OT: Graham Spanier (former PSU President) loses criminal appeal

I wasn't putting words in your mouth directly. I have seen other Rutgers comments say just that, that Rutgers would shut down the program if Sandusky had happened there. It's a ridiculous take.

In terms of PSU's strategy, it was pretty clear from the get-go that there wasn't much of a strategy at all. The Board of Trustees put on a master class in how not to handle a scandal. I have no desire to dig into all of the ways things could have been handled better, from start to finish, as it accomplishes nothing. My point was only that PSU did not actively work to reduce the sanctions, as you suggested.
You don’t think there were conversations goin in between PSU and the NCAA?
You don’t think there were conversations goin in between PSU and the NCAA?

Oh, the Board of Trustees and the NCAA had conversations ... when they negotiated the sanctions that PSU accepted.

Look, the sanctions were reduced and ultimately killed for a number of reasons, from the fact that they shouldn't have existed in the first place to the NCAA's overreach causing legislators to get involved. It wouldn't surprise me at some point to learn that the gradual reduction was always intended, with George Mitchell's "progress reports" as the cover to justify doing so.

But ultimately, the idea that PSU "weaseled" its way out of the sanctions, as the poster that I replied to suggested, is false. There is nothing on the record that suggests that. PSU accepted what was originally a devastating set of sanctions, outside of the typical process, and waived its right to any appeal. And PSU was not involved in Corman's lawsuit against the NCAA.
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legislators to get involved

PA legislators will come to SPU's aid/rescue because either they are alums, have affinity, are fans, it's good for business/votes to be pro-Crappy Valley, etc.

As a comparison, Rutgers isn't likely to get that type of support from NJ legislators at large, even if Rutgers is being unfairly maligned.
Bullshit. Student fees are levied to support non-academic student activities.

The "university bank" that the loan came from is otherwise known as the university's investment portfolio.

You've gone from ridiculous to stupid, so I'm done with you.

Why are you even debating where the money comes from? It is a trap argument. His original premise, that because Rutgers spends money on athletics, that means they put athletics above academic, is false. Even if 100% of the athletic budget came from general university sources, his premise would be false.

Rutgers spends money on a ton of things: classroom education, research support, libraries, landscaping, student centers, intramural sports, intercollegiate athletics, student activities and clubs, etc.

Just because Rutgers funds multiple things, doesn't mean that each activity is a top priority. Rutgers funds a lounge in the student center. That doesn't mean that Rutgers puts lounging above landscaping, or that Rutgers puts lounging and landscaping above academics.

His argument is as idiotic as saying that since I bought a TV, I put television above feeding my family.
Why are you even debating where the money comes from? It is a trap argument. His original premise, that because Rutgers spends money on athletics, that means they put athletics above academic, is false. Even if 100% of the athletic budget came from general university sources, his premise would be false.

Rutgers spends money on a ton of things: classroom education, research support, libraries, landscaping, student centers, intramural sports, intercollegiate athletics, student activities and clubs, etc.

Just because Rutgers funds multiple things, doesn't mean that each activity is a top priority. Rutgers funds a lounge in the student center. That doesn't mean that Rutgers puts lounging above landscaping, or that Rutgers puts lounging and landscaping above academics.

His argument is as idiotic as saying that since I bought a TV, I put television above feeding my family.

To be fair, I was going to make that argument but couldn't come up with an appropriate hooker analogy.
Look, the sanctions were reduced and ultimately killed for a number of reasons, from the fact that they shouldn't have existed in the first place to the NCAA's overreach causing legislators to get involved.
No, they absolutely should have existed. Stop excusing those responsible for the most reprehensible scandal in sports history. This is about protecting children!
Bullshit. Student fees are levied to support non-academic student activities.

The "university bank" that the loan came from is otherwise known as the university's investment portfolio.

You've gone from ridiculous to stupid, so I'm done with you.
Thank god you can go away now...yes you are right Rutgers clearly puts academics above sports unlike every other institution...whatever makes you feel better
JC Knight=Agent of the Cult
You clowns are funny...anyone with a dissenting opinion is a spy here to change your way of thinking...apparently no one wants to hear that Rutgers also places sports above academics, we just do not do it as efficiently or effectively as our conference brethren...
Thank god you can go away now...yes you are right Rutgers clearly puts academics above sports unlike every other institution...whatever makes you feel better

Sorry, champ, but you'll be the one going away. And if you genuinely believe that RU puts athletics above academics then the place you're going will probably have nice, soft walls.
PA legislators will come to SPU's aid/rescue because either they are alums, have affinity, are fans, it's good for business/votes to be pro-Crappy Valley, etc.

As a comparison, Rutgers isn't likely to get that type of support from NJ legislators at large, even if Rutgers is being unfairly maligned.

I won't argue that fighting the NCAA, not exactly the most popular organization out there, to keep $60 million to assist child abuse victims inside of the state, rather than out, is low-hanging fruit. I do disagree with you about NJ legislators. Whether they care about RU is irrelevant; it's the money that would get them involved, just as it did in the case of PSU and PA.

No, they absolutely should have existed. Stop excusing those responsible for the most reprehensible scandal in sports history. This is about protecting children!

Believing that the NCAA has no jurisdiction, let alone the capability, to handle legal matters is not excusing child abuse. They are two separate matters.
Sorry, champ, but you'll be the one going away. And if you genuinely believe that RU puts athletics above academics then the place you're going will probably have nice, soft walls.
Right, because our administration reacted immediately when a professor accuses Kyle flood of trying to change a players grades to keep him eligible...nope it was only after the shit hit the fan and Flood was clearly on his way out that he was reprimanded and suspended

You are so full of it you can’t even smell
The NCAA wimped out when they reduced sanctions.
Political pressure tends to put fear in that organization and made them look for a way to keep the government from investigating the way that organization is run.
Picking an ex-US senator to oversee complience was a way to do that and a great way to justify backing off forcing Penn St to fulfill the sanctions they agreed to.
With politics in the background, the NCAA found a way out of making Penn St complete the punishment justifiably given to them and satisfying the politicians and media who were backing Penn St.
George Mitchell did what the NCAA hired him to do, give them an out so they could end the sanctions.

But the facts are: Penn St covered up for Sandusky and there is evidence pointing to
that cover-up had been going on from the 1970s.
No matter how it is spun, that school never made an attempt to stop Sandusky and preferred to pay for silence rather than be exposed.
Our basketball coach was physically assaulting basketball players...did we drop the hammer on the entire program? From what I have read the PSU trustees accepted the heavy NCAA sanctions without a proper NCAA review...I’m not sure how that is then said to be trying to sliver out of sanctions...

Your other point I’m not sure the relevance to the arguement...That’s a small error margin that I think most well controlled organizations might accept given the cost benefit analysis...did any of those non vetted counselors cause issues?
LoL physically assaulting basketball players?!? Physically assaulting?!? Did Mike Rice ever have assault charges filed against him...your Defensive coordinator was rapiing 10-year old boys in the ass IN THE FOOTBALL FACILITIES! And your head coach knew about it and did nothing!!! And your university President!!! That warrants a death penalty, in football and in life
LoL physically assaulting basketball players?!? Physically assaulting?!? Did Mike Rice ever have assault charges filed against him...your Defensive coordinator was rapiing 10-year old boys in the ass IN THE FOOTBALL FACILITIES! And your head coach knew about it and did nothing!!! And your university President!!! That warrants a death penalty, in football and in life
That was just deflecting talk about Penn St knowing children were being molested by someone in the PSU organization and deciding the football program's image was more important than protecting children.
that PSU Monster came in contact with.
Since Penn St can't be defended for doing that, the cult and it's helpers make an accusation about something that happened at Rutgers wanting to force Rutgers fans to stop talking about Penn St and turn the conversation into a Rutgers issue.

When a PSU troll tries to change the subject, just state this thread is about how Penn St's president was convicted of child endagerment and it looks like children were in danger by a Penn St employee since the 70s.
terrible president; was a real hardliner when it came to underage drinking. Who know he was so soft with kid-touchers but hard on underage drinking! think he had his priorities wrong.
How can you say student fees and especially a university loan are not taking away from money allocated toward academics? Where do you think this loan comes from?..
Whoa? You need to get your facts straight on the loan. It came from the University bank and the amount was for $6.1 mil. at 5.75%. This higher rate was deemed what the University could make if they invested it in outside ventures. So the University invested it in Athletics. By time the loan is scheduled for completion of payment interest on said loan will net the University bank $17.6 mil. So athletics is making the University money. How is that taking money from students mouths?

Also you need to dig a little deeper into student fees. Here at Rutgers everyone pays a little so everyone has free access to everything athletic. This includes intramurals, tickets, use of facilities and athletic fields. Other schools such as Nebraska don't have student fees per say. But if you want to use facilities, athletic fields and participate in intramurals the few pay a lot and only those select few are privy to those opportunities. Plus ticket costs at a discounted rate to athletic events.

You want a liberal college and everyone has equal access then this is how it works. Student fees should never be lumped into direct institutional support as a subsidy they're separate line items. The media is the one who has convinced everyone it's part of the subsidy, Rutgers never uses this term for student fees.

You really want to dig deeper go into accounting tricks. Auburn holds a few classes in their football stadium. So up keep on that stadium goes to academics. There are many interesting ways to cook the books that Rutgers doesn't employ.
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Right, because our administration reacted immediately when a professor accuses Kyle flood of trying to change a players grades to keep him eligible...nope it was only after the shit hit the fan and Flood was clearly on his way out that he was reprimanded and suspended

I think your timing might be off a tiny bit.

Flood's meeting with the professor in Princeton occurred on Aug 5.

The encounter was reported to the University compliance office on Aug 12. Rutgers retained Saiber on Aug 13 to conduct an independent investigation. Saiber completed the report of their investigation on Sept 15 and the University suspended Flood for 3 games on Sept 16.
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I think your timing might be off a tiny bit.

Flood's meeting with the professor in Princeton occurred on Aug 5.

The encounter was reported to the University compliance office on Aug 12. Rutgers retained Saiber on Aug 13 to conduct an independent investigation. Saiber completed the report of their investigation on Sept 15 and the University suspended Flood for 3 games on Sept 16.
And he also needs to get his facts right. Flood never asked the adjunct professor to change the grade: he asked him if there was any extra credit work the athlete could do to bring his grade up.
Is JCKnight a Rutgers fan or is he's just here as a typical NJ stink-starter... ABR?
Notice this thread has gone from being Penn St related into one that Rutgers fans are being forced to defend their school because of the misinformation being spread about Rutgers in order to stop this thread from being about the President of Penn St being convicted of child endangerment and Penn St trying to keep the public from knowing it had an employee that had been molesting children since the 70s.
Penn St had been paying out money to keep those children and their families silent for over 40 years because the confidently clauses in the payouts kept the information from getting out.
Those payouts included one accuser who was a child when he allegedly told Paterno in 1976 that Sandusky molested him, and another whose report of abuse was referred in 1988 to Penn State's athletic director Jim Tarman

Don't let the trolls turn this into defending Rutgers or talking about them .
They can't defend what PSU duid so they're trying to change the subject.
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Notice this thread has gone from being Penn St related into one that Rutgers fans are being forced to defend their school because of the misinformation being spread about Rutgers in order to stop this thread from being about the President of Penn St being convicted of child endangerment and Penn St trying to keep the public from knowing it had an employee that had been molesting children since the 70s.
That's how they do it: deflect, deflect, deflect.
Is JCKnight a Rutgers fan or is he's just here as a typical NJ stink-starter... ABR?
I thought he was a one of the good guys. But after this discussion and his vehement defense of psu I'm not so sure. I mean, what true Rutgers fan would defend that school? Plus exaggerating facts to paint Rutgers in a bad light? Doesn't sound like a Rutgers fan to me.
I thought he was a one of the good guys. But after this discussion and his vehement defense of psu I'm not so sure. I mean, what true Rutgers fan would defend that school? Plus exaggerating facts to paint Rutgers in a bad light? Doesn't sound like a Rutgers fan to me.
Appalling stuff. This is about CHILDREN, not football. JCKnight should be banned.
You have to feel sorry for Ped fans like @JCKnight. He spends his life sucking on the alter of Joe, and because of one little child rape scandal, he has to deal with the fact that some people don't hold the "honor" in high esteem.
The cult wishes it was "one little child rape scandal" that would be easier to claim it was a few not the whole school covering up children being sexual assaulted for years.
Sandusky was found guilty on 45 of the 48 counts against him. He was indicted on 40 counts of sex crimes against young boys and other crimes the against children he molested
Although Sandusky's sexualy abusing children started in the 1970s, he was only charged with the abuse that occurred between 1994 and 2009.
The Cult and Penn St defenders haven't anything they can counter the truth with, so they deflect the conversation from Penn St into talking about them or what they accuse Rutgers is doing and change the issue from Penn St's protecting a child molester for over 40 years.
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From 10 years ago:

Washington, D.C. — Penn State President Graham Spanier was recognized on Friday (Oct. 24) for his leadership in national security. Spanier received the "Award for Excellence in Public Service" during a ceremony at Federal Bureau of Investigation headquarters in the nation's capitol.

Spanier was lauded for his efforts to enhance cooperation between a broad range of government agencies involved in national security, intelligence, law enforcement and defense.

FBI Director Robert Mueller cited Spanier's work as the founding chair of the National Security Higher Education Advisory Board and for Spanier's ongoing efforts to support and promote a greater understanding among the FBI, other government agencies and higher education. The National Security Higher Education Advisory Board, which consists of the presidents and chancellors of several prominent U.S. universities, was created in 2005 and is designed to foster outreach and to promote understanding.

"Dr. Spanier's vision, perseverance, patience and inspiring leadership have been indispensable in enhancing the partnership between the FBI and academe," according to Mueller's citation. "His professionalism and dedication have been without peer."

Spanier also serves as a member of the National Counterintelligence Working Group and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Naval Postgraduate School.
>Spanier received the "Award for Excellence in Public Service" <
Sometimes the evil in a person is hard to see.
Penn St was good at hiding the evil roaming their campus, they had an evil HC praised for the way he ran the PSU FB program and an Evil VP in charge of the campus police
When you can control the area that you are in , your faults are hidden from the public.
Penn St controlled Happy Valley and made it look like the evil that ran that University looked like Angles.
So it would have been hard not to think of people like Spanier as role models, if you went by the PR PSU puts out about them before the cover-up was known.
Most pathetic thing here is when JCKnight refers to Rutgers as "we", when it has become apparent over time (to some of us, anyway) that where he is concerned, "we" really refers to Pedd State.
While I despise everything PSU, I have zero doubt the B1G was integral in getting their sanctions reduced. As much as we hate it, a strong PSU is important for the B1G
While I despise everything PSU, I have zero doubt the B1G was integral in getting their sanctions reduced. As much as we hate it, a strong PSU is important for the B1G
If that is true, it is very disappointing.
For me, in life and business, morals and principles matter. Many times, we have sacrificed extra money to stick to our core principles and avoid bringing questionable people into our office just to boost the bottom line. We value our integrity over profits. Yeah, the rest of the world does not work that way, but I sleep great at night.
While I despise everything PSU, I have zero doubt the B1G was integral in getting their sanctions reduced. As much as we hate it, a strong PSU is important for the B1G
I don't think the B1G had much to do with the reduction of sanctions. My understanding is similar to that of ZMR.

You will recall that as part of the original sanctions, PSU agreed to donate $60M to child abuse charities. The PA legislature passed a law that the entire amount had to be expended within the State of Pennsylvania. In an incredible fit of stupidity, the NCAA sued PA to prevent this restriction. This gave the PA pols legal standing to countersue. Which they gleefully did, challenging the NCAA's jurisdiction to impose the sanctions in the first place. The NCAA got cold feet and caved.

It is likely that the B1G was among the voices urging the NCAA to cave. But it would have never happened without the decision to countersue.
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I don't think the B1G had much to do with the reduction of sanctions. My understanding is similar to that of ZMR.

You will recall that as part of the original sanctions, PSU agreed to donate $60M to child abuse charities. The PA legislature passed a law that the entire amount had to be expended within the State of Pennsylvania. In an incredible fit of stupidity, the NCAA sued PA to prevent this restriction. This gave the PA pols legal standing to countersue. Which they gleefully did, challenging the NCAA's jurisdiction to impose the sanctions in the first place. The NCAA got cold feet and caved.

It is likely that the B1G was among the voices urging the NCAA to cave. But it would have never happened without the decision to countersue.

It's also worth noting, for anyone who might not know, that Penn State Athletics continued to pay the $60 million fine in support of child-abuse prevention, despite the "on-field" sanctions being rolled back.
It's also worth noting, for anyone who might not know, that Penn State Athletics continued to pay the $60 million fine in support of child-abuse prevention, despite the "on-field" sanctions being rolled back.
Oh, how admirable. Give me a break.
Oh, how admirable. Give me a break.

LOL. I don't care who thinks it's admirable or not. Has no bearing on my life. Just figured I'd note it since I'm sure many assume every single portion of the sanctions was erased.