OT: Memorial Day weekend


Jul 28, 2021
Hats off to all of the veterans that made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom
Hero's - every last one of them
Eternally grateful for their bravery which allows us to live in the greatest county on God's green planet!

What's everyone have on the agenda for this weekend?
Grilling, parties, beach, laying low?

We were going to hit Spring Lake yesterday in the morning but decided to sleep in as work has been crazy with travel - started the day out with a few hours of yard work to get the house summer ready (chiropractor here I come), then had a steady diet of NCAA (lacrosse, baseball and softball), followed by a sprinkle of the Mets and NBA & NHL playoffs

Today is church - niece has a recital that I was able to get out of, wife and daughter going there then we'll meet up at her brother's house for a bbq after the recital. Supposedly he's catering it from this Italian specialty store we really like, which is always a plus - hopefully he's good sport and has the tv on for at least a glimpse of the ACCG baseball game

Tomorrow, weather pending, is the annual Farmingdale Memorial Day parade. Usually get there around 11:30 with a mini cooler full of cold beverages, starts at 1
Went to the Freehold one last year, it was bigger and had more floats but we prefer Farmingdale due to being smaller, a bit closer, less crowded, like the town better and tradition

What are everyone's plans for MDW?
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Independence Day Usa GIF by CBS
Since I remember the military 365/yr, I don't get too extravagant about Memorial Day. In fact, on this Memorial Day, I'm making it 99% about having fun.

A 15 yr British MP (who retired a few months ago) has said that US/UK/FR have been technically responsible for shooting missiles at Russia since the Ukes couldn't pull it off themselves. He says NATO countries are already at war with Russia (ally of China and Iran) but it won't become a public fact until around early fall. Kooks around the world are itching to pop off. Have fun because next Memorial Day probably wont be too fun.
Just got into the water for the first time this year, on this the unofficial first weekend of summer.
First MDW in probably 15-20 years that I won’t be on LBI. Making up for it with a trip to Joshua Tree National Park. Only going to be in the high 80’s today, so a perfect day to get out and explore.