OT: Question for Scotch lovers.

I have a bottle of Glenmorangie Signet in the office. Got it as a gift. Will try it soon and provide feedback.
Find your spot on the scotch flavor map:


As you can tell by the size of my "rack", my problem is I like the whole damn map.
So, for @BROTHERSKINNY can you tell me where Dewars falls in that map?
I actually prefer the Gold or the Platinum over the more $$$ Blue.
I think those are actually pretty close to Blue in flavor and smoothness. Have you tried the Green? It's actually very good.
I can't do the extreme smoke varieties. Just not my taste. Have tried multiple times and can't get past it. Some folks love it (as evidenced by posts above). That's what makes this world great. We all have different tastes in many things. The key is figure out what YOU like and don't get caught up in fads or snobbery. There are good/great things in all price ranges and varieties. Life is good.
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Dewars-blech? I have tried every blended under the sun and dewars hands down is the best blended out there. Straight up, rocks, with soda, Dewars is the best blended out there including all the JW labels. Just because its about $40 for 1.75L bottle does not mean Bad scotch. I love scotches and as far as blendeds go Dewars is the best for my palate. Anyone who says differently is a scotch snob who uses price as their guide and not their taste buds!
Drank barrels of Dewars with a beer[boilermakers] back in the day. My Dad was a Dewars guy, how I got on it.