Life As An RU Fan

Just because we aren't that type of school any more doesn't mean there's anything wrong with enjoying the days when we were not "bigger time," to use Bloustein's phrase. Nothing wrong with that at all. There was something almost serene about Rutgers football in that little old stadium, a bit more than two-thirds full, beating Lehigh or BU or whoever.

Just because that's not us doesn't mean remembering those days fondly is some kind of sin. I sometimes wish I was a student back when Rutgers didn't cross the river, played basketball at Ballantine and football and baseball where the library is now.
Life as an RU fan is great. You learn to have no expectations. It makes you tougher in dealing with life. love and business.
Just because we aren't that type of school any more doesn't mean there's anything wrong with enjoying the days when we were not "bigger time," to use Bloustein's phrase. Nothing wrong with that at all. There was something almost serene about Rutgers football in that little old stadium, a bit more than two-thirds full, beating Lehigh or BU or whoever.

Just because that's not us doesn't mean remembering those days fondly is some kind of sin. I sometimes wish I was a student back when Rutgers didn't cross the river, played basketball at Ballantine and football and baseball where the library is now.
We didn't all those years saying how we were in a bad league and we got no respect. Now we are big time .
When I started going to games the season began later and lasted 8 weeks.
Now the average RU fan has to endure 12 weeks and maybe a bowl game if we're lucky. Some things just never seem to change.
I was just only expressing my opinion. How anyone can say its the worst post ever is crazy. if you weren't there at the time, you wouldn't know. Princeton weekend on campus was incredible. We had a real rivalry that had historic significance. Just because we play in the B1G now doesn't mean our football experience is better. If you enjoy losing on national tv 78 -0 and getting embarrassed week after week and constantly being the joke of college football, i feel sorry for you.
Life as an RU one tough existence.
For me 42 years of watching them in all phases never really getting over that proverbial hump. Almost like the roller coasters that stop at the top then don't go anywhere but backwards after awhile. Then you start all over again very sad.
I'm the daughter of a professor who used to do academic support for sports teams, so I was dragged to horrible football games during the Shea error somewhat often. Then I became a freshman in 2005... Saw a bowl game all 4 years as an undergrad.

So I have an interesting fandom backstory.
I am jelly.