OT- Paterno family drops lawsuit vs. NCAA

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore
Comments to story are brutal

The Paterno family filed suit vs. the NCAA in 2013 after the findings of the Freeh report were released. The NCAA issued a quick statement after the decision and made it very clear that the sanctioning body didn’t agree to a settlement of any kind with the family.

“The Paterno family characterized this case as a search for the truth,” NCAA chief legal officer Donald Remy said in a statement. “Its decision today, after years of investigation and discovery, to abandon its lawsuit rather than subject those facts to courtroom examination is telling. We believe that the powerful record developed during discovery overwhelmingly confirmed what the NCAA has believed all along: the NCAA acted reasonably in adopting the conclusions of an eight-month investigation by Louis Freeh.”"

“The most saddening finding by the Special Investigative Counsel is the total and consistent disregard by the most senior leaders at Penn State for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims,” the report said. “The most powerful men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who Sandusky victimized.”

The Paterno family filed the suit believing the former coach was unfairly blamed for the cover-up at the university. Paterno reported an allegation of abuse from an assistant coach to his superiors but did not at any time go to police.
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The NCAA said the Paterno family dropped its lawsuit only hours before the organization was scheduled to release a 100-page legal brief “detailing the results of years of exhaustive discovery regarding plaintiffs’ claims.”

Sue Paterno, Joe Paterno’s widow, nevertheless claimed victory in a statement to the Associated Press.

“In the fallout from the Sandusky tragedy and the subsequent mishandling of the investigation by the board and Louis Freeh, I was determined to do everything in my power to defend the honor of Penn State and set the record straight on Joe,” she said. “Although the fight has been long and difficult, enormous progress has been made. The unprecedented sanctions imposed on the University were reversed. The wins, which were unjustly stripped from the players, were reinstated. And even Mr. Freeh has stated under oath that his many alleged ‘findings’ were, in fact, merely his opinions.”

Last-ditch effort to reframe Joe Paterno's legacy fizzles out

>Additionally, the school’s civil suit against an insurer led to even more brutal headlines, as uncorroborated allegations of additional abuse were revealed that painted Paterno and Penn State in even worse light.<

>There was no settlement here. There were no considerations. This was a one-sided decision. After all this time, the family just gave up on this avenue. The NCAA was still muscled up for a fight. The timing wasn’t a coincidence. Plaintiff attorneys were facing a Friday afternoon deadline to file its discovery that backed up its claims on the case.
Instead they quit.<
Last-ditch effort to reframe Joe Paterno's legacy fizzles out

>Additionally, the school’s civil suit against an insurer led to even more brutal headlines, as uncorroborated allegations of additional abuse were revealed that painted Paterno and Penn State in even worse light.<

>There was no settlement here. There were no considerations. This was a one-sided decision. After all this time, the family just gave up on this avenue. The NCAA was still muscled up for a fight. The timing wasn’t a coincidence. Plaintiff attorneys were facing a Friday afternoon deadline to file its discovery that backed up its claims on the case.
Instead they quit.<

"This turn of events represents another bitter and humiliating chapter in this story for Paterno supporters. They have long slammed the Freeh report as overly conclusive and inconsistent – little more than a predetermined blame game in search of the flimsiest of proof.

As such, there was long held hope among Paterno supporters that this lawsuit would cause the 267-page Freeh Report to come under continued assault, eventually leading to the softening of public opinion against Paterno. The ultimate goal was complete vindication and the return of a statue honoring the coach outside Beaver Stadium."

"Be it criminal or civil, be it decision by jury or judge, almost everything has gone against the Paternos."

The NCAA said the Paterno family dropped its lawsuit only hours before the organization was scheduled to release a 100-page legal brief “detailing the results of years of exhaustive discovery regarding plaintiffs’ claims.”

Sue Paterno, Joe Paterno’s widow, nevertheless claimed victory in a statement to the Associated Press.

“In the fallout from the Sandusky tragedy and the subsequent mishandling of the investigation by the board and Louis Freeh, I was determined to do everything in my power to defend the honor of Penn State and set the record straight on Joe,” she said. “Although the fight has been long and difficult, enormous progress has been made. The unprecedented sanctions imposed on the University were reversed. The wins, which were unjustly stripped from the players, were reinstated. And even Mr. Freeh has stated under oath that his many alleged ‘findings’ were, in fact, merely his opinions.”

That is some seriously strong Kool Aid.
Last-ditch effort to reframe Joe Paterno's legacy fizzles out

>Additionally, the school’s civil suit against an insurer led to even more brutal headlines, as uncorroborated allegations of additional abuse were revealed that painted Paterno and Penn State in even worse light.<

>There was no settlement here. There were no considerations. This was a one-sided decision. After all this time, the family just gave up on this avenue. The NCAA was still muscled up for a fight. The timing wasn’t a coincidence. Plaintiff attorneys were facing a Friday afternoon deadline to file its discovery that backed up its claims on the case.
Instead they quit.<

In like a (Nittany) Lion, out with a whimper.
Where is Howie?

Where is porktrap to tell us that none of this matters because Pedd State's recruiting class is ranked whatever? Beside, all the Sandusky victims are now millionaires.