OT: Sandusky Asking for a New Trial

The delusion in Crappy Valley is on a different level. Maybe they should lock up Mrs Sandusky so the pedo-enabling spouse can stand by her husband’s side in jail 🤬
no, then you re-victimize all those involved. Make them testify again?
That’s the only downside. And it is a big one. But this guy, and the people he represents are pure evil.

Not all the horrible stories were told in the first case. Open up the entire playbook and crucify this scum bag.

Otherwise this will keep popping up every 2-3 years on appeal.
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Jerry trying to get back to his sleepovers and the other despicable things we all know about. Makes me wonder what Joe would think about his pal Jerry (if he were alive) trying to overturn his conviction since he enabled his predatory buddy for so many years.