OT: 55 Oktoberfest Beers Compared in Blind Taste Test

If you are on the hunt for some Oktoberfest today, I recommend the Beermenus website / app.
I had many Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen 1/2 liters Saturday at their licensed bar/restaurant on the Bowery. Probably the best Oktoberfest that can be served at the real Oktoberfest. Very interested in trying the Ayinger. Hopefully I can find it on draft.
Had the Great Divide Hoss Octoberfest Lager over the weekend, and wasn't overly impressed... picked up a sixpack of the Great lakes one, too, but haven't tried it yet.
Had the Great Divide Hoss Octoberfest Lager over the weekend, and wasn't overly impressed... picked up a sixpack of the Great lakes one, too, but haven't tried it yet.
I know some here have recommended Great Lakes...and I love a few of their beers but their Oktoberfest fell short this season. Paulaner Wiesn is the best I have had so far. Sierra Nevada is also terrific and a bold move by them. Changing a popular, steady recipe but they hit a home run. Neshaminy Creek Brewing's Creekfest is great as well but at the moment only sold at the Brewery. Rumor has it someone was giving out samples at the tailgates last week.
Tried my first Spaten Oktoberfest in the green bottles (green bottles suck). Fortunately, I pulled the six from a closed case and protected it from light. The Spaten is very good. I would not buy it if it is outside of the case because of the green bottle and skunking. But my sixer was good. Right up there with the other good ones.

Had both Paulaner versions and they are very good as always. Same goes for Hacker-Pschorr.