OT: New Star Wars teaser trailer

I am not a Star Wars dork, but this looks awesome!

The Empire's destroyer space ship, buried, crushed in that mountain.

John Boyego has to be a spy for the rebellion!

The Stormtroppers look like they mean business.

Where's Luke?!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope the old characters only play a miner part to pass the torch.

This Star Wars looks like the turn around of Batman when they brought Christan Bail in and made it more real. See below

I watched episode 1 for the first time a week ago to get ready for episode 7. What garbage. It goes down with Rocky 5. I hope 2 and 3 are better.

This post was edited on 4/16 2:43 PM by MozRU
Originally posted by MozRU:

I watched episode 1 for the first time a week ago to get ready for episode 7. What garbage. It goes down with Rocky 5. I hope 2 and 3 are better.

This post was edited on 4/16 2:43 PM by MozRU
No spoiler here, but FWIW no, they are not much better.

I am looking forward to seeing this new Star Wars> I enjoyed the movies as a kid, but yeah they don't really hold up that well given current levels of sophistication in both acting and effects.
Episode 1 was really bad. Episodes 2 and 3 were also bad, with a couple of redeeming parts here and there and a couple of really cringe-worthy parts. George Lucas desperately needed a good editor - I think 7-9 will benefit by having him absent from the execution phase.
I believe Brienne from GOT has a major role in the new Star Wars.

Not earth shattering. I guess at 6'3" she can kick butt in any century and any galaxy. Adam Driver from "Girls" is also in it.
I have no idea what you people are talking about. There were episodes 1, 2 and 3?

I've only ever seen 4, 5 and 6. Yup, only ever seen good ol 4, 5, and 6.
In JJ we trust!

This movie (at least via the trailers) looks and feels so much like the original trilogy. Thank goodness! The prequel trilogy was awful (even though E3 had some good parts).
Hate to say but it looks like Harrison Ford filmed his scene right after his recent plane crash.

Originally posted by e5fdny:

Hate to say but it looks like Harrison Ford filmed his scene right after his recent plane crash.

Ate you serious? He is 72 years old. What do expect him to look like?
Originally posted by jiggscasey:

Originally posted by e5fdny:

Hate to say but it looks like Harrison Ford filmed his scene right after his recent plane crash.

Are you serious? He is 72 years old. What do expect him to look like?
And he looks every bit of it in the Han Solo outfit of old.
Originally posted by RUChoppin:
Episode 1 was really bad. Episodes 2 and 3 were also bad, with a couple of redeeming parts here and there and a couple of really cringe-worthy parts. George Lucas desperately needed a good editor - I think 7-9 will benefit by having him absent from the execution phase.
Didn't like 1, thought 2 was mediocre, but loved 3. C'mon, turning Annakin to the dark side, engineering the downfall of the Jedi and then getting to watch parallel dogfights between Yoda and the Emperor and Annakin and Obi-Wan? Loved all of that.
Loved II because of Count Dooku/Christopher Lee. (Would have been funny if they cast Coach K for the role).

Found III very disturbing. Lucas didn't have to show a bunch of dead Jedi children lying around. Won't let my kids watch it.
I'm not a Star Wars geek either but I've always loved the original movies. The originals, episodes 4-6, will always stand the test of time with me regardless of the lack of tech, graphics, etc.. I'll like the storylines, music, original movies as long as I'm alive. The new tech and stuff is nice but it's not necessary for me to like a movie and doesn't displace the "old ones" for me.

As far as the newer ones, I didn't like 1 at all. Episodes 2-3, like others above, I liked the fight scenes at the end of the movies but that's about it. Wasn't too much of a fan of how Anakin turned, it seemed kind of forced and sudden to me. Also didn't care for the way Anakin was portrayed after he turned. I always thought Darth Vader was suppose to be some bad ass that kicked the Jedi's butt across the galaxy. Really all he did was beat up and kill a bunch of youngling Jedi and get his ass kicked by Obi-Wan. I thought he was the one who went around the galaxy and took down the Jedi, not some plot where the clones did it. So that aura in my head of Darth Vader was taken down a peg in my head after that.

Have hopes that JJ Abrams will do a better job with these newer ones.
Originally posted by T2Kplus10:
In JJ we trust!

This movie (at least via the trailers) looks and feels so much like the original trilogy. Thank goodness! The prequel trilogy was awful (even though E3 had some good parts).
The third of the original trilogy was also awful. Ewoks? Cmon.

The prequels could have been really good - but also could have been cut down to one or two movies. You didnt need three movies to tell that story, and of course when they did it just made Anakin seem like a whiner. His transformation to Darth Vader could have been so good, and it was so not good.

Maybe in 50 years they will redo those movies and get it right.

The problem with Star Wars however is fundemantally its not a reall great story. I mean its an archetypal story, but mostly what was amazing about it was the effects. But these days effects are everywhere. They could make a movie version of Waiting for Godot and it would be filled with effects. Which is why the prequels suck.

SO my prediction is that this movie will follow the trend. Lots of effects, middling story, possibly a better script, but this time with lots of nostalgia to rope in the aging Gen Xers who grew up with the originals. Retirement of the Jedi if you will.

This post was edited on 4/17 9:27 AM by derleider
Originally posted by derleider:

SO my prediction is that this movie will follow the trend. Lots of effects, middling story, possibly a better script, but this time with lots of nostalgia to rope in the aging Gen Xers who grew up with the originals. Retirement of the Jedi if you will.

This post was edited on 4/17 9:27 AM by derleider
I will take it!

I don't expect high art.
Originally posted by RU848789:

Originally posted by RUChoppin:
Episode 1 was really bad. Episodes 2 and 3 were also bad, with a couple of redeeming parts here and there and a couple of really cringe-worthy parts. George Lucas desperately needed a good editor - I think 7-9 will benefit by having him absent from the execution phase.
Didn't like 1, thought 2 was mediocre, but loved 3. C'mon, turning Annakin to the dark side, engineering the downfall of the Jedi and then getting to watch parallel dogfights between Yoda and the Emperor and Annakin and Obi-Wan? Loved all of that.
I think 2 shows HOW he could be turned.

Remember his reaction when he found his mom and realized the Sand People tortured her?