No hope in sight.

So telling Jack to not settle excuses the long list of things that has ZERO to do with ability that this team doesn't do. Things I see my local HS team do with precision?
Picks are set, but they aren't used properly. When mack comes off a screen you can drive a MACK truck in between the space he uses.

Running our offense we are robotic. We do everything right, but jog through the motions. Make a pass and jog through the lane and go to the right spot on the court. Mack has done a great job as a floor leader and almost every possession gets us in to our sets (was a problem earlier in the year and last year). The problem is execution and it is more details than ability

Getting back on D is 2 fold. 1st is desire going in to a sprint. 2nd is getting back to the paint as opposed to trying to go for steals.
Originally posted by Greene Rice FIG:
So telling Jack to not settle excuses the long list of things that has ZERO to do with ability that this team doesn't do. Things I see my local HS team do with precision?
I could not believe how casual the cuts were yesterday. I honestly have moved from the Eddie can't coach to the Eddie can't motivate to the these guys are just blockhead position.

He's said the right things, he's done some of the right things lately (IMO) like sitting them..but they are a very difficult group. The talent level, the selfiness, the chemistry...I could go on.

I just think an NBA coach doesn't work at the college level. His experience is talking and trying to influence grown men not creating laser like focus and commitment from young undeveloped kids.
I'm sorry to say it, but I don't think this is going to be rock bottom either. Maybe rock bottom in the sense that the players look like they aren't trying and have quit on the coach, but I think the team is going to be way worse next year. I really think that next year will be the low point and somehow they'll have to improve from there. Hopefully Corey Sanders can be that but he's not even top 50 and could have some SERIOUS chemistry issues. If he doesn't qualify next year, RU will be looking at an all time bad season and might even if he does qualify.
dead on
lol...what a great thing this archive feature is. It means you can bring all the excuses and nonsense talked about last year for the upcoming year. Amazing that the same things said last year are used again this year. I wonder if we can find some more nuggets from last year when analyzing what year 3 should be like