OT: My wife could use some good thoughts/prayers

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My family's 🙏 list. 😉
Thank you!
My best thoughts and prayers to each of you affected by this hideous disease !

As someone who had a very serious medical issue 4 years ago, I learned the hard way and out of necessity that you need to be your biggest advocate / ask your doctors tons of questions and do as much research as possible on this matter.

I hope and pray everyone will recover to full health as quickly as possible !
Prayers offered up to the both of you. Times like this shines a light on what truly matters most.
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Just diagnosed with cancer. She is my angel. Beautiful inside and out. Has put up with me for 35 years. Biggest RU fan besides me. On top of that has had her dad at 92 living with us who has dementia and diabetes. Also her 62 year old brother who is on the autism spectrum. My daughter is taking it real hard. My apologies as my posts may have been a little off lately. Appreciate you letting me get this out there. ❤️
Tough news - your wife sounds like a wonderful woman - sending our best hopes (I read this post to my wife) for a speedy recovery. Having gone through supporting her dad and grandmother, who both had dementia for years before dying in their mid-90s, I know how tough that can be on top of the challenges of your own lives.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you, Bird and the others on this thread who are dealing with cancer. As many have said one day at a time and one foot in front of another.

I will say as a holistic approach/option you may want to look into the Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico which focusses on a raw food diet. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, so going there for a week or two may not be an option. There are definitely resources in the NJ/NY area for this, and even if you don't go raw - diet is super important, as food is medicine. Anyway, I was at Ann Wigmore a couple of times about 15-20 years ago (more diet related for me), but definitely a percentage of people with cancer there too. Some of the people there with cancer were doing this in conjunction with medical treatments and others were just doing 100% full raw and no medicine - I can't say what the right answer is or isn't - I suppose it's a person to person decision. The basics of it are:

Raw foods (Ucooked fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds)
NO sugar for cancer patients
Fermented foods
Blended foods
Wheatgrass (if I could recommend one thing it would be this - wheatgrass first thing in the morning is very detoxifying)
One more the Jimmy V ESPY speech at least once a year. We defini
Stay strong and keep fighting. One day at a time. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000 at age 35 with a recurrence the following year. The oncologist told us to go home and enjoy our daughters who at the time were 6 and 2. Well, we did....and continued to. Here we are in 2025, my wife just celebrated her 60th birthday. And still gets treatment (herceptin) every 3 weeks.

Prioritize your family first, everything else takes a back seat.

And please reach out if you need any advice from a "veteran" like me.
One more the Jimmy V ESPY speech at least once a year.
Just diagnosed with cancer. She is my angel. Beautiful inside and out. Has put up with me for 35 years. Biggest RU fan besides me. On top of that has had her dad at 92 living with us who has dementia and diabetes. Also her 62 year old brother who is on the autism spectrum. My daughter is taking it real hard. My apologies as my posts may have been a little off lately. Appreciate you letting me get this out there. ❤️
Prayers on their way from our family sent for your angel and to you and your family, RuBird. Hang in there. Please note how your sharing of your challenges has actually already helped others here in helping them deal with similar challenges they've endured in the past. It's ok to lean on the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods you've fostered elsewhere in your's a two-way street. Go RuBird Family!
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Just want to say thank you again to all. Today is a tough day as it is all sinking in while we await next steps. Reading over your posts continues to help. Thank you my Scarlet Brothers and Sisters.
Just want to say thank you again to all. Today is a tough day as it is all sinking in while we await next steps. Reading over your posts continues to help. Thank you my Scarlet Brothers and Sisters.

take notes. Even me, as a nurse, had trouble making it really all sink in as MrScrew's journey started. Being able to go back and read my notes from conversations with the physicians helped immensely. Read over your notes and make a list of questions and ask them all. I went to every appointment with a list and checked them off as the docs answered them, then asked the ones I had listed that weren't answered. I got myself a small spiral notebook and I tabbed every appointment so I had all the info in chronological order.

if you are not all smart phone savvy, get a day planner so you have all the appointments and addresses written down (I'm smart phone savvy but I prefer paper). There will be a LOT of appointments

Keep copies of every paper you are given and put them in an accordion folder. I can't tell you how helpful that was when dealing with our insurance company, his HR department for FMLA etc. We needed to supply post op orders, pathology results, discharge summaries. I have one folder for medical stuff and a second one for all the insurance stuff.

while you are waiting the next steps, go out and enjoy yourselves before you get bogged down with medicine. A nice dinner, an overnight getaway, a get together with friends. It will help distract you both and give you a little reprieve of what is to come.