No huddle, look to sidelines for playcall


Nov 19, 2005
In the latest article it says the offense will have everyone go to the line and look to the sideline for the playcall. I remember this board wasn't so fond of that under Schiano but hopefully the calls get in sooner this time around and it isn't rushed.
Problem in the past was that everybody in the stadium knew what they were doing. It was just a collective, "why go through this drama because we know from this formation that you're going off-tackle left."

If you watched Houston last year, this offense will be a sprint to the line, look to the sideline to see the play and run the play. Different kind of spread from Oregon but similar speed.
Will we be using those zany play call cards to signal the plays?



In the latest article it says the offense will have everyone go to the line and look to the sideline for the playcall. I remember this board wasn't so fond of that under Schiano but hopefully the calls get in sooner this time around and it isn't rushed.

The look to the sideline under that OC was painful....but, this is a Tim Herman protégé doing it the right way.
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It was never a strategy issue. It was execution. Looking to the sideline with 8 seconds on the play clock, only to shift and snap the ball under the gun as the defense timed the snap.
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Not a fan of the quick, no-huddle offense, at least for next year. This is a wafer-thin defense when it comes to depth. The less time we spend on offense, particularly if we go 3-and-out, the more stress is placed on the defense. This is essentially a one-deep D and we can't afford to sub guys out.
Will we be using those zany play call cards to signal the plays?

Let's hope so. Not for nothing but it seems to me that almost every team that uses those zany cards has a good - heck - very good offense. I've often wondered why we don't do that.

And regarding the "look to the sidelines" approach ... all I know is that Baylor has had probably the #1 offense in football for several years straight now. And guess what they do before every single play?
Let's hope so.

I am firmly in the whatever works camp.
I will readily admit that though they strike me as a little goofy, that is more about my old fashioned notions than the current state of the game.
Really not that much different functionally than using hand signals, which probably go back to Walter Camp's era.
Not a fan of the quick, no-huddle offense, at least for next year. This is a wafer-thin defense when it comes to depth. The less time we spend on offense, particularly if we go 3-and-out, the more stress is placed on the defense. This is essentially a one-deep D and we can't afford to sub guys out.

Not a fan of the quick, no-huddle offense, at least for next year. This is a wafer-thin defense when it comes to depth. The less time we spend on offense, particularly if we go 3-and-out, the more stress is placed on the defense. This is essentially a one-deep D and we can't afford to sub guys out.
No huddle doesn't necessarily mean quick. Baylor might get off plays every 10 seconds but a lot of teams who run the no huddle take up close to the full clock. Not huddling just allows them to prevent subs on defense.

Not to mention, if it helps our offense, it will lead to longer drives, which helps the defense.
The people here were moronic about it.

The look back is a GOOD thing...and people forget we used it really well with Mike Teel in his senior year with a FIFTH year QB!

Gives you a chance to play cat and mouse with the defense to show the defense early....especially if you change up tempo and go fast and force the other team to show coverage early
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Whatever happens we will be a very different team next year meaning it is very difficult for any of us to predict how we will be with any real confidence. It really comes down to wait and see.
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It was never a strategy issue. It was execution. Looking to the sideline with 8 seconds on the play clock, only to shift and snap the ball under the gun as the defense timed the snap.

Yeah, it was never fast enough to get an advantage on the defense.

The better offenses seemed to have various tempos and could up the tempo at will (assuming the last play gained yards). Gotta expect that we'll be a bit slower and use more clock than not, especially if the defense is as thin as we think it will be.
The no huddle offense is "fluff and puff" and "chuck and duck" to quote the legendary Buddy Ryan. A good defense always kills it.
we should sell the space on those play-calling cards as advertising space to the locals..
Next season will be odd...the uniforms will say Rutgers, but it will feel like a very different program.

I'm mostly excited about the changes, but I did like the idea of winning as a pro-style team. That is my preferred style of football, but I don't think a program like ours can pull it I'm all for making the changes that are necessary and becoming a more difficult team to play against.
The no huddle offense is "fluff and puff" and "chuck and duck" to quote the legendary Buddy Ryan. A good defense always kills it.

Not really. Teams like OSU and Houston run the ball more than 60% of the time.

It was funny when he threw a punch at Kevin Gilbride on the sidelines.
The problem at RU wasn't looking to the sideline for the playcall. The problem was that nobody got blocked once the ball was snapped (often over the recipient's head or at his feet). Good offensive teams that do this block people, snap the ball where it can be caught, and have OCs that are imaginative enough so that the whole stadium doesn't know the playcall. RU didn't have any of this going for them then. These people appear to know what they're doing.
Every time I see this thread title I get memories that send cold chills down my back.
Will we be using those zany play call cards to signal the plays?



Yes and I heard Mildone is in charge of selecting the pictures. It will be a collage of his favorite hookers and porn stars. The opponents will be so mesmerized by the new cards that we will score at will.o_O
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NCAA should change the rules and not allow both offensive and defensive plays to come from the sidelines. It should be made by players on the field. The game would go much faster and plays would be a lot simpler. These are college players with brains not bunch of jocks.
I actually played single wing football at Princeton in '68. Last year they played it. I did upgrade from the leather helmet, though.[/QUOTE I went to the Princeton/Penn. game in Philadelphia.,Franklin Field. Both teams ran the single wing and I have always been under the impression that it was the end of that formation.Could have been '68 but not sure. I remember that we went to Bookbinders for dinner after the game.BTW Rutgers won the Princeton game that year. 20-14.
Yes and I heard Mildone is in charge of selecting the pictures. It will be a collage of his favorite hookers and porn stars. The opponents will be so memorized by the new cards that we will score at will.o_O
Mesmerized. But otherwise absolutely correct. I've been in contact w/Ash and we're working out the details.