OT: Student Life Cultural difference of PSU and RU


All Conference
Gold Member
Jul 12, 2001
So everyone probably knows that all parties at Rutgers Fraternities have been banned throughout the remainder of the year. Everyone probably also knows that KDR was the fraternity at PSU that was put on double secret probation for posting photos of nude and partially nude passed out co-eds as well as photo's of weed, coke and other drugs being divided for likely distribution.

The Rutgers fraternities are taking the ban very seriously and know that an infraction would lead to signficant discipline including the possibility of a charter being revoked. My son went to visit his best friend (a newly minted KDR brother) at PSU this past weekend and was amazed to see the party scene in general being completely over the top but specifically, the KDR's partying and shotgunning beers on their front lawn while heckling people stopping by to get a glimpse of their now infamous house.

I'm not even making a statement here, just sharing information. I think the restrictions at RU are a bit over the top and always have been even dating back the keg ban in the 80's when I was there, but clearly the lack of control at PSU is a bit alarming as well. I'm sure there is a happy medium here, but it is interesting that school that has been in the spotlight for lack of control in it's football program and it's fraternity community is the one that continues to be more lax in it's oversight - at least of the latter.

Also, it should be noted that this past weekend was the Rutgers Dance Marathon and the Greek community raised about $700,000 for Embrace Kids Foundation. While this pales in comparison to what PSU raises through Thon, it's an impressive sum nonetheless.
Originally posted by LKAP13:
So everyone probably knows that all parties at Rutgers Fraternities have been banned throughout the remainder of the year. Everyone probably also knows that KDR was the fraternity at PSU that was put on double secret probation for posting photos of nude and partially nude passed out co-eds as well as photo's of weed, coke and other drugs being divided for likely distribution.

The Rutgers fraternities are taking the ban very seriously and know that an infraction would lead to signficant discipline including the possibility of a charter being revoked. My son went to visit his best friend (a newly minted KDR brother) at PSU this past weekend and was amazed to see the party scene in general being completely over the top but specifically, the KDR's partying and shotgunning beers on their front lawn while heckling people stopping by to get a glimpse of their now infamous house.

I'm not even making a statement here, just sharing information. I think the restrictions at RU are a bit over the top and always have been even dating back the keg ban in the 80's when I was there, but clearly the lack of control at PSU is a bit alarming as well. I'm sure there is a happy medium here, but it is interesting that school that has been in the spotlight for lack of control in it's football program and it's fraternity community is the one that continues to be more lax in it's oversight - at least of the latter.

Also, it should be noted that this past weekend was the Rutgers Dance Marathon and the Greek community raised about $700,000 for Embrace Kids Foundation. While this pales in comparison to what PSU raises through Thon, it's an impressive sum nonetheless.
Does the name Caitlyn Kovacs ring a bell? Should Rutgers really be throwing stones? What the boys at KDR did is absolutely horrible, Those involved should be dealt with after a complete investigation. However the fraternity house is still private property and not university owned. What more can the university do. They can't kick them out of housing they don't own. If these guys figures that is just a matter time before it disbanded they might just say screw it and enjoy the rest of time they have. Rutgers fraternities and sororities have much to lose so are more likely to toe the line.
This post was edited on 4/14 3:41 PM by PSU_Nut
A. No one is throwing stones, just contrasting the two punishments.
B. I really don't think KDR has any fear whatsoever of their charter being revoked at PSU
C. Would KDR's charter be revoked at RU?

Obvioulsy the death you mentioned is a horrible tragedy and unfortuntately happens far too often on college campuses all over the country. In fact it happened at Indiana earlier this year but the school chose to step up education around binge drinking and alchohol abuse rather than shut down the ability for frats to have parties. Not sure which approach is better but the fact is that Rutgers always seems to take the most conservative stance on any issue of risk.

Why do so many PSU fans frequent this board? I find it kind of creepy.
Other interesting comments of note from my son were that their are way more hot girls at PSU than at RU and that once you get outside the PSU campus, Pennsylvania is a pretty weird place.

On the latter, I explained that if you are not on a college campus, in a metropolitan area of PA (of which there are two IMO )or in Bucks County you may as well be in Mississippi.
Originally posted by LKAP13:

A. No one is throwing stones, just contrasting the two punishments.
B. I really don't think KDR has any fear whatsoever of their charter being revoked at PSU
C. Would KDR's charter be revoked at RU?

Obvioulsy the death you mentioned is a horrible tragedy and unfortuntately happens far too often on college campuses all over the country. In fact it happened at Indiana earlier this year but the school chose to step up education around binge drinking and alchohol abuse rather than shut down the ability for frats to have parties. Not sure which approach is better but the fact is that Rutgers always seems to take the most conservative stance on any issue of risk.

Why do so many PSU fans frequent this board? I find it kind of creepy.

Why do you say that? Several fraternities have been banned from campus and most recently April 2nd one was shut down. They already have a year long suspension and the investigation is not over. Because this is a on going criminal investigation the information has not been passed over to Penn State officials.
Originally posted by PSUPALY:
Why do so many PSU fans frequent this board? I find it kind of creepy.
because you guys talk about PSU a lot...which we find kind of creepy.
If less creepy things happened at your school you guys wouldn't need to send out the apologetics minions to other message boards.
A person from PSU calling anyone or anything creepy is hilarious.
Originally posted by PatrickRU92:

Originally posted by LKAP13:

Why do so many PSU fans frequent this board? I find it kind of creepy.
haha...I'm not gonna lie....your repetitive Children of the Damned/PSU references are kinda funny.
Originally posted by jiggscasey:

Originally posted by PSUPALY:

Why do so many PSU fans frequent this board? I find it kind of creepy.
because you guys talk about PSU a lot...which we find kind of creepy.
If less creepy things happened at your school you guys wouldn't need to send out the apologetics minions to other message boards.
what creepy things are you referring to? just kidding

guess what happens when you stop posting PSU threads? don't see PSU posters.

and by the way.....i realize nobody can trump our boy, Jerry....but ehhh, you guys had a few things occur at your school, no?

but's not child rape, so it makes it ok:)

honestly, i'm just messing with you guys. I can take a joke if you can (some can't). we got 5 months to talk some trash. good times!
I hate fraternities at any school, the Greek system does great things (RUDM) but their stereotypes play out true more than not and its disgusting
Originally posted by PSUPALY:
Originally posted by jiggscasey:

Originally posted by PSUPALY:

Why do so many PSU fans frequent this board? I find it kind of creepy.
because you guys talk about PSU a lot...which we find kind of creepy.
If less creepy things happened at your school you guys wouldn't need to send out the apologetics minions to other message boards.
what creepy things are you referring to? just kidding

guess what happens when you stop posting PSU threads? don't see PSU posters.

and by the way.....i realize nobody can trump our boy, Jerry....but ehhh, you guys had a few things occur at your school, no?

but's not child rape, so it makes it ok:)

honestly, i'm just messing with you guys. I can take a joke if you can (some can't). we got 5 months to talk some trash. good times!
You should have posted the naked frer throw gif. I never start these threads but I just like to joke. I think lots of posters would be fine taking a good ribbing on your board too.
Originally posted by LKAP13:

Other interesting comments of note from my son were that their are way more hot girls at PSU than at RU and that once you get outside the PSU campus, Pennsylvania is a pretty weird place.

weird?...Pennsylvania's 2/3rds rural if that's what you mean by weird. what's wrong with a little country side?

On the latter, I explained that if you are not on a college campus, in a metropolitan area of PA (of which there are two IMO )or in Bucks County you may as well be in Mississippi.

Mississippi? you hear a lot of southern accents in Philly or anywhere in Bucks Country? bout Pittsburgh? and if you're referring to some other ignorant Mississippi stereo-type....our black president won Pennsylvania twice. so yeah, you lost me on that reference.

i think you don't like people in the next neighborhood, let alone the next state. geez

This post was edited on 4/14 4:55 PM by PSUPALY
You should have posted the naked frer throw gif. I never start these threads but I just like to joke. I think lots of posters would be fine taking a good ribbing on your board too.
dude...I know...our board bans everybody. I don't get it, and I think it's annoying. it's a free board for crying out loud.