BB Recruiting New Rivals 100 Hoops Rankings released

Shit, makes him even more desirable.
Would be a tremendous get for Pike, but hard to think he'll pick a program that is just emerging. I will love to be proven dead wrong!
Don't you guys know the plan is to not boost his ranking until after he signs a LOI to Rutgers
Rising is not what we want right now. He can rise all he wants once he gets here.
The impact on landing Cliff is bigger than just his adding his talent. It could help alot in getting other big time recruits to look at RU. Hope it happens
He’d be foolish not to choose Rutgers. Anyone can see that it’s a player friendly place to play with coach Pike. Probably four year starter, with Paul hitting you in the post all day long. Fan base is over the top enthusiastic. You’re playing top notch teams all year long. We have the NYC market. Plus you’d have all the benefits of being close to home. Seems like no brainer to me.
Maybe Pike is getting his due as a talent evaluator.. I remember on the football side Schiano making an offer would raise ratings for recruits.

R house has it right.. Pike and this Rutgers team would be good for anyone.. but especially the big man.
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He’d be foolish not to choose Rutgers. Anyone can see that it’s a player friendly place to play with coach Pike. Probably four year starter, with Paul hitting you in the post all day long. Fan base is over the top enthusiastic. You’re playing top notch teams all year long. We have the NYC market. Plus you’d have all the benefits of being close to home. Seems like no brainer to me.
If Cliff was going to commit to Rutgers he would more than likely have done so by now...l’m sure there are many people in his ear telling him he can do better than Rutgers... it’s also not about staying home or playing in the NCAA tournament for many of these kids... it’s about the additional perks that some schools are pretty much are known to offer through the back door salesmen... we shall see if Cliff is different and sees Rutgers as his place to play under coach Piekell.
They are probably deciding on what's the best road to NBA. If Kentucky tells him he can be in NBA after year or 2 then I don't think we have a chance...

Honestly... I would do the same... Chance to make millions and have better life for the whole family?...

Of course I would love for him to come to Rutgers but thats just reality until we can prove to the recruits that we will be in top 25 every year and have players go to NBA constantly...
If Cliff was going to commit to Rutgers he would more than likely have done so by now...l’m sure there are many people in his ear telling him he can do better than Rutgers... it’s also not about staying home or playing in the NCAA tournament for many of these kids... it’s about the additional perks that some schools are pretty much are known to offer through the back door salesmen... we shall see if Cliff is different and sees Rutgers as his place to play under coach Piekell.

You could say the same exact thing about Kentucky. If he had a committable offer (which he does) and really wanted to be there then he would be committed there. I think he's still deciding where he really wants to be.
I think this really comes down to if Cliff thinks he can be a one and done or not. If he sees himself as a 2021 NBA lottery pick, he goes to K.
I saw Cliff play on Sunday for the second time this season and about the 10th time overall. He had 21 points, 19 rebounds and 10 blocks. He can jump to almost the top of the backboard. His arms are very long and he runs so fast up & down the court. He makes foul shots but rarely gets the ball thrown to him unless it is a lob for a dunk. He rebounds well and gets many baskets on his own. He has only been playing basketball for about 4 years. He will definitely improve tremendously if he came to RU. Our staff is very good from top to bottom and our strength and conditioning coach, Dave is one of the best at what he does. If Cliff speaks to Myles he would find out whatever he wants to know about our engineering program. I think Cliff would play at least 2 years wherever he would choose and maybe even 3 years. I would love to see him at RU. He would be the perfect complement to Myles.
I don't see the offensive repertoire of a typical 1 (or 2) and done. IMO, Cliff is going to need 2+ college years to develop his game to a point where he is a NBA talent. Why not come to a school where you're basically guaranteed a ton of immediate playing time?
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I know he would be a star at UK. He would be a superstar at Rutgers. The BTN programming boost basketball way more that SECN. He would be a Big Ten superstar with all the coverage. At UK, he just another possible 1 and done who will transfer because the next crop is coming in.
is LOI day after the NCAA toruney? maybe RU will match up with Kentucky in the tourney with the winner getting Cliff.
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I think if Cliff is a smart recruit who really steps back and thinks about it, he will not be fooled by Kentucky. If he goes to Kentucky he will be playing with a bunch of one and dones who will be looking to showcase their own game, the ball will not make it down to the post. Worse yet, he could be benched like his teammate. At Rutgers he will be a center piece and thus he will develop much faster and get much more recognition. If Rutgers was a joke of a program I’d say yeah go to another school, but Cliff would be the guy that makes us a top 10 team. Plus more guys would funnel in because of him.

I’ve spoken to multiple sources, family members, coaches and players and none were happy with Calapari. This is in regards to two high profile NJ players, that played for him. If a player wants to take his money, be careful what you wish for, he is a used cars salesman. A player also has to realize that many of their so called closest advisors will be getting money and their advice often won’t be in the best interest of the player. These side deals to influence a player are unknown to the recruit. So they need to block out the noise, be really skeptical of advice and at the end of the day go with what feels right in their heart. I’m sure Cliff can feel the love at Rutgers. The players have great chemistry, the coaches are players coaches and the fans will be over the top for him.
At Rutgers he will be a center piece and thus he will develop much faster and get much more recognition.

One reason against RU would be playing time. I can't imagine a line up next year with CO and MJ on the court together so unless he can grossly outplay a 3rd year BIG center who is on the rise, he will be relegated to Carter's minutes.
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He would have significantly more minutes than carter. It would be great to be able to rest Myles a little more.
One reason against RU would be playing time. I can't imagine a line up next year with CO and MJ on the court together so unless he can grossly outplay a 3rd year BIG center who is on the rise, he will be relegated to Carter's minutes.
If he can shoot better than 40% from the line he would play over him down the stretch.
I think if Cliff is a smart recruit who really steps back and thinks about it, he will not be fooled by Kentucky. If he goes to Kentucky he will be playing with a bunch of one and dones who will be looking to showcase their own game, the ball will not make it down to the post. Worse yet, he could be benched like his teammate. At Rutgers he will be a center piece and thus he will develop much faster and get much more recognition. If Rutgers was a joke of a program I’d say yeah go to another school, but Cliff would be the guy that makes us a top 10 team. Plus more guys would funnel in because of him.

I’ve spoken to multiple sources, family members, coaches and players and none were happy with Calapari. This is in regards to two high profile NJ players, that played for him. If a player wants to take his money, be careful what you wish for, he is a used cars salesman. A player also has to realize that many of their so called closest advisors will be getting money and their advice often won’t be in the best interest of the player. These side deals to influence a player are unknown to the recruit. So they need to block out the noise, be really skeptical of advice and at the end of the day go with what feels right in their heart. I’m sure Cliff can feel the love at Rutgers. The players have great chemistry, the coaches are players coaches and the fans will be over the top for him.
Will it be Cliff's decision tho?
Would Pike want a player that may be one and done? I know many would jump at the chance, but Pike's MO is as a builder.
This would really be interesting if he did come to RU.
The agrument that if he comes to Rutgers he won't go to the pros is false, what better exposure than playing in the B1G with the NY press. The pros will hear more about him at a good Rutgers team than anywhere else. He will be a household name on a good Rutgers team. People in NC still remember Sellers, to my surprise.