My favorite scene in this movie is the snake scene. For those who may have forgotten, here is how it goes.
Moses is trying to convince the Pharoh---with a gentle persuasion----of the power of his God to free his people from bondage. The Pharoh has his ego to protect and also he is in no mood to give in to his step brother who his father liked more than he and whose wife wanted to marry over him. This is one hard sell.
Instead of using more logic, Moses resorts to a little show and tell. He tells his older brother Aaron to drop the staff on the ground in front of the Pharoh and it immediately turns into a menacing King Cobra.
Pharoh, not to be easily swayed, dismisses this as a cheap magician's trick. He orders his assistants to bring two staffs and drop them next to the the King Cobra and they also immediately turn into snakes.
Game on!
Now Moses is little concerned. He is thinking that his snake better kick Pharoh's snakes' asses otherwise his people are totally screwed. Not to worry, Moses' cobra swallows Pharoh's two snakes and it finally gets Pharoh's attention. And you know how this story ends.
Life Lesson[/B]:
If you are in front of the Big Man, make sure your snake can swallow the Big Man's snakes, otherwise you are screwed.
Let My People Go