OT: Alabama dismisses 5-star OL from Connecticut

Seriously ? Moss was kicked out of Notre Dame before he went to FSU and f'uped there as well.
A punk and an idiot.

Notre Dame denied his enrollment application because, according to wiki, "On March 23, 1995, Moss had backed a friend in a hallway fight against a white student who had allegedly used racist comments towards Randy's friend". The kid who started the fight wound up in the hospital. Moss went to a school that was mostly white and had been subjected to racist comments on a regular basis.

All of which is completely beyond the point

The point is that he matured and got his act together and went on to have a great college career at Marshall and had a hall of fame caliber NFL career.

Furthermore, on June 29, 2005, he launched the Randy Moss Celebrity Charity Invitational Bass Tournament. The tournament was a one-day event that paired celebrities and corporate sponsors with pro fishermen to raise money for the Smile Network, which is a foundation that provides financial assistance to children with treatable mouth problems, such as cleft palate.

Additionally, in 2008, Moss formed the Links for Learning foundation, which was established to help children in his home state of West Virginia, and to build learning centers for the most needy student populations.

Not too shabby for a f- up I'd say.
Saban wouldn't boot a kid with ability who was buying in and doing things the right way. This kid has problem child written all over him. What kind of problem (attitude, work ethic) isn't clear. But it's something.
Hold on there. Saban is notorious for pushing kids out to free up ships. He's also notorious if you don't leave we'll put you on medically unable to preform scholarship and end your football career. They had 12 of those at one point, where most schools have maybe 12 in a decade or two or even longer. This kid obviously wasn't preforming to Saban's standards and was over recruited. We have Saban's side only so far. For all we know Saban wanted the kid gone, but the kid didn't want to give up his scholarship so they dug something up. Just because he wins a lot does not make Saban squeaky clean, I wouldn't trust his word as gospel.
I love how so many on this board scan players who decomitt, get tossed from a school or who are graduate eligible to transfer without waiting and seriously think Rutgers is #1 on their list for the next school.
As for the Randy Moss example...c'mon. For every Randy Moss there are 1000++ that are bad examples!!
Maybe he just got bounced because he was recruited over and got passed on the depth chart. Happens all the time.
I love how so many on this board scan players who decomitt, get tossed from a school or who are graduate eligible to transfer without waiting and seriously think Rutgers is #1 on their list for the next school.
As for the Randy Moss example...c'mon. For every Randy Moss there are 1000++ that are bad examples!!
Original post simply said he was a 5-star from Connecticut. Questioned what his eligibility is (sit out a year, or play immediately?). Did not say he had an interest in Rutgers. Was posted mostly to point out that everyone who lands at Alabama is not a happy camper -- this camper was a fairly local kid.
Original post simply said he was a 5-star from Connecticut. Questioned what his eligibility is (sit out a year, or play immediately?). Did not say he had an interest in Rutgers. Was posted mostly to point out that everyone who lands at Alabama is not a happy camper -- this camper was a fairly local kid.
Fairly local??? What would make him a happy camper at Rutgers now that Flood is gone and Ash is as much of no nonsense coach as Saban. Rutgers doesn't need someone else's garbage
Fairly local??? What would make him a happy camper at Rutgers now that Flood is gone and Ash is as much of no nonsense coach as Saban. Rutgers doesn't need someone else's garbage[/QUOTE
What does Flood have to do with this athlete leaving Alabama? How do you know the athlete is garbage? Isn't it a little premature to compare Ash's style to Saban's?
Did anyone read the article about him? He was a transfer from ASA Jr college in The Bronx. He probably has little, to no chance of getting into RU, as most of his credits most likely would not be accepted here.
What does Flood have to do with this athlete leaving Alabama? How do you know the athlete is garbage? Isn't it a little premature to compare Ash's style to Saban's?
Flood would accept a 5 star recruit that doesn't play by team rules. Ash wont.
No one ever knows what happens behind closed doors of these programs.

1. He showed up in January after a JUCO season. Maybe he wasn't "good enough" after going through spring ball and Saban just pushed him out instead of wasting a scholarship on him. But wouldn't you let him finish the 2016 season and use the kid as a practice squad player? Its not as though you can sign someone else right now - or can you bring in a "grey shirt" kid?

2. Maybe his grades were awful and he has a terrible attitude and they saw no hope?

Who knows. Bring the kid in and see what his story is. No question Ash will look at him.
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Some folks still can't get over Post Floodmatic Stress Disorder. It's over. He's gone.

So true my friend, PSU has the Paterno knew nothing cult and RU has they everything that goes wrong is Flood's fault group.
Sounds like he wasn't willing to meet the expectations the staff has of all student athletes as to training and work ethic. To be hones, given those comments, I would be very surprised if Ash had any interest at all. Not willing to put in hard work won't work anywhere in P5 football.
1) It is not the size of the dog in the fight' it the size of the fight in the dog! everyone look great against the weak sisters of the blind (Conn FB) 5Stars =Bull$hit (only about a 50% success rate in picking it right)
2) Another point brought up >>"He was a transfer from ASA Jr college in The Bronx", ASA JC is an big statement on his academics potential
BUT Ash will "low key" look at him like every other school will do. If he has warts he will slide back into oblivion, either ucon't or temple or the sour rotting fruit at the Canadian boarder.
If it a social issue* we could use him
*Bama is not New England the fact that he had to go to ASA tells me he may not be the sharpest tack in the box. not fully understanding the difference from the NE to the deep south is enough said.
we are all old wash women with nothing but own viewpoints
LET ASH DECIDE! that is why we pay him and you not I, do not get one red cent for our "PROFESSION" opinion:angry:
If you're a talented player you really have to screw up at a place like Alabama to get tossed .
He's probably better than most of the guys we got so I would want him .
At elite schools like Alabama there is a squad full of 5 star players.Some succeed and others have to move on to another school.The fact he was accepted at Alabama is a indication of his talent and Rutgers should investigate his situation.Talent matters in power conferences.
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