OT - Barchi letter on undocumented immigrants

Like Trump is the most honest man on the planet and he never benefited personally from the Trump Foundation.
Fearemongering was perfected by ultra conservative sites meant to make fake news look the truth and wound up having the gullible vote the way Russia wanted them to.

lol considering the fact that the liberal-left controls the press, including social media, I find this post to be absurdly
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Maybe in this age the Constitution needs to be changed.

A lot of people say that about a lot of different parts. Like the electoral college, like the 2nd Amendment, like parts of the 1st Amendment, Eminent Domain, States Rights, etc. Slippery slope and all that.
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A lot of people say that about a lot of different parts. Like the electoral college, like the 2nd Amendment, like parts of the 1st Amendment, Eminent Domain, States Rights, etc. Slippery slope and all that.
Exactly, if the law doesn't fit the agenda, lets change the law. You lost children! It's time to let the grown ups run the country. lol
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A prospective employer can't even ask the citizenship status of candidates for a job. My company was fined by the Feds for advertising a job opening and saying that applicants had to be US citizens. Why does the Federal government spend so much effort protecting people who aren't even citizens at the expense of the citizens?

And yet, wasn't Romney crushed by the media in 2012 for hiring a company to do work on his property who had illegal immigrants working for them?
Like Trump is the most honest man on the planet and he never benefited personally from the Trump Foundation.
Fearemongering was perfected by ultra conservative sites meant to make fake news look the truth and wound up having the gullible vote the way Russia wanted them to.

MSM was the one full of fake news stories this year and you are kidding me if you think the Russians caused the Trump that sounds like fake news
I think everyone should check your landscapers and make sure they don't have any illegals working for them by checking each and every workers papers. This is the first step to MAKING ANERICA GREAT.l

Stop wasting your time typing on this board and call your landscapers.
I think everyone should check your landscapers and make sure they don't have any illegals working for them by checking each and every workers papers. This is the first step to MAKING ANERICA GREAT.l

Stop wasting your time typing on this board and call your landscapers.
I do my own landscaping, and I think all my papers are in order...........
I think everyone should check your landscapers and make sure they don't have any illegals working for them by checking each and every workers papers. This is the first step to MAKING ANERICA GREAT.l

Stop wasting your time typing on this board and call your landscapers.

Id love that...would eliminate most of the competition
Like Trump is the most honest man on the planet and he never benefited personally from the Trump Foundation.
Fearemongering was perfected by ultra conservative sites meant to make fake news look the truth and wound up having the gullible vote the way Russia wanted them to.
Your view point is very old and outdated . Stop.
I think everyone should check your landscapers and make sure they don't have any illegals working for them by checking each and every workers papers. This is the first step to MAKING ANERICA GREAT.l

Stop wasting your time typing on this board and call your landscapers.
America is trying to stop violent illegals first and foremost. You know , the ones that kill America's innocent brothers and sisters like Kate stienly. You can root for the criminals if you want.
No, he is saying that Rutgers has a don't ask, don't tell policy. And, that is deflection of the law, which we all should adhere to. "Undocumented" students are illegal, and there is no spin that can change that simple fact. And, under our Federal laws should be prosecuted, not protected.
Now, that I have no problem with.

Coming to this country illegally, to my knowledge, is an infraction, a crime lower than a misdemeanor and similar to a parking ticket. You don't "prosecute" such things.
Coming to this country illegally, to my knowledge, is an infraction, a crime lower than a misdemeanor and similar to a parking ticket. You don't "prosecute" such things.
Maybe, "you" wouldn't, but I certainly would! And, then I would send them back to whatever country they are from. And, if they decide to return, then there is a record, as well as a second violation. Eventually, they will get the idea, when that "misdemeanor" becomes a felony.
There are just too many people who enter this country LEGALLY, process the necessary paperwork, get vetted(the proper way), declare loyalty to THIS country, and take an oath, who should at the very least be respected, to allow illegal behavior by those, who just don't care, and break our laws without the threat of any penalties.
I'm sorry that you don't see that, which makes you part of the problem.
Coming to this country illegally, to my knowledge, is an infraction, a crime lower than a misdemeanor and similar to a parking ticket. You don't "prosecute" such things.
Parking ticket??? Are you even serious ? How about my friends and I break into your house , eat your food drink you booze , take advantage of your women , ruin your house and beat the crap out of you. Oh it's just s parking ticket infraction. FOOL!
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Illegal immigrants pay billions in taxes.

A 6 month old who has been brought to NJ by his her or her parents has broken ZERO laws. There is no law in this country that allows for babies and toddlers to have culpability for law breaking.

This is common sense. But common sense is above the heads of people who claim that the undocumented need to pay taxes they already pay but the President should not.
Just being an illegal immigrant is not a crime. It gets the immigrant deported, not jailed. Otherwise it would be necessary to go through a full criminal trial before deporting someone.

Also have to say that if the Russians were accused of helping HRC to become President, a number of posters on this board would be livid, but somehow they're quiet when it's their guy who is at stake. This is the biggest threat to America right now -- there's no longer such a thing as facts, instead people just believe whatever strikes their fancy. How can you have debate on political issues when there's no way to establish the facts of a situation? end of rant.
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Coming to this country illegally, to my knowledge, is an infraction, a crime lower than a misdemeanor and similar to a parking ticket. You don't "prosecute" such things.

Obama deported thousands since he became president, its not just a Trump thing, we have been doing it for years, Trump just wants the laws enforced a little stricter
Just being an illegal immigrant is not a crime. It gets the immigrant deported, not jailed. Otherwise it would be necessary to go through a full criminal trial before deporting someone.

Also have to say that if the Russians were accused of helping HRC to become President, a number of posters on this board would be livid, but somehow they're quiet when it's their guy who is at stake. This is the biggest threat to America right now -- there's no longer such a thing as facts, instead people just believe whatever strikes their fancy. How can you have debate on political issues when there's no way to establish the facts of a situation? end of rant.

what do you mean by helping...are you implying that the Trump campaign actively worked with the Russians because thats the only way that this is a story.
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this is such crap and if you dont realize it then you are an idiot. Trumps following the policies same way RU wants to follow obama's immigration policy. Plus if you factored in how many taxes the Clinton's circumvented with their foundation they blow trump away.
blow Trump away? How can you tell? Have you seen his tax returns? LOL. That was too easy.
what do you mean by helping...are you implying that the Trump campaign actively worked with the Russians because thats the only way that this is a story.

It is unusual for you to be so off base. Maybe I shouldn't trust your weather predictions any more?? Of course it's a story that a foreign nation tried to covertly influence an American election. To be charitable to you, I think what you are saying is that it's not Trump's fault that the Russians intervened on his side. Maybe so, but are you sure you're say that if the story were reversed? Along the same lines, wouldn't you be upset about the new Secretary of State having been awarded the Russian "Order of Friendship" if it were Clinton's appointment?
Gimme a break this whole charade is to ensnare 11 million illegals into our Social Security pay for the Hippies/Baby Boomers. We don't have the money to pay for these peeps to be crapping in their adult diapers...and being cared after.

Trump will get on TV one day and say - sure the peeps here can stay and we will build the wall but the Mexicans that are here - ain't going anywhere and we are going to tax the shit out of them...but that wall is going up - so they can't get out. lol

To pay for the Hippies/the Draft Dodgers shiting their pants - Medicare ain't cheap!

And we will tax anyone sending money south of the border at 100% - problem solved.

Ah...angry old white men grousing about 'illegals'. A time honored tradition, just like football itself (the topic we're supposed to be talking about).

Of course 'illegals' are just fine as long as they are giving you a great deal on roofing, floor sanding, cleaning, paint, whatever. But god forbid one has a kid and they end up at your school.... oh dear! We better torture that child and make sure they know we're 'watching them' and that at any second they could be shipped back to some far away place. Yes so manly of us to pick on the kids! Sign me up, that's the America I want, oh yeah!
Angry old white guys are a time-honored Western institution that go back to Socrates. Western Civilization is fine.
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It is unusual for you to be so off base. Maybe I shouldn't trust your weather predictions any more?? Of course it's a story that a foreign nation tried to covertly influence an American election. To be charitable to you, I think what you are saying is that it's not Trump's fault that the Russians intervened on his side. Maybe so, but are you sure you're say that if the story were reversed? Along the same lines, wouldn't you be upset about the new Secretary of State having been awarded the Russian "Order of Friendship" if it were Clinton's appointment?

and where is your proof it CHANGED the outcome, you just cannot say that

what about the MSM pulling a Billy Bush/Trump video from 10 years ago strategically that something that influences the election too
So true!

It's why you posted that Tim Kaine was Alec Baldwin and Trump made Ford keep its factory here.

Fake news, it's all you have left.

You voted first for Bernout then Shrillary. You aren't just a loser. You are a two time loser.
Ah...angry old white men grousing about 'illegals'. A time honored tradition, just like football itself (the topic we're supposed to be talking about).

Of course 'illegals' are just fine as long as they are giving you a great deal on roofing, floor sanding, cleaning, paint, whatever. But god forbid one has a kid and they end up at your school.... oh dear! We better torture that child and make sure they know we're 'watching them' and that at any second they could be shipped back to some far away place. Yes so manly of us to pick on the kids! Sign me up, that's the America I want, oh yeah!

Just hope your kid doesn't end up at their school. They will be lucky to know basic math when they "graduate".
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Ah...angry old white men"

Everybody who uses this term to lump people into some unfounded category should be forced to run through "the quad" naked in mid-winter on national TV. Did you watch those protests? Did you not notice that the majority of the people doing as much will, eventually, turn into "angry old white men"? Yeah, that's right, so enough with the nonsense people, okay?

Just like the "uneducated" crap. Wow...4% more "educated" voted for Hillary. Whoo-dee-f*cking-doo-dah lol!

Dr, Barchi, I expected more from you, how dare you sir, for not taking in to Acount
All this native Americans that are posting
Here, today, shame on you sir, shame on you,
GROW THE **** UP YOU SPOILED MOTHER ****ERS, is this Why YOU went to college? So you can Bitch about everything YOU don't agree with? Well, it must be nice living in your world, all of you are scared little bitches, now run to your medicine man, and ****EN choke!!!!!!