OT Springsteen top grossing act of 2016

Haha, I was trying to figure out WTF everybody was arguing about, so I clicked on "show ignored". Damn, I've had that guy on ignore so long I figured he left the board.
Are you a psychologist or psychiatrist, or just experienced with depression? Where did you get that last paragraph of analysis and the lib/con mother/father connection?

Part Jung, part Freud, part bible and other ancient texts, folklore etc. Contrary to recently promoted concepts, there is a male and female psyche even though elements of both can be found in each other (Jung's "anima" and "animus"). As the old saying goes "women are poetry - men are deeds". Of course men can be poetic and women can perform deeds but on the whole, women are nurturers with a lot more hormones, emotions and physical bonding instincts while men tend to be more rational and more objective and inclined to be more independent and transcendent.

Camille Paglia once said "A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men. Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all." Men have a more complicated and heroic struggle to find themselves since they have to transcend the physical and emotional bonds they have with their mothers.

By default, a lot of men get stuck half way and their wives become their new mothers. That's where trouble starts because women - being the weaker sex - tend to resent male attributes physical and otherwise (penis envy etc etc). A male failing is lust while a woman's is judgement. Women are compelled to be seductive toward men in order to pull him down and whip him. Men initially misinterpret that as support for his ego but then later finds out he's been nuked and mom is teaching the kids to have contempt for him just like she does. This is all a massive yet subtle undercurrent in most homes. Now while women are compelled to want to take over most actually want the guy to not give in and let her set him up to fail.

The kids want this too, and most people have a wish to have someone stronger then them to help them find out who they are, That's inline with another old saying "women give birth to bodies and men give definition to souls". Kids - especially males - need a good father to help them find their core identity - which is a more ethereal or spiritual thing. People have an animal or fleshy nature that will make their lives miserable (prone to addictions etc) if they don't transcend it . Living life too emotional and bonded with everyone and everything is debilitating. People become extensions of the stresses they are subject to - they become externalized - a ball at the end of everyone's chain.

Politically, many people are predisposed to adopt certain ideas. Women vote liberal 65% of the time. Most men tip conservative. Show women a single dead refugee baby washed-up on shore and many can be made to feel they need to let millions of unknown people into the country in order to "fix" the problem. Men on the other hands will see a problem without "feeling" they have to respond with an irrational solution.

Politically in US, the liberal way (feminine) is to think of more immediate needs that are in line with nurturing - food, clothing, housing, bonding etc. Conservative people (masculine minded) think of security, defense, rational spending, personal independence etc. That's all good. The problems happen when the nurturing becomes spoiling for power (as moms will do). That will tempt men to usually fail in one of two extremes - they surrender and become one of the kids - or they get hostile and want to dominate (like the wife beater who compensates for his need of a woman by physically overcoming her).

Currently, you can see the feminine Dems are constantly excusing any dangerous, destructive, irrational behavior and then defaming anyone they provoke into resistance. The GOP leaders are like the whipped dad who have given into the crazy beeotch mum. The more GOP gives in the more crazed and witchy they become. The GOP softies never see themselves as giving in but as being more "understanding". Then you get a masculine sort in Trump showing up and he confronts the crazy bitch media and they go into a frenzy while GOP softies also get defensive.

Most artistic celebs (and the arts are mostly seductive and female - like the male rockers with earrings, "glam" dress-ups etc) have sketchy childhoods where they became more externalized and emotional (a reason woman are double susceptible to many mental, emotional disorders). If they had fathers at all they often had bad ones who were cruel to them (like Hillary, Bill, Jane Fonda etc.). You can see that all with Springsteen. You can also see it with Bruce Jenner - who is a decent guy with an implanted female identity (weak or cruel fathers can drive a kid closer to mum - a problem if she is too strong/sweet). You also see it with that Navy Seal who thinks he's a woman. He was compensating (like Jenner in sports) and falling further you see.

In any case, you see the left is destabilized and irrational. The colleges are a mess. Kids are being taught they aren't really boys and girls - because 'social constructs". Libs are collaborating with dangerous people/enemies because they share the same resentments. They hate the military or anything masculine - a reason colleges are exploding with anti masculine programs, "safe spaces" etc. That's actually a painful condition to be in and they need someone to step in and stop them from ruining themselves. Those poor millennials are the most brainwashed generation - programmed to hate whats good and to self destruct while feeling its the "noble" thing to do. There will be trouble ahead but it ends in a better place. Regan did the same thing - took the beeotches on and won the kids back (49 states) and everyone made out beter in long run
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Part Jung, part Freud, part bible and other ancient texts, folklore etc. Contrary to recently promoted concepts, there is a male and female psyche even though elements of both can be found in each other (Jung's "anima" and "animus"). As the old saying goes "women are poetry - men are deeds". Of course men can be poetic and women can perform deeds but on the whole, women are nurturers with a lot more hormones, emotions and physical bonding instincts while men tend to be more rational and more objective and inclined to be more independent and transcendent.

Camille Paglia once said "A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men. Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all." Men have a more complicated and heroic struggle to find themselves since they have to transcend the physical and emotional bonds they have with their mothers.

By default, a lot of men get stuck half way and their wives become their new mothers. That's where trouble starts because women - being the weaker sex - tend to resent male attributes physical and otherwise (penis envy etc etc). A male failing is lust while a woman's is judgement. Women are compelled to be seductive toward men in order to pull him down and whip him. Men initially misinterpret that as support for his ego but then later finds out he's been nuked and mom is teaching the kids to have contempt for him just like she does. This is all a massive yet subtle undercurrent in most homes. Now while women are compelled to want to take over most actually want the guy to not give in and let her set him up to fail.

The kids want this too, and most people have a wish to have someone stronger then them to help them find out who they are, That's inline with another old saying "women give birth to bodies and men give definition to souls". Kids - especially males - need a good father to help them find their core identity - which is a more ethereal or spiritual thing. People have an animal or fleshy nature that will make their lives miserable (prone to addictions etc) if they don't transcend it . Living life too emotional and bonded with everyone and everything is debilitating. People become extensions of the stresses they are subject to - they become externalized - a ball at the end of everyone's chain.

Politically, many people are predisposed to adopt certain ideas. Women vote liberal 65% of the time. Most men tip conservative. Show women a single dead refugee baby washed-up on shore and many can be made to feel they need to let millions of unknown people into the country in order to "fix" the problem. Men on the other hands will see a problem without "feeling" they have to respond with an irrational solution.

Politically in US, the liberal way (feminine) is to think of more immediate needs that are in line with nurturing - food, clothing, housing, bonding etc. Conservative people (masculine minded) think of security, defense, rational spending, personal independence etc. That's all good. The problems happen when the nurturing becomes spoiling for power (as moms will do). That will tempt men to usually fail in one of two extremes - they surrender and become one of the kids - or they get hostile and want to dominate (like the wife beater who compensates for his need of a woman by physically overcoming her).

Currently, you can see the feminine Dems are constantly excusing any dangerous, destructive, irrational behavior and then defaming anyone they provoke into resistance. The GOP leaders are like the whipped dad who have given into the crazy beeotch mum. The more GOP gives in the more crazed and witchy they become. The GOP softies never see themselves as giving in but as being more "understanding". Then you get a masculine sort in Trump showing up and he confronts the crazy bitch media and they go into a frenzy while GOP softies also get defensive.

Most artistic celebs (and the arts are mostly seductive and female - like the male rockers with earrings, "glam" dress-ups etc) have sketchy childhoods where they became more externalized and emotional (a reason woman are double susceptible to many mental, emotional disorders). If they had fathers at all they often had bad ones who were cruel to them (like Hillary, Bill, Jane Fonda etc.). You can see that all with Springsteen. You can also see it with Bruce Jenner - who is a decent guy with an implanted female identity (weak or cruel fathers can drive a kid closer to mum - a problem if she is too strong/sweet). You also see it with that Navy Seal who thinks he's a woman. He was compensating (like Jenner in sports) and falling further you see.

In any case, you see the left is destabilized and irrational. The colleges are a mess. Kids are being taught they aren't really boys and girls - because 'social constructs". Libs are collaborating with dangerous people/enemies because they share the same resentments. They hate the military or anything masculine - a reason colleges are exploding with anti masculine programs, "safe spaces" etc. That's actually a painful condition to be in and they need someone to step in and stop them from ruining themselves. Those poor millennials are the most brainwashed generation - programmed to hate whats good and to self destruct while feeling its the "noble" thing to do. There will be trouble ahead but it ends in a better place. Regan did the same thing - took the beeotches on and won the kids back (49 states) and everyone made out beter in long run

That's deep. I just get up every morning, and smile and laugh as much as possible, and try to get others to do the same. Men and women both like to laugh and smile, regardless of their political affiliation or disposition. Like Jimmy Valvano said: "If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."

I minimize the crying and try to accentuate the positives in the day, but every now and then, a good cry is healthy.
That's deep. I just get up every morning, and smile and laugh as much as possible, and try to get others to do the same. Men and women both like to laugh and smile, regardless of their political affiliation or disposition. Like Jimmy Valvano said: "If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."

I minimize the crying and try to accentuate the positives in the day, but every now and then, a good cry is healthy.

You've never read abc's work before? When he sticks to psychology, he's ok, but when he injects his broad brush theories into politics, it becomes psychobabble. And his theories on homosexuality are even more entertaining.
You've never read abc's work before? When he sticks to psychology, he's ok, but when he injects his broad brush theories into politics, it becomes psychobabble. And his theories on homosexuality are even more entertaining.
abc=ashokan? I don't know if "deep" was the right word, but I tuned out after the second sentence. I try not to think so hard about politics and just roll with whoever is in office and keep working.
And benefits for Rumson Country Day school.
His kids went to BC and Duke, like many rich kids in NJ do.
For years he wore a Toledo Mud Hens hat. Doubt he's a fan of the Toledo Mud Hens.

Working man shtick. His stylist thought it a good idea.
abc=ashokan? I don't know if "deep" was the right word, but I tuned out after the second sentence. I try not to think so hard about politics and just roll with whoever is in office and keep working.

yep, was abcdelight, then RU807455423891 (or something like that), then Saran, and now ashokan - I think I have that right.