OT: UNC Scandal... New Charges Announced Today


All American
Aug 27, 2011
NOTE: Skip down to my 2:22 pm post below for the latest, per the headline. . . .

UNC AD Bubba Cunningham told the university's Faculty Athletics Committee yesterday that "There are zero allegations of academic fraud" (by the NCAA) in its Notice of Allegations, as reported by The Daily Tar Heel.

Well, of course there's not. This is typical of how dishonest the school leadership continues to be regarding its athletic-driven academic scandal.

You see, it was SACS (the accreditation agency) that brought forward the allegations of ACADEMIC FRAUD at UNC, using supporting documentation from the Wainstein Report and its own investigation.

The NCAA based its Notice of Allegations on IMPERMISSIBLE BENEFITS, not academic fraud. The NOA, by the way, outlines five (5) Level 1 infractions against UNC, in what has been accurately categorized as the greatest scandal in NCAA history.

The Martin Report, which UNC produced prior to the Wainstein Report, concluded that the fraud was exclusively and distinctly ACADEMIC in nature, and not athletic.

Of course, Bubba is well aware of this. Still, he and his cohorts continue to deflect the reality of their misdeeds, and they continue to release more and more nonsense. No integrity. This "leadership" is un-be-liev-able. But they are consistent.

Can hardly wait to see UNC's severely redacted response to the NCAA's NOA. Thankfully, the NCAA, itself, will release a summary of it, beyond what UNC chooses to share. From there, it's up to the NCAA's COI to hand down the sentence. Oliver Luck, as you may know, heads this area of the NCAA. Word is that Mr. Luck is still smarting from how the ACC (Swofford) handled WVU when that school was jockeying for entry into the ACC. That's an interesting "back story" to this whole mess. . . .

See below for The Daily Tar Heel article or read it online at:

NOA response focus of Faculty Athletics Committee

by Bradley Saacks

Bubba Cunningham had to think about every single word of his presentation to the Faculty Athletics Committee Thursday.

Taking extra pauses to ensure he didn't reveal confidential information, Cunningham, the director of athletics, answered questions on the impending response to the NCAA's notice of allegations, which cited UNC for five potential level one violations, including a lack of institutional control.

The NCAA sent its notice to UNC in late May, and the deadline for the University to respond is Tuesday — the first day of undergraduate classes for the semester. The NCAA limits the information that can be made public during an investigation, so Cunningham's hands were tied when faculty members inquired about what the response contains as well as the process of releasing the response. He did however make one fact very clear.

"There are zero allegations of academic fraud (from the NCAA)," he said.

The notice, he said, mentions "improper benefits" given to student-athletes, but never categorizes it as academic fraud. UNC's response allows for the University to make their case for each of the claims, some of which Cunningham said were not defensible.

Two of the five violations relate to the actions of Julius Nyang'oro, the former chairman of the Department of African and Afro-American Studies, and his secretary, Deborah Crowder, who ran a paper class scheme in the department for nearly two decades. "We can't really argue that," Cunningham said. "There's factual evidence there."

Cunningham even admitted that UNC partially agreed with the NCAA on two other allegations about improper benefits and illegal tutoring, but notably left out the biggest violation of them all: the lack of institutional control.

This charge from the NCAA alleges the University did not monitor the activities of former faculty chairwoman Jan Boxill, Nyang'oro and Crowder. Cunningham did not mention what the University's response will say to this specific allegation, but the most important allegation will be the most contested by UNC.

"Specifically, individuals in the academic administration on campus, particularly in the College of Arts and Sciences, did not sufficiently monitor the AFRI/AFAM and ASPSA departments or provide appropriate supervision for these academic units and their staffs," the notice said.

Jim Gregory, UNC's director of media relations, said the response will be redacted before being released to the public. The goal, he said, is to make the response public within hours of UNC turning it into the NCAA, but it is also possible it will be released in the days following the deadline.

He said the response will be "50-something pages."

After the University submits its response, the NCAA enforcement staff will publish a summary of the University's response in preparation for UNC's hearing with the NCAA's committee on infractions. The hearing, Cunningham said, will most likely take place at the end of the calendar year with penalties from the committee coming six to eight weeks later.

UNC can appeal any penalties, Cunningham said, but he did not describe the appeals process.
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I just find it hard to believe that this is dragging out so long: it's like both sides keep thinking that maybe people will forget about it if it takes too long.
I just find it hard to believe that this is dragging out so long: it's like both sides keep thinking that maybe people will forget about it if it takes too long.
In this day and age of the 24 hour news cycle, that's actually an effective tactic to some degree, sadly enough.
I want a job at the NCAA. It is so incredibly clear that they get paid for doing absolutely nothing. What do they do with their days? Sit around sip Starbucks and eat scones? Everything moves at a snails pace.
Details are sketchy. but Inside Carolina is reporting that UNC is preparing to "self-report" new violations that will require an additional NCAA inquiry. This apparently deals with an "Olympic sport" other than BB and FB

More to follow. . . .

Per UNC, the new violations deal with WBB and Men's soccer. See:

Skeptics (Duke and NCSU board posters) are looking at this as a deliberate UNC stall tactic, so FB and MBB can get in another season without interference from the NCAA.
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Nothing matters until the NCAA hands down sanctions. After Miami skated and Penn St had their sanctions almost completely overturned, its apparent the NCAA doesn't have the fortitude for long, drawn out litigation with well funded D1 programs. They will continue with harsher penalties against less well funded , smaller programs and colleges.

I see UNC maybe losing a couple of schollies for 1 season, and for them to promise not to let it happen again.
Isn't there a feeling they're sacrificing WBB in order to keep MBB and Football from taking the hardest hit? I guess they're throwing Men's Soccer (as opposed to the multi national championship Women's Soccer) to the wolves too.
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Isn't there a feeling they're sacrificing WBB in order to keep MBB and Football from taking the hardest hit? I guess they're throwing Men's Soccer (as opposed to the multi national championship Women's Soccer) to the wolves too.

In short, UNC seems to be positioning WBB to be the public focus, but the NCAA clearly indicates MBB and FB are involved per the NOA, as are women's soccer and men's baseball, as best I can recall.

The "new" self-reported violations from today are for WBB involving tutors and coursework and for men's soccer involving recruiting violations.

The take-away: this may give UNC three more months or so before they have to respond to the NCAA NOA, a response that had been due next Tuesday. But we haven;t heard from the NCAA. Yet.

Bubba's presser from today can be heard here (note all the UNC journalists they had lined up for the call in questions):
See below from a CBS reporter, which cuts to the heart of things. So the strategy may just be to give the Heels another run at an NCAA BB Championship and give Roy one good year, before he retires? Oh, and there's some $ to be made also.

Gary Parrish ‏@GaryParrishCBS · 1h1 hour ago
UNC reports new violations to NCAA that ensure Tar Heels won’t be punished before 2016 NCAA Tournament. Story:
I just find it hard to believe that this is dragging out so long: it's like both sides keep thinking that maybe people will forget about it if it takes too long.
Ignoring scandals and hoping they'll be forgotten is the main strategy of our most powerful leaders in Washington. It seems to work for them.
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