The lending is pretty straightforward. You lend/stake your coins to the exchange so they can allow them to be traded. Since these coins are in relatively short supply, the exchange offers pretty attractive rates for lending. The two I’m currently holding (SHDW and BASIS) are earning 16 and 40% interest. Those numbers will likely come down a bit as more money comes into the pool.
The farming I’m still very new to and this is much more complicated. In addition to earning interest on your deposited coins, you also earn rewards- portions of the fees on trading, etc. More info on that here:
In this series of Francium Explained, we will be walking you through the basics of leveraged yield farming (LYF), as well as the…
A lot of the positions require balancing with Usdc/Usdt so the rates for lending those are around 6-7% which is obviously crazy.
Francium - DeFi Yield Strategy Platform