Numbers, went to a few reunions Court, Patterson but none at the Elks. Pinfield had the biggest crush on my wife's best friend Lisa back in the day. As an aside you must know Shelly?
I am amazed at the lack of mentions for White Rose in Highland Park. I admit it was a drive and by today's laws and enforcement standards, it would be a high risk trip. On the subject of go go's. Club 516, down towards Aberdeen was a great spot for 5cent hot dog night with a 5-dog limit if I recall.
Bodners as the source of kegs for sure.
No mention of Douglas student center, don't recall the food, but the view was nice.
Loser and I would slam in our dorm room if the right song came on. We would leave the door open (he would always come into my room for "backwash," which was what we called the Kool Aid I made and put in the little refrigerator in my room. I had read somewhere that the last gulp of anything in a container was 95% backwash, which we assumed meant saliva and other nasties. So even a new container was called backwash. Loser (remember his nametag?) would stop in my room for some backwash, and if there was a song on, or if I put one on, we would go apeshit, slamming into each other, the wall, the floor, didn't matter.Numbers and RaRa, we must know each other. Talking about the same experiences. September 1982 from the start. Don't know if Loser (Andy) was officially a DKE brother or just aligned. DKE had just been kicked off campus and there was nothing "establishment" about DKE then. They were and will always be "Animal House". But some of them who lived in the house ended up at Tinsley including the vice president. Met Loser and he gave me an intensive month long course in all things Clash. Toughest course for me at RU. Clash after the Jones/Strummer split played the barn that fall. A lot of slam dancing at the (one floor) Melody. Numbers, to refresh your recollection of Loser just think of the boyfriend of the hottest, sexyist chick you ever saw on College Ave. Fast forward, biggest fight with my wife on naming our first son Strummer. I lost.
Post 84 people will never fully get the Melody. It was a scene.
Loser and I would slam in our dorm room if the right song came on. We would leave the door open (he would always come into my room for "backwash," which was what we called the Kool Aid I made and put in the little refrigerator in my room. I had read somewhere that the last gulp of anything in a container was 95% backwash, which we assumed meant saliva and other nasties. So even a new container was called backwash. Loser (remember his nametag?) would stop in my room for some backwash, and if there was a song on, or if I put one on, we would go apeshit, slamming into each other, the wall, the floor, didn't matter.
If it was 1980, which I think it was, I was on IIRC 3rd-floor Mettler (the Robeson floor), home of the Dope Buddies. Everybody got high on that floor except me--as much as I wanted to like weed, it made me paranoid so I just said fvck it, I hate being paranoid so I didn't even bother. Some of the other guys on that floor were Bobby H., Brian A, Seth, Bobby Lee (we called him Bobby Reeeee--he found that funny--he was a cool dude and kind of a badass in his own right), a Greek girl (from Greece) who I crushed on, named Laura B.; Cecilia, and others. IIRC, our preceptor was Dave Goldberg.
It was amazing how the grease would soak through even the "grease-proof" bags.White Rose was a staple place for pickup food when I worked paid shifts at the Rutgers University Fire Department. The grease would be soaked through the bags by the time we got it back to the station.
Numbers, went to a few reunions Court, Patterson but none at the Elks. Pinfield had the biggest crush on my wife's best friend Lisa back in the day. As an aside you must know Shelly?