
Feel very sorry for his parents at this point. They may have enabled him in the past but cannot get the help their son needs now.

I hope that none of us on this board have to go through this as parents. But as we know, some of us will go through it. Thats the way life works.
Instead of an explanation by his attorney perhaps he should be more active and working in concert with the parents and others to get Manziel help and back on track. This is where the emphasis needs to be made. Maybe it is but if so let it be known and an example of cooperative action needed in situations like this. Manziel has had numerous times where he should have been (as old schoolers would say) grabbed by the back of the neck and straightened out!

Appears as though his father sees the light which might include a little dose of jail time and some serious enforced rehab residence and time followed by some meaningful community service.