There was an Ocean Grove fire with winds, but likely not nearly as intense as Santa Anna winds experienced in the LA area. I highly recommend that documentary Bring Your Own Brigade. As a Londoner, the film maker was shocked but not surprised at the resistance and failure to adopt common sense measures to protect their homes from destruction. She attributed it to an American mentality, which is not necessarily incorrect. I think she referenced something about living "free".
Maybe that town in/near Paradise, CA can adopt the New Hampshire license plate saying and modify it to "Live Free and Die." As a person who is fairly keen about personal freedoms, sometimes common sense has to intervene and yielding your freedom to plant vegetation 5 feet away from your home is a very small infringement on my property rights if it preserves my home.
But you also nailed it. Almost any kind of remediation measure to protect from mother nature is not aesthetically pleasing. Houses built on pilings raised 10-15 feet from the ground are not particularly attractive to prevent flood damage--but the mitigation measure does work. Sometimes it's worth giving up 5 to 15 feet of your freedom to preserve the homestead.