With that profile pics you aren't liable to increase your likes by much:joy:Rahway NJ
Erlangen Germany
Vero Beach Fl
Park Ridge
Westfield NJ
Also have a house in Long Branch
Lived in Edison before Westfield and grew up in Livingston
Graduated Livingston High in '77 - one of the best sports years for any public HS ever.
Bloomfield and East Orange, great Montclair rivals. The Tripucka"s and Berra's would play against each other on Thanksgiving morning and eat together afterwards.
I live in Walnut Creek and I love it!Davis, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
Oakland, CA
New Brunswick
Winston-Salem, NC
East Orange
Chicago, IL
Boston, MA
Las Vegas, NV
Los Angeles, CA
New Brunswick, NJ
London, UK
Oneonta, NY
Bath, ME
Thompson Falls, MT
Oceanside, NY
Sheepshead Bay, NY