OT -- Ravi/Clementi case resolved

this shouldn't even be a case. There should be no expectation of privacy from a roommate when the roommate is sharing the same damn room.

LGBT crowd looking for a scapegoat. If anyone is at fault here it is clementi for being an unstable basket case and his mother for being intolerant and homophobic.

Now another young man's life has been destroyed to sate the thirst for revenge. Pitiful.
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Wow. Not exactly a nuanced reply. I didn't think he was guilty of the original charge. Altho I'm not a lawyer no one could reasonably expect that Ravi filming would be causation for clementi jumping. That said it was a pretty screwed up thing to do and i do think that kids should be more careful about what they post to a public forum. Btw i have it from pretty good authority that his life hasn't been destroyed. The legal system is not great and he dealt with a lot but I think he's doing ok
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You have some expectation of privacy from where you live especially when you do not choose a roommate. Being gay has nothing to do with it and with that said Clementi's suicide should also not be blamed on what Ravi did.
I think you should be able to have the expectation of not being recorded without your knowledge. It's not like he left some camera on by mistake it was calculated.
cops... dash cams.. body cams ... hmm???????
this shouldn't even be a case. There should be no expectation of privacy from a roomate when the roomate is sharing the same damn room.

LGBT crowd looking for a scapegoat. If anyone is at fault here it is clementi for being an unstable basket case and his mother for being intolerant and homophobic.

Now another young man's life has been destroyed to sate the thirst for revenge. Pitiful.
Sad to say, but the kid was a basketcase. 99+% of kids in the same exact situation don't react by jumping off of a bridge. The biggest problem were the parents, who by all indication hated who he was and pushed him to the edge.
We are talking about a kids bedroom. Not the mall.
simple as this dude... don't expect privacy when you share a room with someone.. the only way you are private is if you have you OWN ROOM
So if you have a roommate and you ask them to leave you alone in the room you have no expectation of not being secretly spied on and your actions broadcast on the internet??? Are you kidding???

Gawker ran a series of articles on this case. They used a lot of posts of Clementi's from his sex forum. He posted he was pissed at Ravi but said he was "a pretty decent roommate" overall. He said Ravi didn't really see anything and nothing was recorded (media hyped otherwise). Nobody on internet actually watched (Ravi posted about it but people didn't see it or care etc). What upset Clementi most was that the RAs blew him off when he mentioned situation to them. More people were concerned for Ravi. Fellow posters in his forum threads thanked him for the videos he posted of himself doing sex acts. Clemente wasn't exactly shy - nor was he "outed" as media said. NYC media drove a lot of the hype.
The years long outpouring of sympathy on this site to Ravi with no sympathy for the victim speaks volumes.
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None of that alters a roommate spying on another roommate and broadcasting it on the internet.

Clementi was going on these sights, picking up
strange men, and bringing them to his and Ravi's
room. I don't think I would want him as a roommate.
However, Ravi could have just requested another room.
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Clementi was going on these sights, picking up
strange men, and bringing them to his and Ravi's
room. I don't think I would want him as a roommate.
However, Ravi could have just requested another room.

Substitute 'strange women' for 'strange men' and does that change things at all? People bring random partners back to their dorm rooms all the time - it's called college.
The years long outpouring of sympathy on this site to Ravi with no sympathy for the victim speaks volumes.

I don't see it that way. I see folks upset how it was portrayed in the press and how it was prosecuted. I don't see anybody happy this happened to the kid.

But I will just speak for myself. What a mess and what a shame. I feel bad for everyone impacted and sorry the kid didn't get help or whatever to keep him from jumping.

Personally I keep myself very limited on things electronic (except this site of course lol) and assume I am being filmed wherever and whenever I am in public. No excuse for what Ravi did. it was wrong. But he wasn't some killer. Just an insensitive dope who wasn't thinking .
can anyone tell me what happens to Ravi now? Is he going to serve time, probation or community service?
can anyone tell me what happens to Ravi now? Is he going to serve time, probation or community service?

If you read the story, you'll find that he was sentenced to time served and fines paid. In other words, there will be no further sanctions against him.
If you read the story, you'll find that he was sentenced to time served and fines paid. In other words, there will be no further sanctions against him.
I did read the article wise guy. Final question regarding the expungement. I was not aware that a felony could be expunged unless five or seven years went by after the committed crime. A third-degree felony crime is serious and never should have been allowed by the defense, instead I would have tried my absolute best to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor and then file a motion for expungement. What do you think?
Don't forget that this isn't an OT thread.

Because of the resulting sh*tstorm, someone from the Tyler Clementi Center was part of the search committee for our new Athletic Director. The committee that eventually chose Julie Hermann.
Substitute 'strange women' for 'strange men' and does that change things at all? People bring random partners back to their dorm rooms all the time - it's called college.

Because you'd be blasted as homophobic in today's culture for complaining to the housing department. If Clementi was bringing women up to the room against his roommates wishes, the roommate could complain without fearing rebuke from SJWs. Rutgers is a very politically correct institution at present.
The years long outpouring of sympathy on this site to Ravi with no sympathy for the victim speaks volumes.

No it doesn't. I think people just get annoyed how the media and Clementi's family tried to make this about how what Ravi did was linked to him jumping off a bridge. I don't think it was. As noted above, Ravi was a jerk and shouldn't have done what he did, but Clementi was a mess and likely headed down this path regardless. If you want to blame anyone, start with his parents who basically shunned him when he came out to them. The fact that the mother never took ownership of that, but yet had no issues casting blame on Ravi is just not right. No one is saying Ravi was a good guy here. I just don't think what he did should have been linked to Clementi's suicide. If you want to kill yourself, fine, go ahead. But don't expect me to have sympathy for you for choosing to hurt those you leave behind. The only reason I feel bad for him is that he had such intolerant parents.
Hang on a second. A college kid found a way to get laid by someone he didn't really know all that well? Stop the presses!
Not the same, If you wind up killing yourself because
you weren't private about it, then maybe you should have been
a little more discreet about it.
Some of these responses would be laughable if they weren't so sad. Poor little Ravi! He did something illegal, another bad thing happened because of it and bad people wanted to punish him for it. It's called taking responsibility.
I agree 100% that Ravi should not have recorded Tylers rendezvous with his male lover. It was none of his dam business! In the end, young finocchi's like Tyler Clemente must be comfortable in their own skin or else they will be victimized over and over again. RIP Tyler.
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With cameras everywhere and people filming anything, it is surprising that anyone would have an expectation of privacy anymore. I avoid the whole social media thing even though just about everyone I know is using it.
Still, a really sad case.
Not the same, If you wind up killing yourself because
you weren't private about it, then maybe you should have been
a little more discreet about it.
He should have known his reaction to being very publicly outed, and in an intentionally embarrassing manner no less, was crippling depression leading to suicide?!?!?!? How is this his fault? He made the choice to jump...true enough. It would NOT have come to that if not for the invasion of privacy and shaming.
He was involuntarily videotaped having sex.

If it was you back in the day, or your kid now, and someone did that to you or them, you would think it was pretty serious.

You should be free from being involuntarily recorded in your dorm room. Think of the things you did in yours when your roommate wasn't there, you would be cool with that being broadcast?
what difference does it make now?

For one thing, the plea bargain means that Ravi won't suffer any further sanction; for another, it means that he can eventually get the conviction expunged so that he can become an American citizen. Or is my sarcasm meter broken?
First Ravi was a d*uchbag. If I saw him today I'd probably knock him out. I'll also say in MY EXPERIENCE including this past week at my hotel (and 1-2 years+ of town issues/planning board and in my hotel last week visitors next room over people from his original country (assuming he's a citizen) are very arrogant due to a caste system that dumps on the "inferior"-and NEED TO BE PUT IN PLACE and reminded of R rights in the U.S. That said:

1) Roomates (especially right up front) need to work things out, and if they can't, should approach BOTH the RA and Dean of Students-and then parents/ lawyers Legal Services of NJ (if one can't afford an attorney) because my RA at Cook only cared about hooking up with the frosh girls and poetry and Deans Hills and the other inept Dean who was a RU football hero (Snyder-here again those who get RU jobs and don't deserve them-see Penn State thread) didn't even care when, years after graduation, I discovered a programming error that changed THOUSANDS OF GPAS AT COOK.

2) If Ravi was uncomfortable, did he approach anyone about a transfer out of the room?
Else sit down with Tyler and work something out. I'd be uncomfortable too. As an ironic side note people can probably keep their sex lives private if they work at it. When I was looking for people to eat with in 1981 a few times I ate with a Spanish and Jesus looking guy from my floor who were very quiet but nice. A few years later I'm reading a raunchy article about graphic homosexual sex in "The Livingston Medium" and these guys were the authors and subjects! I would have never known...God Bless them- I hoped they avoided AIDS an all the homophobia that accompanied it. God knows when I experienced such defending HIV patients in school systems for my AZ honors (Alpha Zeta Honors Society) paper and defense in 1986. A soon to be doctor attempted to keep me out of AZ because of my paper's positon. Hope I really p*ssed the small d*ck big ego senior off!

3)Under no circumstances should he have videotaped or recorded. Isn't that illegal in NJ?
Possible exception if nobody was helping Ravi, and he wanted to prove his case (should just get the RA) and TOLD Tyler he was going to do so just to prove his case.

That said this was blatant bad judgement but 18 year olds aren't fully mature. Case in point I has a bit of a similar but very minor situation where I did similar wrong-but but took some correct steps...

1) Upon entering my dorm at Cook in '81 my roommate (later President of the frat council) was an overweight teddibear guy that women loved. Withn a day I saw his picture book of 51 high school senior pics of women and pics of 4 proms he had been to in 2 or 3 states. He was going out or just broke up with a girl on the floor above us and had previously dated a junior he was still close with who worked for Stuff Yer Face. He was soon oogling my high school friends redhead roommate and right away when he was involved in a sex survey for class,and girls were non too happy to drop off their sexual history at the room. ME, ON THE OTHER HAND, COULDN'T GET "IT" IN A HOUSE OF H*RNY KENNDEYS. Even High school classmates that were usually rough on me dropped by and were sympathetic.

2) My roommate was obscessively clean. He'd hate it if Ieft a pair of jeans on my bed.
3) Later on he'd let my big (bigger than my kicker friends on the team) oft drunk next door neighbors in to"dogpile" me at 2-3 AM when I had 5 1st periods,.

4) Early on, not in horrendous shape, realizing it may n ot be the best match, I believe I told my roommate I'd consider moving to another room. He said things would be ok. Changed his mind weeks later but I refused saying he had his chance and he'd have to move out. He did (forgot if at half semester or in middle of Fall).

5) A few weeks into the semester I pulled a mini Ravi when my high school "friend", the redhead and another b*tchy friend (for whom I blame for keeping the hottest girl of Cook '84 SL and me from getting together) decided to play a joke on my roommate for sleeping around-wanted to teach him a "lesson" and needed my help with his post offi ce address. Problem is I had to go into his desk get it and was reluctant. However with 4 girls bugging me I WRONGLY did it.

6) One of the girls who worked for student health took student health services letterhead and wrote my roommate a fake note from student health saying he had herpes. He picked up his mail with all of us,read the letter and confused, started bragging about it. He then called his Mom and started to talk to her. The girls were laughing and I was on the floor before we ended it. A classic but my roommate seemed hurt after learning what I did (there was also one other very small "invasion").

On the other hand thinking back I got it just as bad. Besides my neighbors dogpiling and playing 1-2 other classics on me they also pulled down my warmups in front of my
girl "friend" from HS. It was cold out and in the dorm....Survived with no Clementi like reaction though as I like to say (after another bad year on campus inc grades I commuted and the only thing I was inside of for three years was the Douglass Library (studying)!

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Sad to say, but the kid was a basketcase. 99+% of kids in the same exact situation don't react by jumping off of a bridge. The biggest problem were the parents, who by all indication hated who he was and pushed him to the edge.

Agree with this, IIRC parents shunned him, tried intervention etc. So they definitely played a major part in his mental state. Plenty of blame to go around. Still, the filming and posting on the internet was over the line.
First Ravi was a d*uchbag. If I saw him today I'd probably knock him out. I'll also say in MY EXPERIENCE including this past week at my hotel (and 1-2 years+ of town issues/planning board and in my hotel last week visitors next room over people from his original country (assuming he's a citizen) are very arrogant due to a caste system that dumps on the "inferior"-and NEED TO BE PUT IN PLACE and reminded of R rights in the U.S. That said:

1) Roomates (especially right up front) need to work things out, and if they can't, should approach BOTH the RA and Dean of Students-and then parents/ lawyers Legal Services of NJ (if one can't afford an attorney) because my RA at Cook only cared about hooking up with the frosh girls and poetry and Deans Hills and the other inept Dean who was a RU football hero (Snyder-here again those who get RU jobs and don't deserve them-see Penn State thread) didn't even care when, years after graduation, I discovered a programming error that changed THOUSANDS OF GPAS AT COOK.

2) If Ravi was uncomfortable, did he approach anyone about a transfer out of the room?
Else sit down with Tyler and work something out. I'd be uncomfortable too. As an ironic side note people can probably keep their sex lives private if they work at it. When I was looking for people to eat with in 1981 a few times I ate with a Spanish and Jesus looking guy from my floor who were very quiet but nice. A few years later I'm reading a raunchy article about graphic homosexual sex in "The Livingston Medium" and these guys were the authors and subjects! I would have never known...God Bless them- I hoped they avoided AIDS an all the homophobia that accompanied it. God knows when I experienced such defending HIV patients in school systems for my AZ honors (Alpha Zeta Honors Society) paper and defense in 1986. A soon to be doctor attempted to keep me out of AZ because of my paper's positon. Hope I really p*ssed the small d*ck big ego senior off!

3)Under no circumstances should he have videotaped or recorded. Isn't that illegal in NJ?
Possible exception if nobody was helping Ravi, and he wanted to prove his case (should just get the RA) and TOLD Tyler he was going to do so just to prove his case.

That said this was blatant bad judgement but 18 year olds aren't fully mature. Case in point I has a bit of a similar but very minor situation where I did similar wrong-but but took some correct steps...

1) Upon entering my dorm at Cook in '81 my roommate (later President of the frat council) was an overweight teddibear guy that women loved. Withn a day I saw his picture book of 51 high school senior pics of women and pics of 4 proms he had been to in 2 or 3 states. He was going out or just broke up with a girl on the floor above us and had previously dated a junior he was still close with who worked for Stuff Yer Face. He was soon oogling my high school friends redhead roommate and right away when he was involved in a sex survey for class,and girls were non too happy to drop off their sexual history at the room. ME, ON THE OTHER HAND, COULDN'T GET "IT" IN A HOUSE OF H*RNY KENNDEYS. Even High school classmates that were usually rough on me dropped by and were sympathetic.

2) My roommate was obscessively clean. He'd hate it if Ieft a pair of jeans on my bed.
3) Later on he'd let my big (bigger than my kicker friends on the team) oft drunk next door neighbors in to"dogpile" me at 2-3 AM when I had 5 1st periods,.

4) Early on, not in horrendous shape, realizing it may n ot be the best match, I believe I told my roommate I'd consider moving to another room. He said things would be ok. Changed his mind weeks later but I refused saying he had his chance and he'd have to move out. He did (forgot if at half semester or in middle of Fall).

5) A few weeks into the semester I pulled a mini Ravi when my high school "friend", the redhead and another b*tchy friend (for whom I blame for keeping the hottest girl of Cook '84 SL and me from getting together) decided to play a joke on my roommate for sleeping around-wanted to teach him a "lesson" and needed my help with his post offi ce address. Problem is I had to go into his desk get it and was reluctant. However with 4 girls bugging me I WRONGLY did it.

6) One of the girls who worked for student health took student health services letterhead and wrote my roommate a fake note from student health saying he had herpes. He picked up his mail with all of us,read the letter and confused, started bragging about it. He then called his Mom and started to talk to her. The girls were laughing and I was on the floor before we ended it. A classic but my roommate seemed hurt after learning what I did (there was also one other very small "invasion").

On the other hand thinking back I got it just as bad. Besides my neighbors dogpiling and playing 1-2 other classics on me they also pulled down my warmups in front of my
girl "friend" from HS. It was cold out and in the dorm....Survived with no Clementi like reaction though as I like to say (after another bad year on campus inc grades I commuted and the only thing I was inside of for three years was the Douglass Library (studying)!

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Wow. And this post was edited. What the hell was it before the edits?
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