OT: in Europe, no Rivals without a little help...


All Conference
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003

Just a heads up. I’m in Croatia on vacation now I was not able to access Rivals. Seemed strange, last year, and every year for the past 18, had zero issues. Sent an email and got the below response. It is completely ridiculous, but not sure who I am more angry at - Rivals for not complying with the privacy request, or the EU for implementing an unfeasible request. Probably a bit of both. I signed up for a cheap VPN and it works ok.

Thank you for contacting Rivals.

I'm sorry if this has caused you any inconvenience, I can imagine how it feels when you are not able to sign in Rivals account, however do not worry I will assist you with this matter.

I'd like to inform you that this is unfortunately due to a new European Union law (called GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation) that is about to go into effect. This new regulation has extremely strict and complicated requirements for handling European Union residents' user data, privacy, etc. that we can't easily comply with, and the penalty for each infraction is substantial (up to $20 million per infraction). Therefore we are required to block all traffic from EU countries.

So whenever you are back in US you can access your Rivals account. Either you can use VPN in EU and can access your Rivals account.

VPN (virtual private network) which is basically a tunnel for internet traffic between the user's computer and another computer somewhere else in the world. This encrypts all data and pipes it through the destination computer, making the user's origin appear as that computer, instead of your actual location.

If you have any further inquiries, questions, or have trouble with any of the process, feel free to email us and we will be happy to assist you.

Just got back from a 10 day trip to Ireland and had the same issue.
I was in Switzerland in March with no issues. I guess I was lucky since they are not part of the EU.

Just a heads up. I’m in Croatia on vacation now I was not able to access Rivals. Seemed strange, last year, and every year for the past 18, had zero issues. Sent an email and got the below response. It is completely ridiculous, but not sure who I am more angry at - Rivals for not complying with the privacy request, or the EU for implementing an unfeasible request. Probably a bit of both. I signed up for a cheap VPN and it works ok.

Thank you for contacting Rivals.

I'm sorry if this has caused you any inconvenience, I can imagine how it feels when you are not able to sign in Rivals account, however do not worry I will assist you with this matter.

I'd like to inform you that this is unfortunately due to a new European Union law (called GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation) that is about to go into effect. This new regulation has extremely strict and complicated requirements for handling European Union residents' user data, privacy, etc. that we can't easily comply with, and the penalty for each infraction is substantial (up to $20 million per infraction). Therefore we are required to block all traffic from EU countries.

So whenever you are back in US you can access your Rivals account. Either you can use VPN in EU and can access your Rivals account.

VPN (virtual private network) which is basically a tunnel for internet traffic between the user's computer and another computer somewhere else in the world. This encrypts all data and pipes it through the destination computer, making the user's origin appear as that computer, instead of your actual location.

If you have any further inquiries, questions, or have trouble with any of the process, feel free to email us and we will be happy to assist you.


Wow, talk about inaccurate statements. It's not going into effect the law went into effect towards the end of May.

GDPR came about after Safe Harbor was thrown out due to the ruling in Schrem v Facebook. Companies had at least a year to ramp up for this new data privacy standard. It appears that many US media outlets did not take this seriously and had to discontinue offering their content in the EU.

Unlike some of the larger media outlets that were impacted I can't see Rivals having a huge following in Europe to spend the money to become compliant with GDPR.

Everyone just enjoy your vacations. You'll have plenty of time to catch up on the boards once you return.
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