I'm not a fan of the Nits and wish them the worst each and every game they play.
But have to admit they look like a top program this year or on the way to being one. As for Franklin. I said he was a lousy game-day coach offensively and that might be true.
But this year his OC seems to be a good one , which makes Franklin better as a game-day HC and can't call him a poor game day coach anymore.

As for the playoffs, if a B1G team goes , it should be the winner of the B1G Championship game and it looks like it's going to be the Nittany Lions and Badgers in that game.
I'm mule-headed and stick to my opinion that only the conference champion, not any other conference team, should be eligible to be in the running for the National Championship..
I know it's not that way in Basketball, so if FB is going top be treated the way CBB is ,make the playoffs a 16 team affair, 12 minimum.

I respect you as a poster for exactly what you just posted. Fantastic.

I know you follow what I say and I was pretty clear that we would learn if Franklin was self aware or not this year based on whether or not he stayed the hell out of the offense after hiring Moorhead. We have our answer.

I can not sing the praises of our DC enough. We are starting a very, very young DL. In addition, the DTs were mostly DEs or LBs in HS only two short years ago. Unbelievable job by him. Unbelievable.

Wisky will be a tough game for sure.
I don't know if PSU is a great team but they have one of the best WR corps I've seen in awhile. QB just needs to chuck the ball down the field and Nit WRs snag anything near them - and in traffic to boot.

What's crazy is that the knock on our WRs is they can't get separation. Despite that, we have been throwing jump balls since the first game and our WRs have won the vast majority of them. They are also very, very good blockers.
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McSorley is the difference in my opinion. Hxis mobility and effectiveness as a passer keep the offense multi dimensional - defenses have to be balanced and each attack is too strong to stop without an extra man in the box or an extra man dropping back.
Penn state is a good team and we are God awful. I hate PSU, their fans and their whole weird culture but they rebuilt their team the right way and have a bright future. They've earned everything they accomplished this year.

Us Rutgers fans are going to have a rough few years lol. At least basketball looks good this year!
Extra Point - you posted on the wrong board, and didn't even have the courtesy to add an "OT" to your title. Nobody with your handle belongs on this board anyway, the few potentially meaningful TDs we have gotten this year have typically been followed by a missed XP. Maybe if you change your name to "Missed Extra Point", someone could argue you belong here.