OT: Jon Bon Jovi Talks Woman Off Bridge Ledge

While I don't agree with what @angmo posted, it's his prerogative to have his opinion on the topic. Overall, @angmo is a solid poster, but like some of us (including me), he has his moments.

Your perogative to have this opinion. But I would challenge anyone to come up with posts that make him a "solid poster". He does not post about Rutgers Football, rather when he is not continually trolling other posters with name calling as in this thread - he is trolling the OT Threads.

He's used the "virtue signalling" "pearl clutching" narrative numerous times as if this was the CE Board banter. Most reasonable sports forums I've been on would have him removed by now for his continual utter garbage posts as in this thread.
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tagging @MrsScrew and @RutgersRaRa --This thread would never happen in Nebraska! Jersey people being Jersey people.

I call these threads the "reverse Hey Jude" threads: "Take a happy song and make it worse and sad."

While I don't agree with what @angmo posted, it's his prerogative to have his opinion on the topic. Overall, @angmo is a solid poster, but like some of us (including me), he has his moments.

I have found in some (not all) situations like this, it's best to not engage and continue to drag down the thread with arguments and insults. But here we are.

For the record, I'm not a huge fan of Bon Jovi the band. It's gotten worse as I have gotten older-nails on a chalkboard. But will say this much--the man has a giant and good heart. He has supported other musicians and artists from NJ who never made it big, lending them his studio and supporting them in other ways. Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes comes to mind. That's a nice gesture.

Have bumped into him several times over the years, but since I'm not a fan, have never given him more than a nod, and thumbs up and left him alone, except once where I said it was great all of the support he has given to Southside Johnny over the years. He smiled and said that they are such a huge influence to him that he was just giving back.

1. The work he has done with the JBJ Soul Foundation and restaurants is phenomenal
2. During Superstorm Sandy, Sea Bright lost their ambulances in the flooding. He purchased a new ambulance for Sea Bright. While the other big star across the river does a lot of charity, he did not so anything for Sea Bright, a place where he frequented a beach club. That's not a knock on BS, but JBJ stepped up in a big way for the emergency services of Sea Bright, and he did it quietly.

Rave on. But remember the OP:

It is suicide prevention month. Random acts of love and kindness are needed in the world today. Tell you family members, friends, neighbors and others close to you that you love them and you are there for them if they need you. Some are afraid to ask for help when they need it.

See above.

johnny depp hug GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Your perogative to have this opinion. But I would challenge anyone to come up with posts that make him a "solid poster". He does not post about Rutgers Football, rather when he is not continually trolling other posters with name calling as in this thread - he is trolling the OT Threads.

He's used the "virtue signalling" "pearl clutching" narrative numerous times as if this was the CE Board banter. Most reasonable sports forums I've been on would have him removed by now for his continual utter garbage posts as in this thread.

A strange and sad troll is he…... Taking out his frustrations on strangers on this message board.

A happy person just doesn’t act like this.

Honestly, it’s sad.
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