OT: Southside Johnny Suddenly Retires from Touring, Cancels NYE Show

Did not realize that Bruce and Van Zandt were part of the Jukes at some point and that they had a heavy hand in writing the songs for the Hearts of Stone album. Recommend watching the Van Zandt documentary "Disciple" for a glimpse of that era and the collaboration.
Thanks to Gary Wien for including my comments in his tribute article to Southside Johnny. For those not familiar, New Jersey Stage is the Garden State's best website covering music, theater, and the arts. Gary runs the site and is also the author of perhaps the greatest book, Beyond the Palace, ever written about the Asbury Park music scene. (In addition, Gary used to be a regular poster on TKR. His moniker was lighty. He stopped posting here a few years ago.)
I remember him.
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“Alas, as the frontman retires from touring, so does his band,” said Kazee in the Jan. 6 post. “The Asbury Jukes will be remembered as an entity that supported their leader with muscle, nuance, accuracy, looseness, virtuosity, encyclopedic musical knowledge and the power to turn on a dime when their enigmatic singer changed gears and courses — sometimes mid-song. The band was like a freight train, almost impossible to knock us off the tracks. The Jukes played with pride and purpose on every stage — be it in clubs, arenas, parking lots, boats, knockdown joints, stadiums or zoos (not kidding). A band for The People.”