James Franklin is a fraud

A dick, definitely.
After the game he ran down a player and directed him back on the field to join the team in congratulating Michigan State players. Was also very gracious in defeat. Please make a believer on how he's an asshole? I know very little about him.
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After the game he ran down a player and directed him back on the field to join the team in congratulating Michigan State players. Was also very gracious in defeat. Please make a believer on how he's an asshole? I know very little about him.
That's the first positive thing I've ever seen attributed to him, if true.
After the game he ran down a player and directed him back on the field to join the team in congratulating Michigan State players. Was also very gracious in defeat. Please make a believer on how he's an asshole? I know very little about him.

Still doesn't excuse his behavior earlier in the year icing a kicker in the final seconds to have a shutout against an overmatched 1AA school.
0-10 against ranked teams on the road in his career.

1-3 against Mark Dantonio. 1-3 against Urban Meyer. 1-2 agaisnt Jim Harbaugh.
But against us next week you watch. If he can run up the score against us he will.

That’s fine. He can beat us 100-3 and they still aren’t making the college football playoffs. And you don’t think Michigan State remembered last season when Franklin tacked on a late TD pass trying to earn style points for the CFP committee? Michigan State happily returned the favor today.

Let Ash get some players and we will have our opportunity for payback too one day. We are already showing signs of improvement and we have no depth whatsoever. PSU fans say that will never happen...Syracuse fans said the same thing early in Schiano’s tenure. Pride comes before the fall.
How do you know this?
It's true, I saw it on TV. While most of the Penn State team stayed on the field shaking hands with MSU players and coaches a player left the field and JF litterly ran him down by the end zone and directed him to the field.
TV clearly showed Franklin sprinting 30 yards or so and redirecting at least one player, maybe more, back to the field immediately after the game ended. Give credit where credit is due, classy move by Franklin. However, he is still a phony douche bag.
After the game he ran down a player and directed him back on the field to join the team in congratulating Michigan State players. Was also very gracious in defeat. Please make a believer on how he's an asshole? I know very little about him.
How about after we lost to them our first year in the big and he ran across the field and told our player and coaches to suck it while doing the x motion?
How about after we lost to them our first year in the big and he ran across the field and told our player and coaches to suck it while doing the x motion?
I don't remember that happening. I had to prove my statement was accurate, yours on the other had I believe is a lie.
After the game he ran down a player and directed him back on the field to join the team in congratulating Michigan State players. Was also very gracious in defeat. Please make a believer on how he's an asshole? I know very little about him.

As scarlet monster posted, he called timeout to ice the kicker in a final minutes of a 56-0 game against Georgia State.

Then I remember when he claimed he didn’t realize who Penn State was playing next in the schedule and had to ask the interviewer. Of course, it was Rutgers.

One other asshole quote I remember directed at Rutgers. This one I almost can let slide since it’s silly. However, he never respects Rutgers and I can just imagine how he recruits.
"I consider this in-state. I consider New Jersey in-state," Franklin told the crowd. While there are other schools in the region, "they might as well shut them down because they don't have a chance."

There are several other examples.
Franklin is a cocky asshole who belongs right where he is.
That’s fine. He can beat us 100-3 and they still aren’t making the college football playoffs. And you don’t think Michigan State remembered last season when Franklin tacked on a late TD pass trying to earn style points for the CFP committee? Michigan State happily returned the favor today.

Let Ash get some players and we will have our opportunity for payback too one day. We are already showing signs of improvement and we have no depth whatsoever. PSU fans say that will never happen...Syracuse fans said the same thing early in Schiano’s tenure. Pride comes before the fall.
I'm also looking forward to paying back that damn town you're from Michigan State when he screwed us a couple years back but tacking on with the two point play and all these other things when he was up by like 40 points can't wait to get him back to
After the game he ran down a player and directed him back on the field to join the team in congratulating Michigan State players. Was also very gracious in defeat. Please make a believer on how he's an asshole? I know very little about him.

Wrong board dude.
I don't remember that happening. I had to prove my statement was accurate, yours on the other had I believe is a lie.
Believe what you want but it happened and was quite the cause of conversation for all the HS coaches who witnessed it.
An awful lot of talent to have two really bad losses. Perhaps fraud is a strong word but clearly disappointing.
Thank you. People here will one day realize when Trap speaks just listen.

A few weeks ago you said it didn't matter if Franklin was classy in winning or losing, the important thing is that he didn't lose, and any claims that he was classless when icing that Akron FG kicker was simply sour grapes. Now he has lost 2 in a row, and suddenly class matters.

You also have said that nothing off the field matters when someone brings up the sordid history of your beloved NAMBLA Lions, and then when the topic switches to college teams that you hate, you claim that Alabama football players aren't the scholars that PSU players are.

RU31troll, you would be the LAST person I would EVER listen to about ANYTHING.
If Ash was not the current coach there is not many I would want at Rutgers more than James Franklin. We would own NJ recruiting and be a top 15 team....I'll take that all day over the silliness displayed here about hating James Franklin.
That's because your smart and probably a little younger than most on this board. Right now Franklin has no depth like Paterno's National Championship teams. He's also learning the hard way the value of elite OL and DL. Focusing on recruiting 4* & 5* skill players is great but this is not the SEC, PAC12 or the ACC for that matter. In the B10 conference where teams play in cold windy weather and mainly on grass requires a nice blend of talent.
An awful lot of talent to have two really bad losses. Perhaps fraud is a strong word but clearly disappointing.
Losing to a 3-6 Eastern Michigan at home is a bad loss. Losing to Ohio State on the road after they had a bye week and on the road after a 4 hour delay against Michigan State are not bad losses.