OT: R.I.P. "Sweet Lou" Johnson


Heisman Winner
Aug 30, 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
The passing of the great Bob Gibson has overshadowed the passing of Lou Johnson.
Johnson was a solid major leaguer who hit the go ahead homer for the Dodgers in Game 7 of the 1965 World Series.
There will be a special place in my heart for Lou as he hit the first ML home run I saw hit in person in a game against the Mets.
He was 86.

R.I.P. Sweet Lou.

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Reactions: Mike from MD
I was about to post Louis Brown Johnson's death last night when I saw the news about Gibson.

He was the best of all of the LBJ's.

He was the only player ever to get the only hit in a nine inning game,a bloop double not involved in the scoring of the game's only run,the Koufax perfecto vs the Cubs in 1965.Bob Hendley was the hard luck loser.I heard the game on WGN.