This article is a must read:
UNC's athletic-driven "academic" fraud actually spanned 23 years, as was "self-reported" in UNC's combined SACS (accreditation) Report and the Wainstein Report, but that's only because 1989 is the year that the SACS Report began; the fraud had begun some years prior, with some speculation of it going waaaay back to the 70's or earlier. Wainstein offered to look beyond the requested start-time of his report (1991)and beyond the AFAM department. But UNC declined his offer. He uncovered a much more wide-spread and long-standing fraud in his investigation, and dealt with it by tacking hundreds of incriminating emails on his report, shedding light on many other academic departments and staff involved in the cheating schemes."Though abuses continue - the still-unsanctioned academic fraud case at the University of North Carolina spanned 18 years - compliance offices have added a buffer between coaches and classwork."
Do we think ANY successful programs are NOT doing this?
(If all of them are, I guess we are, or should be, too. Not sure our fanbase can stomach this. As soon as someone got a whiff of it, they would out our coaches. That is not good, either. Would mean we have ZERO chance of success.)