OT. So much for secret ballots in NJ.

Yes and yes. I'm going to see how much mail I get. Unrelatedly, both my personal and work cell phones have been getting robocalls despite me being on the do not call.

When you declared, the poll worker marked you down as a Democrat in the book, and you signed to vote: that is the paperwork.

And it'll depend what year on if you'll get mail. They'll use microdata analysis and if you are never likely to vote in another primary, they'll probably not waste the time on sending mail. This is particularly true for odd years when there is no elections (except at the state level, which means they'd have to think you are going to be compelled to come out again). In all honesty, primaries look at churning out those voters they know will come out versus using fewer resources on questionable voters.
For a long time, registering to vote made the registrant subject to being called for jury duty. I am pretty sure, but not certain, that nowadays in New Jersey, even non-registrants can be called for jury duty.

Yes, if you want to become unaffiliated (the technical term for independent), you must re-register. Until then, you are considered a member of the political party whose primary you voted in.
For a long time, registering to vote made the registrant subject to being called for jury duty. I am pretty sure, but not certain, that nowadays in New Jersey, even non-registrants can be called for jury duty.

I think they now use drivers license data for that.
Ha well I just got called for jury duty in December, so joke is on them! The truth is I would actually like to be selected, but I know it's unlikely.
NIRH, glad to hear you'll be doing your civic duty. Please listen carefully to the evidence and don't go off half-cocked in any direction.
NIRH, glad to hear you'll be doing your civic duty. Please listen carefully to the evidence and don't go off half-cocked in any direction.

Ha I served already in that I was called up, answered a question a way one attorney did not like, and was excused. Ironically I think it could have been the judge asked each of us if we any stickers on our car, and I confessed to having RU magnets, and opposing counsel started talking about Ash!