We have some agreement and some strong disagreement.
First - I addressed defense not as a defense of CVS but in answer to someone who said it was poor this year. I personally don't think it is great, because unlike in the past we don't get a stop when we need it consistently, but it wasn't as bad as the poster implied.
A poster implied that defense was no longer so important. I think it is vital. UConn has great offense, but it also has great defense. The elite teams almost always have both.
What RU lacks is a consistent or strong offense. Always has, even in the good years, when it was "good enough" with stellar defense to make the Final Four. I think CVS's offense runs best with heady players. Most of today's recruits (although not all) lack a strong BB IQ, which is a problem. I don't need to break down details like you to know it is a fact. In fact, I don't think any RU fan thinks the offense is or has been stellar.
I continue to disagree that the game passes coaches by, as a terminology. As I stated, older coaches are less able to recruit (variety of reasons, including fading fame, increasingly poor results because it becomes circular, perceived upcoming end of career, etc.). They may become obsessed with winning at all costs (I always thought that was Cheney's issue, but not Viv's). They may not be able to communicate as well with players (generation(s) gap). In general, as coaches age and their career moves to a close, they usually become less effective, and I accept that CVS is in this general trend. I disagree that the she doesn't understand the game, or, with the right players, would be unable to be successful.
Separately, I just don't see that another year or two will have a material affect on RU's long term future.