OT: Confessions of a college hoops 'slimeball'

Shocking but not surprising. The dirty stuff has been going on for years and while it may be done differently now it still happens. A great read though.
"Though abuses continue - the still-unsanctioned academic fraud case at the University of North Carolina spanned 18 years - compliance offices have added a buffer between coaches and classwork."

Until families discourage recruits from attending schools caught in scandal, academic and otherwise,the same problems will persist.Sanctions need to be severe .
Absolutely no surprise there. Anyone who thinks this isn't still going on in some capacity is living in la-la land.
"Though abuses continue - the still-unsanctioned academic fraud case at the University of North Carolina spanned 18 years - compliance offices have added a buffer between coaches and classwork."

UNC's athletic-driven "academic" fraud actually spanned 23 years, as was "self-reported" in UNC's combined SACS (accreditation) Report and the Wainstein Report, but that's only because 1989 is the year that the SACS Report began; the fraud had begun some years prior, with some speculation of it going waaaay back to the 70's or earlier. Wainstein offered to look beyond the requested start-time of his report (1991)and beyond the AFAM department. But UNC declined his offer. He uncovered a much more wide-spread and long-standing fraud in his investigation, and dealt with it by tacking hundreds of incriminating emails on his report, shedding light on many other academic departments and staff involved in the cheating schemes.
Do we think ANY successful programs are NOT doing this?

(If all of them are, I guess we are, or should be, too. Not sure our fanbase can stomach this. As soon as someone got a whiff of it, they would out our coaches. That is not good, either. Would mean we have ZERO chance of success.)
Do we think ANY successful programs are NOT doing this?

(If all of them are, I guess we are, or should be, too. Not sure our fanbase can stomach this. As soon as someone got a whiff of it, they would out our coaches. That is not good, either. Would mean we have ZERO chance of success.)

I am pretty sure this is not happening with our MBB team or they wouldn't be as terrible as they have been for so long.

The WBB team doesn't need to do it because, if you are an elite female basketball player there are only a dozen or so top programs, and thankfully we happen to be one of them.

You are also correct that any type of thing like this would be discovered fairly quickly, people lose their minds over very minor things now, that most schools and fanbases couldn't care less about. Anything remotely like this and we would give ourselves the death penalty.
Throw in the fact that most of these kids have handlers, and that biz is like cattle brokering.