This is a pretty big deal for RU, the RU-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and New Brunswick. HELIX stands for NJ Health and Life Sciences Exchange. First of three buildings starts going up this spring across from the train station. Finally starting to see the merger of RU and the Med School paying off (this was proposed several years ago, but was delayed by the pandemic). Impact
I don't think this had much to do with the merger of RU and UMDNJ. I think it is more about the partnership that RWJMS formed with Barnabas Health. Barnabas, so far, has held true to their word and has pumped an enormous amount of money into the Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences (RBHS). The biggest part of this, however, is coming from the State of NJ. It is "the largest capital investment in translational research in the state's history".
Either way, this 1st building will have a huge impact on NB and Rutgers. The building will be 573,400-square-foot and include space for the medical school (currently our med students are taught in the Research Tower building on Busch, which is a very ugly and old building), a lot of space for basic and translational research, space for innovative, start up companies and retail space on the ground floor.
There also are plans to completely renovate (maybe replace) the train station and even make it a stop for Amtrak trains.