like Notre Dame you have 0 margin for error. If you have a tough year personally like a death in the family or maybe personal issues or whatever and you play slips on the field.....guess what... there is a 4 or 5 star recruit ready to take your spot and never look back. Plus, you are out of state so if you have issues you feel that much more alone. Just look at Gary Nova... he went through a tough patch there, but thankfully he was so close to home and was able to lean on his family to make it through and he came out on the other side AND SMASHED ALL PREDICTIONS for Rutgers first year in the BIG 10 and will forever be remembered for that.

Anyway does anyone know exactly what happened with this player? I feel bad for him being an NJ guy that things did not turn out better for him.

Here is a link to his stats if you want to look at them as well
Originally posted by MikeRU1766:
So Mike Rangone was the #2 TE in the country in the class of 2007 and was from Cherry Hill, NJ.

I came across him because I was checking what Aaron Hernandez was coming out of HS. (#1 overall TE in the country)

Anyway Mike Rangone decided to attend Notre Dame. So here comes the scary part. He only had 11 reception over 4 YEARS of football at Notre Dame and then he even transferred to Kansas for a 5th year and only had 2 receptions!

WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED? How could he do so poorly??? And if you consider that the #5 TE in this class was a guy named Rob Gronkowski, you really see how poorly Mike Rangone compared to his peer group.

Anyways the only reason I bring this up is that I can only wonder what would have become of him if he has attended a different school and obviously I am thinking mainly about a school like Rutgers. When you go to a school like Notre Dame you have 0 margin for error. If you have a tough year personally like a death in the family or maybe personal issues or whatever and you play slips on the field.....guess what... there is a 4 or 5 star recruit ready to take your spot and never look back. Plus, you are out of state so if you have issues you feel that much more alone. Just look at Gary Nova... he went through a tough patch there, but thankfully he was so close to home and was able to lean on his family to make it through and he came out on the other side AND SMASHED ALL PREDICTIONS for Rutgers first year in the BIG 10 and will forever be remembered for that.

Anyway does anyone know exactly what happened with this player? I feel bad for him being an NJ guy that things did not turn out better for him.

Here is a link to his stats if you want to look at them as well
What is interesting about a player that was a bust? There are tons of Mike Ragone's every year, so what is the interesting part of this story?
Interesting Story of top recruit from..... who left for Div I-A Program and did NOTHING[/I]

That can be said for about 40% of all recruits...hence why football teams need to sign so many players each so many are busts.
To the above 4 posters. I am not sure what you're issue is with the post. Please feel free to elaborate on your thoughts.

All I was doing was simply asking if anyone knew what happened to this kid out of NJ who was rated about Rob Gronkowski and just behind Aaron Hernandez and was the #2 overall TE in the COUNTRY.

And also, to the poster talking about how 40% of recruits are busts or whatever you were saying. The issue with your argument is that not all recruits are the #2 ranked players in the COUNTRY at their position. Yes I know players sometimes are a bust... congratulations for that very insightful remark haha. My question was WHY was he a bust.

And also again....this is not just a normal bust. He only had 11 receptions IN 4 YEARS AT NOTRE DAME!!!!!! That is incredible. That is why I was asking if anyone knew what happened because I feel like he must have gotten injured or something.
He can tell his kids and grand kids he played for ND
He has a degree from ND which was paid for.

The kid won.
Originally posted by Local Shill:
I know people don't mean it this way, but posts like this are actually pretty insulting to Rutgers.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I agree. I hate these kinda threads. We've had plenty of kids come here who washed out of big time programs that did nothing here either.
Another thing about these "name" programs... if we lose a guy to a proven winner like Saban or Urban Meyer (who is in the news today for being convicted murderer Hernandez college coach tolerating a lot of crap from him).. a proven winner is one thing. But these name programs who are not quite where they think they should be?.. they have quick triggers in terms of coaches... staff and head coaches. The "name" program is not the safe choice that many believe it is.. but that story doesn't get out there like the stories about the non-name programs struggles.
I think the important part of the original post is the zero margin for error. Shuler and Huggins aren't fair comparisons because they were given every opportunity to show what they had. I think this is most relevant to Kareem Walker, who after a bad summer or minor injury, could be 5th or 6th on a depth chart with no loyalty in sight.
I see where you are going here. Ragone was injured for a lot of his time at ND. Before you sh1t all over a kid for going to ND over Rutgers (especially Rutgers back then) to play football take a deep breath. I wonder how he is doing with the ND degree. I love Rutgers football, but ND is a considered a better school and football program by the entire world with the exception of the posters on this board. I cannot say the same for tennessee.
What a failure of the largest kind from the OP.

Ragone tore his ACL twice at ND. That's why his career didn't pan out at ND. He spent more time in rehab than he did on the football field.

This post was edited on 4/16 8:49 AM by Ty Webb
Kid got hurt and his career didn't get him to the NFL. Most college players don't make it to the NFL, but a degree from ND is a pretty good plan B
Plenty of recruits will be busts. Whether they go to Ohio State, Rutgers, Tennessee or Notre Dame is pretty irrelevant in most cases.
Case study in why people who think they've come up with some great thought should take a breathe before posting.

The kid was a stud in HS. Nearly unstoppable. ND has a history of first or second round picks at his position. Pass happy offense at the time he committed. Catholic school player to ND. And oh, he graduated from Notre Dame and got to experience a different college campus for another season (the Weiss link being why he picked Kansas).

Oh yeah, he blew his knee out twice and wasn't healthy for a down of his time there.

I'm sure he stares at his ceiling at night lamenting his decision...

And also agree with Shill. These type of posts make us look like jilted girl friends stalking facebook posts...

This post was edited on 4/16 11:12 AM by ruhudsonfan

This post was edited on 4/16 11:29 AM by ruhudsonfan
In that same recruiting year, look at Chris Donald. Five star prospect, #2 LB (#1 ILB), and #18 overall - rated much higher than Rangone overall (who was #83). He redshirted a year at Tennessee, then saw the field in a very limited capacity the next two years before transferring out to FCS UT-Chattanooga for a year... then missed his senior season and stopped playing entirely due to recurring wrist injuries.

It happens.

Only interest here is that he was a NJ guy, and that he went to FUND... otherwise, it's a pretty unremarkable story.
ND was very high on him a couple times during his career there but like stated previous the injuries caught up to him. He played in every game as a true freshman so I think that's how high ND felt about him.. His knee problems started his Jr. year in HS during wrestling season. He got a free degree from ND and probably a free masters degree from Kansas. I wouldn't feel too bad for him!
What a FAILURE by a poster with over 7,500 posts!

Can somebody please explain to me what the heck is wrong with a small, but very vocal part of this message board? It's like they don't even bother to read people entire posts or they are very confused in general or something.

In my OP at the end I asked..... "Anyway does anyone know exactly what happened with this player? I feel bad for him being an NJ guy that things did not turn out better for him."

And then Ty Webb gives me the exact answer that I suspected which was he had a serious injury. In fact he has 2 serious injuries. (Thank you for this insight by the way; that sort of insight is exactly what I am looking for when I make a post and ask a question on this message board) But he says my post is a failure?

The whole point of my post was the point out something interesting I stumbled upon on the day of Aaron Hernandez being found guilty which is that he was the #1 TE in the country and that the #2 TE in the country was from NJ and went to ND and only had 13 receptions over a 5 year career.

NO WHERE DID I SAY THAT going to Notre Dame was a bad choice for obtaining his degree!
NO WHERE DID I SAY THAT in 2007 he should have picked Rutgers over Notre Dame!


All I said was I wonder what would've happened if he had went to Rutgers. THATS ALL!

So anyway come on guys I don't know what is up with you guys, but please read the entire posts. And if you are already doing that....then maybe you should slow down and "not let your emotions get the best of you" and re-read the OP because a small, but vocal % of this message board are constantly doing this where they are insinuating conclusions that are no where stated in the OP and then making poor posts based on these conclusions that THEY HAVE CREATED IN THEIR OWN HEAD.
OP: are you saying that you did not intend to compare Guarantano to this guy? Sorta hard to believe given context. I think that's why people jumped on you.
Great question because apparently that must be what all these posters were concluding. No it really wasn't about Guarantano. I am sick of all the Guarantano speak if he wanted to come then great... if not then lets move on.

This whole post came about by me hearing about Aaron Hernandez and then being curious about his ranking and then noticing this Mike Rangone kid right below him and THEN noticing Gronkowski 3 spots below him. And THEN when I saw Rangones stats I was just blown away and had to make the post.

Am I the only one who thought this was extremely interesting that this kid was ranked right behind Aaron Hernandez and 3 spots above Rob Gronkowski? And that the production number were SO VASTLY different!
This post is not directed at anyone in particular it is just in general.

The world kept spinning Wednesday after JG's announcement. A mother who lost her son hopefully was able to find some solace in the fact that the person who killed her son is no longer walking around a free man. A fiance lost the simple luxury of being able to curl up in bed with her husband for a longggg time if not forever.

And probably the most dramatic and sad thing that happened yesterday in my opinion was that a daughter lost her father for the majority of her life and she definitely won't have him for her growing years which is when a girl really needs to have a father to lean on and feel his unconditional love.

So anyway yes I was paying attention to "The Annoucement", but bigger things occurred on Wednesday as well.

So please for the rest of the off season let's NOT have every thread be tinted with JG and have everyone thinking every post is about JG.
Originally posted by MikeRU1766:
What a FAILURE by a poster with over 7,500 posts!

Can somebody please explain to me what the heck is wrong with a small, but very vocal part of this message board? It's like they don't even bother to read people entire posts or they are very confused in general or something.

In my OP at the end I asked..... "Anyway does anyone know exactly what happened with this player? I feel bad for him being an NJ guy that things did not turn out better for him."

And then Ty Webb gives me the exact answer that I suspected which was he had a serious injury. In fact he has 2 serious injuries. (Thank you for this insight by the way; that sort of insight is exactly what I am looking for when I make a post and ask a question on this message board) But he says my post is a failure?

The whole point of my post was the point out something interesting I stumbled upon on the day of Aaron Hernandez being found guilty which is that he was the #1 TE in the country and that the #2 TE in the country was from NJ and went to ND and only had 13 receptions over a 5 year career.

NO WHERE DID I SAY THAT going to Notre Dame was a bad choice for obtaining his degree!
NO WHERE DID I SAY THAT in 2007 he should have picked Rutgers over Notre Dame!


All I said was I wonder what would've happened if he had went to Rutgers. THATS ALL!

So anyway come on guys I don't know what is up with you guys, but please read the entire posts. And if you are already doing that....then maybe you should slow down and "not let your emotions get the best of you" and re-read the OP because a small, but vocal % of this message board are constantly doing this where they are insinuating conclusions that are no where stated in the OP and then making poor posts based on these conclusions that THEY HAVE CREATED IN THEIR OWN HEAD.
I would bet most people in this thread thought you were making the point about how kids would be better off staying in state and goign to RU, especially since your post came right out after JG chose Tennessee.

If that wasn't your intention, my apologies, but the way you wrote your post it seems quite a few people thought the same thing.
he got hurt but he earn a degree from a great school. No shame in that.

Most college players never make the NFL. Even the ones that do rarely make it past their rookie contract.

That's reality.
Mike Rangone got a degree from Notre Dame, 1 year of grad school paid for at Kansas. Sounds like a success story to me. Congrats to Mike. Now if he was only able to parlay his talents into a Tennessee degree, eh, not terrible but it's not a Notre Dame degree.
Another bust was Tyler Stockton of The Hun School (same year as Tom Savage). He was the top kid in the state, went to ND and became an after thought there as well. For every Theo Reddick or Elijah Shumate, there are ten Mike Ragones or Tyler Stocktons from NJ that fail at ND Football.
Originally posted by CNJKnight:
Another bust was Tyler Stockton of The Hun School (same year as Tom Savage). He was the top kid in the state, went to ND and became an after thought there as well. For every Theo Reddick or Elijah Shumate, there are ten Mike Ragones or Tyler Stocktons from NJ that fail at ND Football.
There are multiple elite kids from every state that fail both at the hometown school or another school outside the state.
Do the guys from Nittany land say the same thing about Ron Powlus?
Originally posted by srru86:
Do the guys from Nittany land say the same thing about Ron Powlus?
Powlus had a pretty good career at ND though (set multiple school records), even though ND didn't have solid all-around teams during his Holtz was giving up and Davie, well, enough said.

ND obviously wasn't known for throwing the ball under Holtz...but Powlus did have 4 pretty good years behind center.
Originally posted by srru86:
Do the guys from Nittany land say the same thing about Ron Powlus?
Don't recall what they did with Powlus, but Terrelle Pryor regularly got tarred and feathered on the Pedd State boards.

Rangone followed Charlie Weis around? LOL, nice choice by him.
Originally posted by GSGS:
Originally posted by srru86:
Do the guys from Nittany land say the same thing about Ron Powlus?
Don't recall what they did with Powlus, but Terrelle Pryor regularly got tarred and feathered on the Pedd State boards.

Rangone followed Charlie Weis around? LOL, nice choice by him.
I'm sure that's not true about Pryor. Rutgers is the only fanbase that's pressure on local kids to stay home.