Letter to Editor-Rutgers Should Shut Down Football Program

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore

John Q. Public has spoken:

We all know the old definition of insanity: Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. So let’s think out of the box regarding Rutgers’ football.

The Press reported that it will cost $5 million to change coaches, and the program had a $36.3 million shortfall in 2014. And full Big Ten revenue is not available until 2021.

Add to that the increasing number of serious injuries inherent in this sport (deaths at the high school level and what pro team hasn’t lost many starting players during the season) and one could postulate that football, similar to what happened with boxing, could be in a downward spiral.

What an opportunity, then, for Rutgers to set an amazing precedent and drop the football program altogether. That action would put Rutgers on the map. The money saved could be redirected to the true purpose of a university — education.

John Amoss
Ocean Township
Well the guy isn't wrong when he said the money could be redirected toward education - that's the whole point of the university.
I think anyone with an ounce of sense in their brain realizes big -time football at a university is a conflict of interest. But with that said I like football and we should try to win at almost al costs . If 60-70 kids don't really belong academically here and get a shoddy education so be it .
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in this instance, John Q. Public has spewed forth with juvenile & woefully flawed logic.

Better for him to go back on the front porch & scream at kids to get off his lawn.
Here is an idiot from my town, we give trophies to everyone and don't keep score. Nice town, people are strange.
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$36 million dollars in the hole this season? Is that even possible?

John Q. Public has spoken:

We all know the old definition of insanity: Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. So let’s think out of the box regarding Rutgers’ football.

The Press reported that it will cost $5 million to change coaches, and the program had a $36.3 million shortfall in 2014. And full Big Ten revenue is not available until 2021.

Add to that the increasing number of serious injuries inherent in this sport (deaths at the high school level and what pro team hasn’t lost many starting players during the season) and one could postulate that football, similar to what happened with boxing, could be in a downward spiral.

What an opportunity, then, for Rutgers to set an amazing precedent and drop the football program altogether. That action would put Rutgers on the map. The money saved could be redirected to the true purpose of a university — education.

John Amoss
Ocean Township

The fallacy of his argument is that the Football program did not have a $36.3 MM shortfall. It was the Athletic Department that had a shortfall. The football program made a profit. If you shut down the Football Program, you take away the profit of the football program, and thus make the athletic department shortfall even greater.
The true point of a university is not "education". It is the creation of prepared minds. Formal education is certainly one of the main aspects, but it goes beyond that. General enlightenment, collaboration and cultivation of thoughts and ideas, social engagement (of which athletics is a large contributor) all play a part.
I sure hope this guy didn't liquidate his retirement accounts post 2008...
Well the guy isn't wrong when he said the money could be redirected toward education - that's the whole point of the university.
I think anyone with an ounce of sense in their brain realizes big -time football at a university is a conflict of interest. But with that said I like football and we should try to win at almost al costs . If 60-70 kids don't really belong academically here and get a shoddy education so be it .
It'll always be a money-loser (but for those select few who actually turn a profit), but at this point, the justification for everybody else seems to be using football simply as a vessel for marketing/advertising. Every school has to decide how much money they feel they can lose before it's no longer worth it, and the justification for a successful team is maximizing the visibility of your "advertisement."
I'm all about academics, but that's really small minded in today's world.

John Q. Public has spoken:

We all know the old definition of insanity: Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. So let’s think out of the box regarding Rutgers’ football.

The Press reported that it will cost $5 million to change coaches, and the program had a $36.3 million shortfall in 2014. And full Big Ten revenue is not available until 2021.

Add to that the increasing number of serious injuries inherent in this sport (deaths at the high school level and what pro team hasn’t lost many starting players during the season) and one could postulate that football, similar to what happened with boxing, could be in a downward spiral.

What an opportunity, then, for Rutgers to set an amazing precedent and drop the football program altogether. That action would put Rutgers on the map. The money saved could be redirected to the true purpose of a university — education.

John Amoss
Ocean Township

lol. Knows nothing. Why would they let them print this?

I believe the football program either makes money or is close to even. The reason we have the deficit unlike other schools is because our FB program doesn't make enough money to subsidize the other sports like at other schools. Killing it would keep that cost fixed permanently.
Football program will make LOTS of money soon and we're trending up over the next few years. (Such a stupid argument - We won't get shitloads of dollars until 2021 - we should shut it down.)
State colleges need a good program for marketing. A half-assed one like we've had is probably counterproductive. (I think shutting it down entirely might have been preferable to an ongoing crappy program if not for the BIG).
BIG helps bring in millions of research dollars for the school.
A good FB program for the public school helps increase admissions allowing Rutgers to raise standards.

I blame the newspapers for this misinformation.
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Last I checked the 2014 $36M downfall that he mentions is a downfall for the entire Athletics program, not just a football downfall. My understanding is football turned a profit this past fiscal year. Is he suggesting we shut down all athletics?
Why did I read that idiots letter?

There's 30 seconds of my life I'll never get back plus now my head hurts.
Why doesn't someone here write a letter to the editor disputing this, and support the football program?
The true point of a university is not "education". It is the creation of prepared minds. Formal education is certainly one of the main aspects, but it goes beyond that. General enlightenment, collaboration and cultivation of thoughts and ideas, social engagement (of which athletics is a large contributor) all play a part.

I agree with this point. But there are a lot of people who think that the purpose of college is vocational training.

But if the true purpose of a university was just "classroom learning" or "formal education", then going to college is nothing more than going to 13th grade. In high school, the teachers feed you the information that you learn. At quality universities, the faculty help you train yourself to learn on your own. That may include being spoonfed information, but it also includes independent learning, knowing how to critically question what you read, and how to develop ideas on your own.

Intercollegiate athletics isn't a necessary part of the university experience. But it certainly is consistent with the university experience. For the student-athletes, the athletic experience helps build discipline and teamwork. For non-athlete fans, the athletic experience helps build comaraderie and socialization. It is also a way to keep alumni in contact with their alma mater.
Well the guy isn't wrong when he said the money could be redirected toward education - that's the whole point of the university.
I think anyone with an ounce of sense in their brain realizes big -time football at a university is a conflict of interest. But with that said I like football and we should try to win at almost al costs . If 60-70 kids don't really belong academically here and get a shoddy education so be it .
What money....without football their is no money to direct to any other goal...FB isn't forced on anyone like the military draft....whats next.....2 hand soft we've become as a society...
Well the guy isn't wrong when he said the money could be redirected toward education - that's the whole point of the university.
I think anyone with an ounce of sense in their brain realizes big -time football at a university is a conflict of interest. But with that said I like football and we should try to win at almost al costs . If 60-70 kids don't really belong academically here and get a shoddy education so be it .

What a crock! The more you post , it is apparent that you are the one without an ounce of sense. You engage in a let's win at all cost, scorch the earth criticism campaign and then hold up Al Golden as the poster boy of Rutgers football.
A PhD from Johns Hopkins, worked for Alcatel-Lucent. Former US Army captain. No dummy. Just misguided.