No offense intended here Colonel, but could you be irked because there's a touch of shame that Rutgers students aren't supporting he team by their attendance? I feel the same way.
People need to stop making excuses. The students just don't care enough (or should I say there aren't enough students that care). How many THOUSANDS of students are on campus, yet can't take a bus ride, or their own car to a game at 6:30......but they will at 7:30????? Traffic????? A football game the night before...was that excitement enough to last the weekend? How many hours of sleep did you need to get? I particularly love the "studying for exams" one. As if for the previous week they were locked in their dorm rooms or the Library 16 hours a day, only taking a break for meals.
Believe it or not, I'm not knocking those students that don't go. Whether it's basketball, football, whatever they just don't care enough to go. Everybody has their priorities. I never went to wrestling matches, or crew meets, but I don't think that makes me a bad person.
The casual fan will show up when we start winning. Games will become a "happening," they'll be more of a "place to be" instead of what they would usually be doing. Been a season ticket holder since the RAC openned, missed maybe a dozen games. They were usually because I was sick or couldn't avoid being wayyyy out of town. Only during Littlepaige did I duck a couple out of disgust.
There are quite a few like me, but my feeling is few of the present students have that passion. And you can't inject them with it. But that's OK. Who am I to tell someone what to like? Their loss. I cherish my Rutgers Basketball fever, the great times I've shared, the memories it has given me and and my family.