OT: Likes to messages ratio

I was at about 1000 at the switch. Not bad for a couple hundred posts. Thanks Hayden.
Yeah about the "LIKES" and all but the real key are "TROPHY POINTS"!!
SHOULD also add a dislike feature so you can see if your disliked more than your liked. That would be a real kick in the boy bags for your mestage board selF esteem
So based on this thread you could get a lot of likes......if you say likes suck. i am beginning to catch on to the logic here.
Since the switch I would say I am around 1/3, about 900-1000 posts for 300 likes.
I post a lot less than I used to (until last week, lol), so my all but a couple of hundred of my posts were made pre-new-board, so my ratio looks mediocre. Will be interesting to see what happens in the winter with the weather threads. I also imagine one could get a lot of likes by posting anti-RU posts on the PSU board.

I could also see the likes received to likes given ratio being of interest, although I don't see any tally of likes given - I would think a heavy "liker" would also receive quite a few likes - quid pro quo lo bro you know. Time to go like some more posts, I guess.